Inward Bound - The T'ai Chi Corner

Inward Bound - The T'ai Chi Corner
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Re: Inward Bound - The T'ai Chi Corner

Post by thelivyjr »

thelivyjr wrote: Thu Aug 27, 2020 1:40 p Truth be told, standing meditation can be boring and painful.

You assume a posture which is like you are about to sit in chair that does not exist.

Your spine is erect and you are breathing deep into the belly.

Your thighs start to burn, you begin sweating, and your back may ache a bit.

Your mind rebels and you have to fight to slow your breath down and remain in the posture. ... editation/
If standing meditation is "painful," then it simply is not being done correctly ...

If it is "boring," then you don't have your mind in control ...

The practice is supposed to be relaxed, not forced ...

It is not a contest, but that is what people turn it into, how low can I force myself to go and how long can I stay there ...

So yes, your thighs start to burn, you begin sweating, and your back may ache a bit and your mind rebels and you have to fight to slow your breath down and remain in the posture, which is foolishness personified ...

Why are you forcing yourself into a low stance?

For what purpose?

For what benefit?
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Re: Inward Bound - The T'ai Chi Corner

Post by thelivyjr »

The mechanics of exhalation and the preferred way to exhale in yoga

by olgakabel

in yoga for your body · yoga for your energy

26 Aug, 2020

The normal unconscious exhalation is a passive process, as one simply relaxes the muscles that were engaged on the inhale.

However, in our yoga practice we purposefully augment the natural process of exhalation with intentional muscular engagement for the purpose of lengthening the breath and creating better structural stabilization in yoga poses.

First let’s take a look at what happens physiologically when you breathe out:

The lungs recoil (the elastic lung tissue returns to its normal size after being stretched on inhalation),

The thoracic cage gets pulled inward by the elastic recoil of the lungs,

The diaphragm gets pulled upwards by the elastic recoil of the lungs,

The belly pulls in as the abdominal contents get rearranged with upward movement of the diaphragm.

This is what happens with passive exhalation.

When you are at rest, you breathe in and breathe out about 0.5 liters of air with every breath cycle, and your diaphragm moves down and up about 1-2 cm (0.4 – 0.8 inches).

When you control your breath intentionally, your breathing volume can increase to 6 liters with every breath cycle and your diaphragm can move down and up about 10 cm (~ 4 inches).

Increasing your breathing volume helps increase your vital lung capacity and improve the tonicity of your diaphragm.

You can intentionally deepen your inhalation by flaring out your bottom ribs and expanding your belly.

You can intentionally lengthen your exhalation and make it more controlled by engaging the muscles of your core.

There are three main mechanisms to do it.

Thoracic exhalation moves your ribs down and shrinks your thoracic cavity by using your internal intercoastal and transversus thoracis muscles.

This type of breathing is sometimes used during voice training, but it can lead to an exaggerated curve of the thoracic spine.

We usually do not use this type of exhalation in yoga.

“Corset” exhalation (or “hugging the waist in”) is accomplished by engaging the transverse abdominis muscle.

It creates a corset-like contraction around the torso, which helps with lumbar spine stabilization, so we use it often in yoga poses that require extra lower back support.

“Zip-up” exhalation (or “progressive abdominal contraction”) involves contracting the muscles of the abdomen successively from the pubic bone toward the navel.

This type of contraction compresses the abdomen and forces the diaphragm up.

It strengthens and stabilizes the lower part of the trunk and provides support for the lumbar spine.

In addition, you can include intentional engagement of the pelvic floor muscles with either the “corset” or “zip up” exhalation, if you want to facilitate coordination between the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles, strengthen your pelvic floor or facilitate spinal stabilization.

The “corset” exhalation (or hugging the waist in) usually works well in poses that require abdominal support without changing the position of the pelvis.

We usually use it for the purpose of creating stability in the lumbar spine.

The “zip up” exhalation works well with the pelvic tilt, which is usually done to develop and maintain mobility in the lumbar spine.

In the viniyoga tradition, the default pattern for exhalation is progressive abdominal contraction from the pubic bone toward the navel.

We use this pattern of exhalation because it:

Helps to lengthen the exhale,

Stabilizes the relationship between the pelvis and the spine,

Helps improve tonicity of the diaphragm,

Creates more structural stability in the core,

Follows the intuitive flow of exhalation up and out,

Facilitates the upward movement of Apana,

Works well with the preferred method of inhalation (chest to belly).

We usually use this type of exhalation for the duration of the entire yoga practice, unless there are specific instructions to do something different (for example, to exhale passively or to engage “the corset”).

There is no need to actively engage your abdomen on exhalation when you are just going about your daily life, but it is still useful to keep your exhalation long.

How can we control the length of our exhalation without abdominal engagement?

We do it by restricting the flow of air through the throat by narrowing it.

You probably know this type of breathing as Ujjayi breath.

An important point to remember is that Ujjayi breath doesn’t have to be loud.

The main point of this technique is to create a valve in your throat that restricts the flow of air, so that it doesn’t escape too quickly.

You can make your Ujjaiy breath very quiet and very soft while still controlling the air flow. ... e-in-yoga/
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Re: Inward Bound - The T'ai Chi Corner

Post by thelivyjr »


The theory of Yin and Yang cannot be separated from classical Chinese philosophical thought.

It is assumed that qi is the original matter of the universe.

Qi comprises two polar opposite basic components of matter:

Yin and Yang

Yang-Qi is light, rises up and constitutes the sky.

Yin-Qi is heavy, sinks and constitutes the earth.

There are interrelationships between these two basic components of qi: those of opposition, dependence, growth and reduction (when one of these components increases, the other decreases) and also of mutual transformation (one turns over into the other and vice versa).

