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Post by thelivyjr »


Paul Plante says:

Four long years ago, back on July 9, 2017, when I started this thread, I stated thusly, to wit:

“Ah, yes, the Fourth of July, and lucky us this year, ain’t it people?”

“Gas the cheapest its been in years, and the same with hamburgers!”

“Isn’t this a wonderful country we live in, then?”

“But if so, why aren’t we happy?”

end quotes

That was four years ago, now, as I say, an age, actually, despite the shortness of the number of actual years, and where are we today, as the now-thoroughly discredited “WHITE MAN’S RACIST HOLIDAY” of the Fourth of July fast approaches?

Which raises a question in my mind today of why do we even bother having holidays anymore in this country?

What purpose do they serve, and here, I am thinking of America’s newest holiday, brought to us from the pen of Joe Biden, a holiday that goes by the ridiculous name of JUNETEENTH.

What on earth is JUNETEENTH?

Who came up with that ridiculous term for a national holiday?

And what is the purpose of having JUNETEENTH, a ridiculous name, as a national holiday, given that Joe Biden was on NPR just the other day going on about how the “stain” of slavery continues to exist here in the United States of America, as if slavery still exists, and people – it does!

The supposed “stain” of slavery exists today and will never go away because pandering hack politicians like Joe Biden will never let it go away, because if it were to do so, they would lose one of the only issues they have remaining to them to keep us divided as a people, which is exactly what this JUNETEENTH is going to do – further divide us.

And for some much-needed insight into that statement. let’s go to a CNBC article entitled “Biden signs Juneteenth bill, creating new federal holiday commemorating end of slavery in U.S.” by Kevin Breuninger on June 17 2021. where we have as follows to consider concerning this new national holiday, to wit:

President Joe Biden on Thursday signed a bill establishing Juneteenth, the date commemorating the end of slavery in the United States, as a federal holiday.

Biden, in what he called “one of the greatest honors” of his presidency, signed the bill two days before Juneteenth itself, which is on June 19 each year.

end quotes

So there we have it, people, Joe Biden created JUNETEENTH for no other purpose than to honor himself as the greatest president we have ever had, or ever will, or that matter, which takes us back to CNBC, as follows:

“We have come far, and we have far to go.”

“But today is a day of celebration,” said Vice President Kamala Harris, who spoke before the president at the signing event in the White House.

end quotes

OH ******* BULL****!

Just what we need – a RACIST “holiday” where white people now have to feel “white guilt” and flagellate themselves in atonement for the BLACK people in Africa having made slaves out of themselves for sale to among other places, the British-run colonies that comprised the original American “states” that came into being after the Revolution, and I’m not for having it, given that I lost a grandfather several times removed in the Civil War fighting down South to free the BLACK slaves from the DEMOCRATS who were holding them in bondage.

And that takes us to a USA TODAY article entitled “Kamala Harris agrees with Tim Scott that America not a ‘racist country’ but says must ‘speak truth’ on racism” by Matthew Brown on 29 APRIL 2021, where we had as follows:

WASHINGTON — Vice President Kamala Harris said America is not a “racist country” but the nation must “speak the truth” about its history with racism on ABC News’ “Good Morning America” on Thursday.

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So, people, if we are not a “racist” country, then why did Joe Biden just “gift” us with a decidedly racist holiday?

And if we’re not a “racist” country, then what is Kamala Harris on about with respect to JUNETEENTH when she said “We have come far, and we have far to go but today is a day of celebration,” speaking before old Joe at the signing event in the White House?

And what on earth are we celebrating?

Going back to that USA TODAY story for a moment, we have:

The vice president’s comments were in response to Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., who gave the Republican Party’s rebuttal to President Joe Biden’s speech to Congress on Wednesday.

The senator contended “America is not a racist country” and said progressives perpetuate discrimination akin to Jim Crow-era policies.

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And that is exactly what this JUNETEENTH holiday is all about – a furtherance of that PROGRESSIVE agenda intended to further divide us along color lines, since there is but one race of people in the US, that being the human race, which takes us back to USA TODAY, as follows:

“A hundred years ago, kids in classrooms were taught the color of their skin was their most important characteristic.”

“And if they looked a certain way, they were inferior.”

“Today, kids again are being taught that the color of their skin defines them, and if they look a certain way, they’re an oppressor,” Scott said in his speech.

“It’s backward to fight discrimination with different types of discrimination,” the senator continued.

end quotes

Amen, Senator Scott, and white kids today are being taught they are oppressors precisely because of an executive order signed by the RACIST Joe Biden on his first day in office.

And now we have a national “holiday” to reinforce that sick Biden-esque policy that demonizes white children in America’s schools while Joe panders for the BLACK vote, which takes us back to USA TODAY, as follows:

“Well, first of all, no, I don’t think America is a racist country, but we also do have to speak the truth about the history of racism in our country and its existence today,” Harris said while praising Biden’s comments on race and domestic terrorism in his first joint address to Congress on Wednesday.

She applauded Biden for “having the ability and the courage to speak the truth” about the country’s history with racism.

“He spoke what we know from the intelligence community: One of the greatest threats to our national security is domestic terrorism manifested by white supremacists,” Harris said, referencing reports from federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies identifying white supremacists as a persistent and rising terror threat.

“And so these are issues that we must confront, and it does not help to heal our country, to unify us as a people, to ignore the realities of that,” the vice president said.

“The idea is that we want to unify the country but not without speaking truth and requiring accountability where it is appropriate,” she urged.

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And so we now have a RACIST national holiday to divide us further, which takes us back to the CNBC article, to wit:

“Great nations don’t ignore their most painful moments,” Biden told the East Room crowd, which included dozens of politicians, activists and community leaders.

“They embrace them.”

“In short, this day doesn’t just celebrate the past.”

“It calls for action today,” Biden said.

end quotes

What BULL****!

I’m not suffering WHITE GUILT because the RACIST Joe Biden created a national holiday to demonize white people in America, and with respect to the FOURTH OF JULY, which used to be INDEPENDENCE DAY, but is no more, let us go back to the CNBC article to see why that is so, to wit:

Juneteenth National Independence Day will become the 12th legal public holiday, including Inauguration Day, and the first new one created since Martin Luther King Jr. Day was signed into law in 1983 by then-President Ronald Reagan.

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Which means the FOURTH OF JULY can no longer be be celebrated as INDEPENDENCE DAY because JUNETEENTH has pre-empted that title, and how many national independence days can one nation have?

Going back to CNBC, we have:

Juneteenth celebrates the emancipation of the last enslaved African Americans.

On that day in 1865, Union soldiers led by Gen. Gordon Granger arrived in the coastal city of Galveston, Texas, to deliver General Order No. 3, officially ending slavery in the state.

The final act of liberation came months after the Confederate army’s surrender ended the Civil War, and more than two years after President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation.

Lincoln was assassinated on April 15, 1865, two months before his proclamation made it to Texas.

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So, back to the question, then – what is the FOURTH OF JULY going to be this year?

A national day of shame for white people?

Seems a strange way to “unify” the country to me, anyway!

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Post by thelivyjr »


Paul Plante says:

And taking a further look into JUNETEENTH, the new holiday that replaces the Fourth of July as “Independence Day,” since that only applied to 13 British colonies with slave-owning racist, white nationalist/white supremacists in them practicing systemic racism against the BLACK folks, let’s go right to the source, which is a white house Press Release titled “Remarks by President Biden at Signing of the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act” on June 17, 2021, where we have the following on this new holiday, to wit:

East Room

3:51 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Well, thank you, Madam Vice President.

One hundred and fifty-six years ago — one hundred and fifty-six years — June 19th, 1865 — John, thanks for being here — a major general of the Union Army arrived in Galveston, Texas, to enforce the Emancipation Proclamation and free the last enslaved Americans in Texas from bondage.

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Those were white people freeing the last of the BLACK folks the Democrats were holding in bondage as their slaves, and how we get JUNETEENTH as JUNETEENTH NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE DAY eludes me, given that “independence” is defined as “the fact or state of being independent,” as in “Argentina gained independence from Spain in 1816.”

So what are we as a nation celebrating then?

That thanks to the white people in America who stood up to and defeated the slave-owning, racist, white supremacist DEMOCRATS, we no longer have BLACK people as their slaves in America?

But how does that translate to a NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE DAY?

For that answer, let’s go back to Joe’s press release to see what more we can learn of his intentions for this new holiday, to wit:

A day, as you all know — I’m going to repeat some of what was said — that became known as Juneteenth.

You all know that.

end quotes

And actually, Joe, no, we don’t all know that.

Why, of all the descriptive terminology the English language makes available to its users, was an ignorant, gibberish term chosen to denote that day?

And while we wait for that answer, which will never be forthcoming, let’s go back to the press release to see what the hell it is we are supposed to be “celebrating” on JUNETEENTH, to wit:

A day that reflects what the Psalm tell us: “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”

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Is JUNETEENTH now a new religious holiday like Easter and Christmas?

Are we now all supposed to be psalm singers on JUNETEENTH with Joe Biden as our Psalmist-In-Chief leading us in our prayers as we white folks beg forgiveness for being white?

Getting back to Joe’s press release, it continues thusly:

Juneteenth marks both the long, hard night of slavery and subjugation, and a promise of a brighter morning to come.

end quotes

Doesn’t that also apply to the Israelites who were in bondage to some powerful dude back then?

And what about all the slaves of the Romans and Moors?

Shouldn’t we really be celebrating them, as well, along with all the slaves held by the BLACK folks in Africa?

Getting back to the Biden press release, it continues as follows:

This is a day of profound — in my view — profound weight and profound power.

A day in which we remember the moral stain, the terrible toll that slavery took on the country and continues to take — what I’ve long called “America’s original sin.”

end quotes

Good ******* *****, Joe!

Get real, dude, and read my lips – thanks to the white folks in America who stood up to and defeated the slave-owning DEMOCRATS, we don’t have slavery in America, and if there is a stain, it is on the DEMOCRAT party, not the American people, so stop laying a guilt trip on all of us because the DEMOCRATS were slave owners.

And what kind of a sick people in a very sick nation stay focused on something that has not existed now for one hundred and fifty-six years, or some eight generations, according to Joe’s figures?

What is this obsession with wearing hair shirts and living in the past in the name of a national holiday?

Why don’t we celebrate the end of the Civil War, then, as a national holiday?

Because it would remind us today of the fact that the DEMOCRATS were the slave owners?

Getting back to Joe’s press release, it goes on as follows concerning what it is we are supposed to be doing on JUNETEENTH, to wit:

At the same time, I also remember the extraordinary capacity to heal, and to hope, and to emerge from the most painful moments and a bitter, bitter version of ourselves, but to make a better version of ourselves.

end quotes

Stop projecting, Joe!

Stop demonizing us, because there is no white person alive today who was a DEMOCRAT slave owner, and because the DEMOCRATS owned slaves does not make the rest of us who are not DEMOCRATS into bad people simply because we are white.

Getting back to the Biden press release, we have:

You know, today, we consecrate Juneteenth for what it ought to be, what it must be: a national holiday.

end quotes


We are now “consecrating” JUNETEENTH?

Where “consecrate” means “make or declare something sacred; dedicate formally to a religious or divine purpose,” what the **** has just happened here?

We in fact now have a new religious holiday called “JUNETEENTH” is the only possible answer, given Joe’s choice of the word “consecrate” to describe why he made JUNETEENTH a national holiday!

Getting back to the Biden press release:

As the Vice President noted, a holiday that will join the others of our national celebrations: our independence, our laborers who built this nation, our servicemen and women who served and died in its defense.

And the first new national holiday since the creation of Martin Luther King Holiday nearly four decades ago.

I am grateful to the members of Congress here today — in particular, the Congressional Black Caucus, who did so much to make this day possible.

I’m especially pleased that we showed the nation that we can come together as Democrats and Republicans to commemorate this day with the overwhelming bipartisan support of the Congress.

I hope this is the beginning of a change in the way we deal with one another.

And we’re blessed — we’re blessed to mark the day in the presence of Ms. Opal Lee.

As my mother would say, “God love her.”


I had the honor of meeting her in Nevada more than a year ago.

She told me she loved me, and I believed it.


I wanted to believe it.


end quotes

As an aside, this is about Joe Biden, afterall, and what a great human being he really is, loved by all, because he is so lovable, which takes us back to the press release, to wit:

Ms. Opal, you’re incredible.

A daughter of Texas. Grandmother of the movement to make Juneteenth a federal holiday.

And Ms. Opal is — you won’t believe it — she’s 49 years old.


Or 94 years old, but I — (laughter).

You are an incredible woman, Ms. Opal.

You really are.

As a child growing up in Texas, she and her family would celebrate Juneteenth.

On Juneteenth, 1939, when she was 12 years old, the white — a white mob torched her family home.

But such hate never stopped her any more than it stopped the vast majority of you I’m looking at from this podium.

Over the course of decades, she’s made it her mission to see that this day came.

It was almost a singular mission.

She’s walked for miles and miles, literally and figuratively, to bring attention to Juneteenth, to make this day possible.

I ask, once again, we all stand and give her a warm welcome to the White House.


As they still say in the Senate and I said for 36 years, “if you excuse me there for a point of personal privilege,” as I was walking down, I regret that my grandchildren aren’t here because this is a really, really, really important moment in our history.