The opposition of Yin and Yang

There is nothing in the world that does not have its opposite:

Above and below, inside and outside, light and dark, cold and heat, progress and regression.

Everything that is bright, active and warm belongs to Yang; everything that is dark, passive and cold belongs to Yin.

Everything that is above, outside, in development, that is fast and light belongs to the Yang; everything that is below, inside, in decline, quiet, slow, heavy and hazy belongs to the Yin.

The interdependent relationship between Yin and Yang

Opposites are not similar, but they are interdependent:

Without above no below, without progress no regression, without strength no weakness, without heat no coolness.

There is always a Yin and a Yang, which belong indissolubly to each other.

If there is no Yin, there is no corresponding Yang.

When Yin and Yang lose this relationship of coexistence, life, the product of their interplay, also dies.

Growth and reduction of Yin and Yang

The phenomena of life are not in a static state of rest, but normally growth and decline go hand in hand:

Where something is increasing, its complement decreases; where something is in decline, its complement increases.

Where Yang increases, Yin decreases:

This is the principle of the interdependence of growth and reduction.

Normally, Yin and Yang are in a state of fluid equilibrium.

Transformation of Yin into Yang and vice versa

Nothing in the world is absolutely valid and eternally imperishable.

Everything is in constant movement, development and change.

Where something has reached the peak of its development, it turns into its opposite:

Yin at its peak turns and becomes Yang; Yang at its peak turns and becomes Yin.
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Re: Inward Bound - The T'ai Chi Corner

Post by thelivyjr »

The palm of the hand is a microcosm of the solar plexus
Each finger a meridian
The solar plexus is the centre of power
When fingers curl the palm centre opens
Filling with the energy of the solar plexus
The personal sun
As finger close into a fist the power is contained as a weapon
To be released in action
Yet the hand must again return to openness
As with the mind
Only to close in the generation of power
The building of essence
The mind must be open like the hand
Only to close in the regenerative solitude
Only to close to voice of internal weakness
Open your hand
Open your heart
Open your mind
Live in your power

~Magister Daire
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Re: Inward Bound - The T'ai Chi Corner

Post by thelivyjr »


One snowflake at a time, silence descends, outlining the drifting air currents.

One point at a time, each one apparently weightless, the entire world gradually settles.

Peace, when it comes, comes slowly.

Stillness, when it comes, dictates its own pace.

What image do we borrow for the immaculate?

White silk?

Clear water?

Snow is water chilled to its own radiating universe in each tiny snowflake.

The flurries are more universes than we can count, flying through space.

The destinies they create are a pattern of a thousand unwound skeins of silk that we cannot completely map.

We only know that we have been craving this peace.

We have been yearning to know what cleanliness is.

We are hoping to see how this world creates itself and moves without inhibition to create.

Sit at the window.

Watch the snow come down.

As it fills your world, let all be untainted in you.

Yes, we are hot breath, red blood, and dancing sinew.

But for a moment, let the snow pull you into its rhythm.

Be pure as snow.
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Re: Inward Bound - The T'ai Chi Corner

Post by thelivyjr »

'Twas the night before Christmas and alone in the house, Taiji was practiced by one little mouse.

His spirit was still and his breathing was deep while all about the others did sleep.

His form was practiced with reverent care and the Qi was flowing to each tiny hair.

As he flowed through the forms with grace and with ease the holiday stress was replaced with inner peace.

The monkey mind settled as meditation began, and his awareness expanded to his fellow man.

The last movement finished, he settled in place with peace and contentment all over his face.

He smiled to himself as his mind was now clear and wished for the world this coming year A time of fulfillment and peace sea to sea and that all the world could enjoy Taiji.
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Re: Inward Bound - The T'ai Chi Corner

Post by thelivyjr »

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Re: Inward Bound - The T'ai Chi Corner

Post by thelivyjr »

THE ALCHEMY OF QI - Plain & Simple

The spine is the informational energy highway of the body.

The spinal cord is enclosed in the spine and it forms the central nervous system connecting nearly all the parts of the body to the brain.

The spine is made up of 24 vertebrae categorized in three segments: Cervical (C1 - 7), Thoracic (T1 - 12), Lumbar (L1 - 5).

When viewed from the side, these segments form three natural curves.

Qigong targets 3 specific Gates on the spine: L2/L3 (Lower) - T2/T3 (Middle) - C1 (Upper).

Through the proper study and practice of moving Qigong these gates are manipulated to reduce Qi stagnation caused by physical blockages.

This is an important ingredient to actualizing Yang Chengfu's first essential: Empty Neck - Raise Spirit.

Lead a light and lively intangible energy to the top of the head.

The spine is linked energetically to the Governor vessel (Du Mai) in the back.

It runs from the perineum GV 1 (midpoint between the tip of the coccyx and the anus) to the philtrum GV 27 (base of the nose and the border of the upper lip).

Note: Part 2 - The Du Mai in the back continues into the Ren Mai (Conception Vessel) in the front.

This is why during Qigong practice the tongue is placed on the hard palate behind the philtrum and the anus is gently closed (like closing an eyelid) to connect these two vessels energetically.
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Re: Inward Bound - The T'ai Chi Corner

Post by thelivyjr »

To move in a truly relaxed manner, i.e., no tension anywhere in the body, hands, feet, hips, spine, shoulders, forehead, face, jaw that is not necessary for the movement, it is first necessary to be able to stand still in a truly relaxed manner with no tension in the body beyond that which is necessary to maintain an upright relaxed posture.
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Re: Inward Bound - The T'ai Chi Corner

Post by thelivyjr »

Qigong for the Water Element: Nourishing Practices for Body, Mind and Spirit
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