By making Juneteenth a federal holiday, all Americans can feel the power of this day, and learn from our history, and celebrate progress, and grapple with the distance we’ve come but the distance we have to travel, Jim.

You know, I said a few weeks ago, marking the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre, great nations don’t ignore their most painful moments.

Great nations don’t ignore their most painful moments.

They don’t ignore those moments of the past.

They embrace them.

Great nations don’t walk away.

We come to terms with the mistakes we made.

And in remembering those moments, we begin to heal and grow stronger.

The truth is, it’s not — simply not enough just to commemorate Juneteenth.

After all, the emancipation of enslaved Black Americans didn’t mark the end of America’s work to deliver on the promise of equality; it only marked the beginning.

To honor the true meaning of Juneteenth, we have to continue toward that promise because we’ve not gotten there yet.

The Vice President and I and our entire administration and all of you in this room are committed to doing just that.

That’s why we’ve launched an aggressive effort to combat racial discrimination in housing — finally address the cruel fact that a home owned, to this day, by a Black American family is usually appraised at a lower rate for a similar home owned by a white family in a similar area.

That’s why we committed to increasing Black homeownership, one of the biggest drivers of generational wealth.

That’s why we’re making it possible for more Black entrepreneurs to access — to access capital, because their ideas are as good; they lack the capital to get their fair — and get their fair share of federal contracts so they can begin to build wealth.

That’s why we’re working to give each and every child, three and four years of age, not daycare, but school — in a school.


That’s why — that’s why we’re unlocking the incredibly creative and innovation — innovation of the history — of our Historical Black Colleges and Universities, providing them with the resources to invest in research centers and laboratories to help HBCU graduates prepare and compete for good-paying jobs in the industries of the future.

Folks, the promise of equality is not going to be fulfilled until we become real — it becomes real in our schools and on our Main Streets and in our neighborhoods — our healthcare system and ensuring that equity is at the heart of our fight against the pandemic; in the water that comes out of our faucets and the air that we breathe in our communities; in our justice system — so that we can fulfill the promise of America for all people.

All of our people.

And it’s not going to be fulfilled so long as the sacred right to vote remains under attack.


We see this assault from restrictive laws, threats of intimidation, voter purges, and more — an assault that offends the very democracy — our very democracy.

We can’t rest until the promise of equality is fulfilled for every one of us in every corner of this nation.

That, to me, is the meaning of Juneteenth.

That’s what it’s about.

So let’s make this June- — this very Juneteenth, tomorrow — the first that our nation will celebrate all together, as one nation — a Juneteenth of action on many fronts.

One of those is vaccinations.

Tomorrow, the Vice President will be in Atlanta on a bus tour, helping to spread the word, like all of you have been doing, on lifesaving vaccines.

And across the country this weekend, including here in Washington, people will be canvassing and hosting events in their communities, going door-to-door, encouraging vaccinations.

We’ve built equity into the heart of the vaccination program from day one, but we still have more work to do to close the racial gap in vaccination rates.

The more we can do that, the more we can save lives.

Today also marks the sixth anniversary of the tragic deaths of — at Mother Emanuel Church in Charleston, South Carolina.

A killer motivated by hate, intending to start a race war in South Carolina.

He joined his victims in a Bible study class, then he took their lives in the house of worship.

It’s a reminder that our work to root out hate never ends — because hate only hides, it never fully goes away.

It hides.

And when you breathe oxygen under that rock, it comes out.

And that’s why we must understand that Juneteenth represents not only the commemoration of the end of slavery in America more than 150 years ago, but the ongoing work to have to bring true equity and racial justice into American society, which we can do.

In short, this day doesn’t just celebrate the past; it calls for action today.

I wish all Americans a happy Juneteenth.

I am shortly going to — in a moment, going to sign into law, making it a federal holiday.

And I have to say to you, I’ve only been President for several months, but I think this will go down, for me, as one of the greatest honors I will have had as President, not because I did it; you did it — Democrats and Republicans.

But it’s an enormous, enormous honor.

Thank you for what you’ve done.

And, by the way, typical of most of us in Congress and the Senate, I went down to the other end of the hall first and thanked your staffs because I know who does the hard work.

(Laughter and applause.)

They’re down there.

They’re at the other end, but I thanked them as well.

May God bless you all.

And may God protect our troops.

Thank you.


Now, I’d like to invite up, while I sign, Senator Tina Smith, Senator Ed Markey, Senator Raphael Warnock, Senator John Cornyn, Whip John [Jim] Clyburn, Representative Barbara Lee, Representative Danny Davis, Chair Joyce Beatty, and Sheila Jackson Lee, and Ms. Opal.

(The act is signed.)


4:06 P.M. EDT

end quotes

So what do we do on the FOURTH OF JULY, then?

Feel guilty?

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Post by thelivyjr »


Paul Plante says:

So, hey, yeah, wow, it’s almost the Fourth of July, and based on all of what has gone down in America since Joe Biden took the oval office, out of fear of being labeled a racist, white supremacist, white nationalist, Jim Crow-loving piece of pond scum, or a dreg of society who belongs in a basket of deplorables, I don’t think I really want to talk about it, not after Joe Biden’s very powerful Juneteenth message to the candid world and beyond, which message made it quite clear to me that if you are white, you are a bad person who does not deserve a day to celebrate anything.

To the contrary, what we need if we are white is a national day of atonement, the concept of a person taking action to correct previous wrongdoing on their part, even if none of us alive today ever actually owned a Black person as a slave, we are all still guilty, where we all wear hair shirts while walking around flagellating ourselves with Harley-Davidson primary chains as we “pursue the path of penance,” for the WHITE GUILT we all rightly bear, which takes us back to 28 April 2021 and the full transcript from President Joe Biden’s address to a joint session of Congress, where we have as follows about being bad people if we are white, to wit:

And, we won’t ignore what our own intelligence agencies have determined – the most lethal terrorist threat to the homeland today is from white supremacist terrorism.

end quotes

See that, people!

And he is the president of the United States of America, and he can’t say that kind of stuff if it is not absolutely true, nor can the intelligence agencies!

So I am seeing this as a test, this coming Fourth of July, as to whether or not we are white supremacist terrorists at heart.

If we are for the Fourth of July in any way, then of course we are white supremacist terrorists, because who else other than a white supremacist terrorist would want to celebrate a holiday devoted to white supremacy, white nationalism, racism and Jim Crow?

Which is why I don’t want to talk about the Fourth of July in here – it’s getting to be too damn dangerous, and to see what I mean, let us go to a Newsweek article by Ben Weingarten, a senior fellow at the London Center for Policy Research, entitled “Biden Domestic Terror Strategy Codifies Woke War on Wrongthink | Opinion” on 30 June 2021 where we have as follows:

The Biden administration’s first-of-its-kind National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism codifies a federal War on Wrongthink.

end quotes

In this case, Wrongthink would be celebrating the Fourth of July!

Getting back to the article, it continues as follows:

In sum, the document makes clear that the imposition of Wokeism constitutes a national security imperative.

That is, the strategy uses public safety to justify leftist domination of both public policy and the public discourse, enforcing the regime’s ideology at the point of a government gun.

It comes against the backdrop of the Woking of the defense, national security and intelligence apparatuses, the executive branch more broadly and society itself, whereby those who run afoul of progressivism are deemed bigoted and dangerous — and therefore liable to be purged.

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And my goodness, people, who in their right mind wants to be purged!

Getting back to the story:

To begin, the strategy fails to clearly define who exactly it is targeting — meaning the target could be ever-moving, and forever growing — but strongly implies that the threat consists of at least the nearly half of the electorate that voted for President Donald Trump in 2020.

It does so through invoking the Capitol Riot as typifying the domestic terror threat, warning of “narratives of fraud in the recent general election” that could spur forthcoming attacks and focusing on “racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists” and “anti-government or anti-authority extremists” — the kind of “extremism” the Left cynically conflates with mainstream conservatism.

This is demonstrated, for example, in the casting of President Trump, his supporters and their shared views as “white supremacist,” the claim that the Capitol Riot Trump purportedly incited was rooted in “white supremacism” (as Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently declared) and in arguments that electoral integrity laws are tantamount to “Jim Crow” (as President Joe Biden has asserted, and which is now buttressed by his Justice Department’s actions).

The logic is as simple as it is horrifying:

This is the logic of their current “counterterrorism” assault.

Opposing the regime is racism, racism is terrorism, terrorism is a national security threat.

The strategy also never substantiates its claims that the violent extremists to whom it refers pose such a pervasive threat to the homeland as to demand the whole-of-government, if not whole-of-society, plan laid out.

It expects us to rely on a politicized Biden administration-led intelligence assessment that downplays threats from the Left while providing little to justify its conclusions.

The strategy treats January 6 — in spite of the collapsing narrative that it represented a murderous, armed insurrection that threatened to topple the republic — as a domestic terror attack of paramount importance, while ignoring the death and destruction inflicted by the likes of Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) during last summer’s 1619 Riots.

The strategy purports, in the words of a senior administration official, to “create contexts in which those who are family members or friends or co-workers know that there are pathways and avenues to raise concerns and seek help for those who they have perceived to be radicalizing and potentially radicalizing towards violence.”

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And what better sign that a family member is “radicalizing” than them wanting to celebrate the Fourth of July?

That’s why I call this a test!

Getting back to the story once again, we have:

While nations must of course be vigilant about legitimate national security threats, surveilling those near and dear to us based on vague notions of “radicalization” never defined is the stuff of third-world banana republics.

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Third-world banana republics?

Hey, people, that is the United States of America he is talking about there!

Could we now be a third-world banana republic under Joe Biden?

And what am I thinking, of course we are, which takes us back to the story, to wit:

The strategy speaks of the U.S. government partnering with Big Tech and other ostensibly private actors in pursuit of the threats it purports to identify.

What could possibly go wrong?

The strategy also calls for authorities “to counter the influence and impact of dangerous conspiracy theories,” which it suggests “can provide a gateway to terrorist violence.”

The strategy notes that “the Department of Homeland Security and others are either currently funding and implementing or planning evidence-based digital programming, including enhancing media literacy and critical thinking skills, as a mechanism for strengthening user resilience to disinformation and misinformation online for domestic audiences.”

Where the strategy believes it derives this legal authority or social legitimacy is unclear.

What is clear is that such a policy is incompatible with basic freedom and republican self-governance.

It is the document’s close that reveals beyond a shadow of a doubt that the strategy is about forcibly imposing the regime’s ruling ideology.

In a section titled “Confront Long-Term Contributors to Domestic Terrorism,” the strategy calls for combating domestic terrorism through anti-racism.

“Tackling the threat posed by domestic terrorism over the long term,” the document reads, “demands…prioritizing efforts to ensure that every component of the government has a role to play in rooting out racism and advancing equity.”

Anti-racist “equity,” which as the Left uses it is antithetical to real “equality,” calls for overtly discriminating against individuals and removing justice’s blindfold.

The goal is to use policy to socially engineer the citizenry so that all outcomes are proportional to group identity.

Applied Critical Race Theory, in other words, is now set to be our domestic counterterrorism strategy.

Meanwhile, as a corollary to the Biden administration mantra that everything is infrastructure, infrastructure would seem to constitute counterterror strategy.

Citing financial relief measures contributing to “an equitable economic recovery that can counter the economic dislocation and even despair felt by many Americans,” the strategy notes that “economic recovery and sustainable development” policies will be geared toward “alleviating over time the sentiments that some domestic terrorists deliberately use to recruit and mobilize.”

We need to implement progressive policies, in other words, to fight the material “root causes” of domestic terror.

Last but not least, the Biden regime calls for — what else — protecting and preserving its power and privilege.

The strategy notes a broader priority: “enhancing faith in government and addressing the extreme polarization, fueled by a crisis of disinformation and misinformation often channeled through social media platforms.”

To do so, it calls for “accelerating work to contend with an information environment that challenges healthy democratic discourse” and, again, working to “counter the influence and impact of dangerous conspiracy theories” that it claims lead to terrorist violence.

Controlling the narrative is now domestic counterterrorism strategy — as is ensuring that “the institutions” remain dominant, no matter how illegitimate and unrepresentative their actions may well be.

The terrors this document could unleash may well prove far more profound and long-lasting than the ill-defined threats it purports to counter.

end quotes

See what I am saying, people?

It’s just too risky anymore to actually talk out loud about the Fourth of July!

So I won’t!


And enjoy!

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Post by thelivyjr »


Paul Plante says:

And HAPPY JOE BIDEN DAY, everyone, as we celebrate just how very lucky and blessed we are to have Joe Biden as our president as opposed to anybody else, which has me being very politically correct in here so that nobody can mistake me for a racist, white supremacist, white nationalist, Jim Crow-loving piece of pond scum, or a dreg of society who belongs in a basket of deplorables because of implicit bias in my DNA going back most likely millennia, if not longer, at least according to Hillary Clinton, who knows these kinds of things, because she is Hillary Clinton and we aren’t, which makes all the difference in the world.

As to what we are really celebrating today, let us first go to a CNBC article entitlled “Biden on June jobs report: ‘Our economy is on the move, and we have Covid-19 on the run’” by Christina Wilkie on July 2, 2021 where we have as follows:

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden responded to the June jobs numbers on Friday, saying the strong growth in employment reflects the success of his American Rescue Plan relief bill this spring and his administration’s nationwide vaccination campaigns.

“We’re proving to the naysayers and the doubters that they were wrong,” Biden said Friday morning at the White House.

“Today’s job news brought us something else to celebrate” over the Independence Day holiday, Biden said.

The president will spend Saturday in Michigan, celebrating the success of the vaccination campaign and pitching his bipartisan infrastructure bill.

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So thanks to the absolute greatness of Joe Biden, we really do have something to celebrate today, which is Joe Biden, the greatest American president there ever was, or will be, as we see by going back to the Full transcript from President Joe Biden’s address to a joint session of Congress on 28 April 2021, where we have just how very great as an American president Joe Biden really is, to wit:

But tonight, I can say because of you — the American people – our progress these past 100 days against one of the worst pandemics in history is one of the greatest logistical achievements our country has ever seen.

In the process, the economy created more than 1.3 million new jobs in 100 days.

More new jobs in the first 100 days than any president on record.

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See there what I am talking about, people, why it is that today, we are celebrating JOE BIDEN DAY, and since he is the president, and everybody knows American presidents never lie to us, we have to believe that that is true, that our own Joe Biden, as American an institution is is apple pie, has created more new jobs in the first 100 days he was in office than any president on record, and if that doesn’t make you feel good about yourself and all warm and squishy inside, you must be a CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN or something who hates America.

And if that is not enough, let us go to an article in THE HILL entitled “Biden hails jobs numbers, gets testy with questions” by Morgan Chalfant on 2 July 2021, to wit:

President Biden on Friday hailed a new report showing the U.S. added 850,000 jobs in June, describing it as “historic progress” that he attributed to his $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package signed into law in March.

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See that, people – “historic progress,” and if that isn’t a real good reason to celebrate JOE BIDEN DAY today, nothing is, which takes us back to that story, for more, to wit:

He also grew impatient while fielding several questions about the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, defending it as a “rational” plan in an exchange with reporters.

“I’m not going to answer any more questions on Afghanistan.”

“Look, it’s Fourth of July,” Bided said.

“I’m concerned that you guys are asking me questions that I’ll answer next week.”

“But this is a holiday weekend.”

“I’m going to celebrate it.”

“There’s great things happening.”

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See again, people – there’s GREAT things happening, and that is because Joe Biden is president, and if Joe Biden is going to celebrate himself as a result, we, the American people have a duty to Joe Biden to celebrate him, as well, because of those GREAT THINGS only Joe Biden was able to make happen, because he is Joe Biden and nobody else is, and Joe is just the greatest thing ever, which is why it is imperative for us commoners in this country to celebrate just how lucky we are to have Joe Biden in the white house, which again takes us back to that story, to wit:

Biden opened his remarks by talking up the jobs report.

“This is historic progress, pulling our economy out of the worst crisis in 100 years, driven in part by our dramatic progress in vaccinating our nation and beating back the pandemic, as well as other elements of the American Rescue Plan,” Biden said in remarks from the White House hours after the jobs report was released.

“Put simply, our economy is on the move and we have COVID-19 on the run,” he said.

He also used the venue as an opportunity to push for the passage of his long-term economic agenda, the bipartisan infrastructure deal he agreed to last week and his American Families Plan.

Biden said his proposals would both create good-paying middle-class jobs and help America become more competitive against other countries in the 21st century.

The White House says that the figures give the administration new momentum as Biden tries to pass the rest of his economic agenda, something that will be difficult given the slim Democratic majorities in the House and Senate.

“The president’s economic plan is working.”

“It is clear that it is working,” White House senior adviser Anita Dunn said in an interview with Politico on Friday morning.

“We feel that this gives us added momentum as we go into this next phase.”

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An c’mon everyone – how can you not celebrate that?

And if that is not enough, then how about the Washington Post article “As Biden prepares to host 1,000 for Independence Day, desire to declare victory collides with need for caution” by Annie Linskey and Dan Diamond on July 3, 2021, to wit:

In a televised address in March, President Biden offered a hopeful but tempered vision of where the country would be on the Fourth of July, saying there was a “a good chance” that “small groups will be able to get together” — and quickly adding, “That doesn’t mean large events with lots of people.”

But on Sunday, a sea of 1,000 largely maskless people will flow onto the South Lawn of the White House for an Independence Day party that marks the first large-scale event hosted by Biden as president, a barbecue that will serve as a marker of sorts for an America returning to normal.

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America is returning to normal, people, and we have the brilliance of Joe Biden to thank for that, because truthfully, I doubt very seriously if there is anyone else on the face of the planet who could have returned America to normal, which is why I am saying to everyone in America, HAPPY JOE BIDEN DAY, which is the right thing to do in these happy circumstances we now find ourselves in today, but if we go back to that article, we find that in America today, there will always be doubters and naysayers, to wit:

That backdrop for Sunday’s celebration suggests the tensions that Biden’s administration will face in coming months.

The White House wants to take credit for ramping up vaccinations and overseeing a huge reduction in infections and deaths.

But if handled poorly, that message could suggest the pandemic is over — a notion that is inaccurate, politically risky and potentially deadly.

Some Biden allies warned that the country, and the president, must take care to avoid declaring victory too soon.

“I do think that we’re jumping the gun,” said Ezekiel J. Emanuel, a professor of medical ethics and health policy at the University of Pennsylvania.

“I think being cautious on that is really important, and focusing on what more we have to do is really important.”

Emanuel, who was on Biden’s transition team, added, “We’re not at victory.”

“We can’t say ‘Mission Accomplished’ yet.”

“We want to just forget everything and go back to pre-2019, and I think it’s going to be a mistake, and there are people who are going to pay with their lives for it.”

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My goodness, but that dude sounds like a CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN who loves Trump and hates Joe Biden with that burst of negativity that serves to cast doubt on the absolute greatness of Joe Biden as president, and I’m not going to let that kind of talk spoil my celebration of Joe Biden today, which takes us back to the WaPo, as follows:

The anxiety, however, is not always reflected in the administration’s public tone.

“There’s a disconnect between the cautious message of the White House covid response team — that vaccinated people are safe but we need to still take precautions — and then a very public display of large crowds,” said Kavita Patel, a physician and nonresident fellow at the Brookings Institution who served in the Obama administration.

Defeating the pandemic is central to Biden’s vision of his presidency, and any sign of delay or uneven success could be politically damaging.

Beyond tangibly improving Americans’ lives, Biden is seeking to prove that the federal government can still achieve great things.

White House officials say that’s exactly what’s has happened so far.

“Americans should feel great about what we have accomplished together as a nation over the last six months,” Anita Dunn, a top adviser to the president, said in an interview.

“This huge step back to normal is something that everybody should be able to celebrate in a united way.”

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And “everybody” means all of us, so there is no excuse for anybody in America today to not be celebrating Joe Biden for that huge step back to normal that only he was able to make happen, which again takes us back to the WaPo, as follows, for why we all should be celebrating this holiday as JOE BIDEN DAY, to wit:

Starting immediately after the Fourth of July weekend, the White House will get outside help amplifying Biden’s message.

Priorities USA, a Democratic super PAC, will launch the first installment of a $2 million ad campaign including spots that tout Biden’s response to the pandemic.

“They’re delivering for us,” a narrator says.

“Hundreds of millions of vaccines so that we can finally be together again.”

The online campaign will be aimed at voters in Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, said Guy Cecil, the group’s chairman, and will seek to reach first-time voters who backed Biden, as well as some who supported Hillary Clinton in 2016 but turned to Trump in 2020.

Cecil lauded the Independence Day event at the White House, saying it was appropriate for the president to lead Americans in celebrating how far they had come.

“It’s fair to say the country has been through a lot over the last year and a half,” he said.

“Everyone needs a moment to take a breath and celebrate the progress that we’ve made.”

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And there we have it, people, because if it is in the Washington Post, it has to be the gospel truth, and that’s a fact!


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Paul Plante says:

And talk about the Fourth of July bringing out and highlighting the gross ignorance that exists in America today, and the incredible stupidity of certain PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRAT members of congress, let us go to a Newsweek article entitled “Progressive Lawmakers Call Fourth of July Freedom for Whites: Blacks ‘Still Aren’t Free'” by Christina Zhao on 4 July 2021, where we have as follows:

Black progressive lawmakers on Sunday questioned the inclusivity of the freedoms celebrated on Independence Day as the White House prepared for an evening of traditional festivities.

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Which raises the question of where do these people come up with all these different meanings for INDEPENDENCE DAY, such as these Black progressive lawmakers questioning the inclusivity of the freedoms celebrated on Independence Day?

What “freedoms?”

We do not celebrate “freedoms” on Independence Day, period!

Independence Day — known colloquially as the Fourth of July — marks the date in 1776 when the Second Continental Congress finally approved the US Declaration of Independence, marking the freedom of the thirteen American colonies from British colonial rule.

And that is it, period!

And since then, July 4, 1776 has been considered America’s “birthday,” making her 245 years old this year.

That’s what we “celebrate,” and that is all we “celebrate,” the birth date of a new nation.

And what about the Declaration of Independence?

It starts out thusly:

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

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That is what the Declaration of Independence was intended to do, and that is what it did; it did not create freedoms and we do not celebrate “freedoms” on the 4th of July - rather we celebrate freedom from the tyranny of a mad English King, to wit:

The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.

A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

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There is the Declaration of Independence boiled down to its essence.

So let’s go back to the Newsweek article where we have as follows from the perspective of some real ignorant PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRATS in Nancy Pelosi’s Democrat-controlled “People’s House,” which actually is not, to wit:

As Biden’s White House readied fireworks and burgers for America’s annual celebration of nationhood, progressives expressed their views on what the Fourth of July means from the Black American perspective.

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Which again raises the question of how many different meanings can there possibly be to what the Fourth of July actually stands for, which is nothing more than the birthdate of this nation, as imperfect as it may have been at that time, keeping in mind that the day before the Declaration of Independence, the 13 colonies were exactly that – colonies of Great Britain ruled by British Royal Governors appointed by the King in England.

Getting back to Newsweek:

“When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they’re referring to is for white people.”

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And what absolute stupid bull**** that is.

The 4th of July is about America’s bid to get free of the yoke of an TYRANT ENGLISH KING!

And freedom for white people?

What freedom?

What freedom do white people have as a result of the 4th of July that BLACK people do not also have, given we had a BLACK president, we now have a BLACK vice president and these ignorant DEMOCRAT members selling this HORSE**** are themselves BLACK?

Getting back to the ignorant Democrat horse**** being peddled by these ignorant PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRATS, we have:

“This land is stolen land and Black people still aren’t free,” tweeted Missouri Rep. Cori Bush.

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This land is stolen land?

Stolen from whom?

And Black people still aren’t free?

Then how the hell did she manage to become a member of congress if she is not free?

As to who this PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRAT moron is, Cori Anika Bush (born July 21, 1976) is an American politician, registered nurse, pastor, and activist serving as the U.S. Representative for Missouri’s 1st congressional district, which district includes all of the city of St. Louis and most of northern St. Louis County.

Not at all surprisingly, soon after being sworn in, Bush joined “The Squad”, a group of progressive Democratic lawmakers including the wingnut AOC, the up-jumped terrorist Ilhan Omar, and the foul-mouthed Rashida Tlaib.

Showing her fascist side to the candid world, on January 6, 2021, hours after pro-Trump rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol, Bush introduced a resolution to remove every Republican who supported attempts to overturn the 2020 United States presidential election from the House of Representatives.

In announcing her support for the second impeachment of Donald Trump, Bush called the attack on the Capitol a “white supremacist insurrection” incited by the “white supremacist-in-chief.”

All of which serves to illustrate the fact that this woman has some very serious mental issues that one would think would preclude her from serving as a congressperson, but since an idiot or moron or completely insane person has the same rights and freedoms as anyone else, regardless of skin color, to run for congress, especially as a PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRAT, these are the kinds of morons we have ended up with in the “People’s House” under Nancy Pelosi, which takes us back to Newsweek as follows:

California Rep. Maxine Waters, the House Financial Services Committee chair, echoed Douglass’ sentiment on Sunday, tweeting, “July 4th… & so, the Declaration of Independence says all men are created equal.”

“Equal to what?”

“What men?”

“Only white men?”

“Isn’t it something that they wrote this in 1776 when African Americans were enslaved?”

“They weren’t thinking about us then, but we’re thinking about us now!”

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Maxine Moore Waters (née Carr; August 15, 1938) is an American politician serving as the U.S. Representative for California’s 43rd congressional district since 1991.

The district, numbered as the 29th district from 1991 to 1993 and as the 35th district from 1993 to 2013, includes much of southern Los Angeles, as well as portions of Gardena, Inglewood and Torrance.

And yes, people – the Declaration of Independence does indeed say all men are created equal, to wit:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

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And yes, the people who wrote those words were white.

Did the Black folks in Africa who were the enslavers of other Black people in Africa for a sale as slaves to the British also believe that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness?

And that answer is not hardly!

That was a uniquely American sentiment not shared by the Black folks in Africa.

Consider the Akan people of Africa who waged war on neighboring states in their geographic area to capture people and sell them as slaves to Europeans (Portuguese) who subsequently sold the enslaved people along with guns to the Akan in exchange for Akan gold.

Akan gold was also used to purchase slaves from further up north via the Trans-Saharan route.

The Akan purchased slaves to help clear the dense forests within Ashanti.

About a third of the population of many Akan states were indentured servants (i.e. Non-Akan peoples).

The Akan went from buyers of slaves to selling slaves as the dynamics in the Gold Coast and the New World changed.

Thus, the Akan people played a role in supplying Europeans with indentured servants, who were later enslaved for the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

In 2006 Ghana apologized to the descendants of slaves for the role the Ashantis had played in the slave trade.

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Or how about the academic paper titled “Slavery and Post-Slavery in Madagascar: An Overview” by Denis Regnier and Dominique Somda, where we have as follows concerning “equality” in Africa, to wit:

Slaves have been traded in the maritime networks of the western Indian Ocean for at least 2000 years.

In Madagascar, the existence of slavery may date back to the first Southeast Asian settlements, which probably occurred between the 4th and 6th century.

Scholars seeking to reconstruct the early occupation of the island find it plausible that slaves were among the South-East Asian settlers, since ship crews from Indonesia were probably made of people with different social statuses and may have included slaves who were left behind in the semi-permanent settlements of this remote colony.

If not earlier, slaves probably made an important part of the population of Madagascar as early as in the 10th century.

By that date, two main commercial systems existed in the western Indian Ocean.

One was in the hands of Muslim merchants from the Persian Gulf, southern Arabia and the Swahili coast who traded along the shores of East Africa and in the northern Indian Ocean, and the other was in the hands of the Southeast Asians who sailed to the Comoros and Madagascar.

It is likely that slaves circulated in both systems, since during this period Muslim merchants sent East African slaves to southern Arabia and the Gulf, while the South-East Asians probably used slave labor in the iron industry of their settlements.

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So when PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRAT California Rep. Maxine Waters TWEETED on July 4th, “July 4th… & so, the Declaration of Independence says all men are created equal,” obviously in Africa, they were not.

Consider the DW article “East Africa’s forgotten slave trade,” where we have as follows:

The island of Zanzibar is today considered one of East Africa’s best destinations: white sandy beaches, crystal clear waters and hotels offer tourists from all over the world a holiday to remember.

Long forgotten is the dark past that overshadowed this sunny paradise 200 years ago.

The archipelago, which today is a semi-autonomous part of Tanzania, was then regarded as the center of the East African slave trade.

In addition to valuable raw materials such as ivory and the coveted cloves, one thing stood out above all others in the colorful markets: hundreds of slaves.

From Eastern Europe to North Africa

The sale of African slaves can be traced back to antiquity.

It became popular in the seventh century when Islam was gaining strength in North Africa.

This was seven centuries before Europeans explored the continent and ten centuries before West Africans were sold across the Atlantic to America.

n central East Africa, ethnic groups such as the Yao, Makua and Marava were fighting against each other and entire peoples within the continent traded with people they had captured through wars.

“Thus Arab Muslims encountered already existing structures, which facilitated the purchase of slaves for their purposes.”

For Abdulazizi Lodhi, Emeritus Professor of Swahili and African Linguistics at the University of Uppsala in Sweden, slavery was part of different African cultures.

“When it came to exports, tribal Africans themselves were the main actors.”

“In many African societies there were no prisons, so people who were captured were sold.”

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Maxine would do well to inform herself that there would not have been slaves in America but for the Black folks like her in Africa making them slaves in the first place, and besides, the Fourth of July has absolutely nothing to do with slaves, period, except it is thanks to those words in the Declaration of Independence that all men are created equal that resulted in the end of slavery in this country, while in the homeland of the Black folks in Africa, slavery persisted well into the 1900’s, so Maxine, who are the Black folks equal to?

Going back to Newsweek, we have another burst of pure ignorance concerning Independence Day, to wit:

In a searing op-ed for the Grio, Touré, an author and former MSNBC host, criticized the Fourth of July, arguing that it “wasn’t Independence Day for Black people.”

He wrote that Juneteenth casts a “long shallow over Independence Day, making it look like a hypocrite and a damn fool.”

“Independence for who?” Touré asked.

“It wasn’t independence for Black people, for our ancestors, so why would we celebrate the Fourth of July?”

He also cited the Pulitzer Prize-winning essay for the “1619 project” by Nikole Hannah-Jones, which noted that colonies sought to emancipate from Britain partly to protect the institution of slavery.

“America wanted to protect its cash cow and, even more, it was wealth derived from slavery that allowed the colonies to afford to pay for the War of Independence,” Touré wrote.

“The founding of this country is intertwined with slavery.”

“Why would we celebrate that?”

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And how does one rationally deal with such stupidity and ignorance as that?

I would suggest some real American history as found in the political essay “Brutus III” by Brutus on November 15, 1787 on the subject of the 3/5’s compromise:

“In a free state.” says the celebrated Montesquieu, “every man who is supposed to be a free agent, ought to be concerned in his own government.”

“Therefore the legislature should reside in the whole body of the people, or their representatives.”

But it has never been alledged that those who are not free agents, can, upon any rational principle, have any thing to do in government, either by themselves or others.

If they have no share in government. why is the number of members in the assembly, to be increased on their account?

Is it because in some of the states, a considerable part of the property of the inhabitants consists in a number of their fellow men, who are held in bondage, in defiance of every idea of benevolence, justice, and religion, and contrary to all the principles of liberty, which have been publickly avowed in the late glorious revolution?

If this be a just ground for representation, the horses in some of the states, and the oxen in others, ought to be represented — for a great share of property in some of them consists in these animals; and they have as much controul over their own actions, as these poor unhappy creatures, who are intended to be described in the above recited clause, by the words, “all other persons.”

By this mode of apportionment, the representatives of the different parts of the union, will be extremely unequal: in some of the southern states, the slaves are nearly equal in number to the free men; and for all these slaves, they will be entitled to a proportionate share in the legislature — this will give them an unreasonable weight in the government, which can derive no additional strength, protection, nor defence from the slaves, but the contrary.

Why then should they be represented?

What adds to the evil is, that these states are to be permitted to continue the inhuman traffic of importing slaves, until the year 1808 — and for every cargo of these unhappy people, which unfeeling. unprincipled, barbarous, and avaricious wretches, may tear from their country, friends and tender connections, and bring into those states, they are to be rewarded by having an increase of members in the general assembly.

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So much for no white person in America at the time of INDEPENDENCE not caring for the Black folks, but when one is dealing with moronic idiot PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRATS like Cori Bush and Maxine Waters, who have their minds made up and firmly closed so that no truth or facts can come in, that message will never be heard!

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Post by thelivyjr »


Paul Plante says:

And staying with these ignorant, hate-filled and false July 4, 2021 TWEETS on TWITTER cited above here by Missouri Rep. Cori Bush and Maxine Moore Waters, the Democrat serving as the U.S. Representative for California’s 43rd congressional district, which poisonous and toxic TWEETS call into question TWITTER’s enforcement of its own rules, given their policy towards Trump, there was a time in America, long since gone now, when very likely, neither of these ignorant, hate-filled fools would have been seated in the House of Representatives of the United States of America.

In our history, both houses of the United States Congress have refused to seat new members based on Article I, Section 5 of the United States Constitution which states that:

“Each House shall be the judge of the elections, returns and qualifications of its own members, and a majority of each shall constitute a quorum to do business; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the attendance of absent members, in such manner, and under such penalties as each House may provide.”

That section of our Constitution used to be interpreted that members of the House of Representatives and of the Senate could refuse to recognize the election or appointment of a new representative or senator for any reason, often political heterodoxy or criminal record, where “political heterodoxy” is a deviation from accepted or orthodox standards or beliefs.

However, in 1969, in the famous Supreme Court case Powell v. McCormack, 395 U.S. 486 (1969), the United States Supreme Court held that the Qualifications of Members Clause of Article I of the US Constitution is an exclusive list of qualifications of members of the House of Representatives, which may exclude a duly-elected member for only those reasons enumerated in that clause, and in a sense, as we see from the above, where we have these two Democrat Representatives spewing the most incredible hate-filled racist nonsense, the world turned upside down here in the U.S.

For those unfamiliar with the case, or too young to remember it, Adam Clayton Powell Jr. November 29, 1908 – April 4, 1972), a DEMOCRAT, was an American Baptist pastor and politician who represented the Harlem neighborhood of New York City in the United States House of Representatives from 1945 until 1971.

He was the first African-American to be elected to Congress from New York, as well as the first from any state in the Northeast.

Re-elected for nearly three decades, Powell became a powerful national politician of the Democratic Party, and served as a national spokesman on civil rights and social issues.

At the time in question, he was embroiled in scandal, specifically around allegations that he had refused to pay a judgment ordered by a New York court, misappropriated congressional travel funds, and paid his wife a congressional staff salary for work she had not done.

In the 1966 election, Powell was re-elected, and in January 1967, the 90th Congress convened and Speaker of the House John William McCormack asked Representative Powell to abstain from taking the oath of office.

The House adopted H.Res. 1, which stripped Powell of his House Committee chairmanship, excluded him from taking his seat, and created a select committee to investigate Powell’s misdeeds.

After the select committee conducted its investigation and hearings, in March 1967, the House adopted H.Res. 278 by a vote of 307 to 116, which excluded Powell from Congress and also censured him, fined him $25,000, took away his seniority, and declared his seat vacant.

Powell, along with 13 of his constituents, filed suit in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, naming McCormack and five other representatives as defendants.

He also named the Clerk of the House, the Sergeant at Arms, and the Doorkeeper.

Most of these parties were named in an effort to get injunctions barring the enforcement of H. Res. 278:

* To prevent the Speaker from refusing to administer the oath of office

* To prevent the Clerk from “refusing to perform the duties due a Representative”

* To prevent the Sergeant at Arms from withholding Powell’s salary

*To prevent the Doorkeeper from barring Powell from Congressional chambers

The suit claimed that excluding Powell amounted to an expulsion, but an expulsion would not have garnered the necessary two-thirds vote.

The district court dismissed the case for lack of subject-matter jurisdiction.

However, the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia reversed the district court, and in an opinion by Warren E. Burger, soon to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the court held that the federal courts did have subject-matter jurisdiction, but dismissed the case on two grounds: that Powell lacked standing to sue, and that the case represented a non-justiciable political question.

Thereafter, while the suit was making its way through the court system, Powell was re-elected in the 1968 election and was ultimately re-seated in the 91st Congress.

The House adopted H.Res. 2, fining him $25,000.

Because he was seated when his appeal came to the Supreme Court, the defendants argued that the case was moot.

The majority opinion of the Supreme Court was authored by Chief Justice Warren, and signed by Black, Brennan, Douglas, Harlan, Marshall, and White, and the opinion stated that the case was justiciable, and it did not constitute a political question that pitted one branch of government against another.

To the contrary, all it required was “no more than an interpretation of the Constitution.”

The opinion stated also that Congress being the sole judge of its members’ qualifications (Art. I, § 5, cl. 1) and the Speech or Debate Clause (Art. I, § 6) do not preclude judicial review of Constitutional issues raised in the case (but not necessarily in all cases touching upon the subject of speech and debate or Congress’s judging the qualifications of its members) because “no branch is supreme,” and it is the duty of the court to ensure that all branches conform to the Constitution.

The majority opinion held that Congress does not have the power to develop qualifications other than those specified in Art. I, § 2, cl. 1-2.

Article I, section 5, of the U.S. Constitution states that “Each house shall be the judge of the… qualifications of its own members,” but then immediately states that each House has the authority to expel a member “with the Concurrence of two thirds.”

The Court found that it had a “textually demonstrable commitment” to interpret the clause, which, in this case, the Court did.

The Court’s interpretation was that the subject clause meant that the process that led to the expulsion of a member, duly sworn and enrolled upon the body’s rolls, was the only method for a House to give effect to its power to determine the qualifications of its members.

The Court reasoned that the authority of Congress in this matter was post facto: That is, it attached only after a member-elect had been elected under the laws of the state in which the congressional district was located, and after said member-elect took the oath of office.

It was unclear whether a vote of two thirds would have been reached if the House resolution had specified expulsion (Art. I, § 2, cl. 5; Art. I, § 5, cl. 2) rather than exclusion.

Thus, the Court found that Powell was wrongfully excluded from his seat.

The Court found that Congress is the whole body of initially candidate members who have been elected by the laws of the several states (in and for each state’s apportioned congressional districts), who assemble at the seat of the federal government on the 3rd day of January after the preceding November’s congressional elections.

On that date, they are sworn in by their individual oaths of office and thereby collectively become the Nth Congress (89th, 95th, 105th, …).

The Court did not reach, because it determined it did not need to in this case, the question of which Congress the Constitution was referring to that had the power to expel one of its members.

The Court determined in this case that no Congress could exclude a future member, a candidate member, from being sworn in and taking a seat in the House.

The Court found that if the Congress went beyond a determination that a candidate member had satisfied the Constitution’s qualifications for membership and had been duly chosen by and through the laws of their state, it could not, under the Constitution, go further in examining and possibly reject a candidate member before administering the oath of office and seating him.

The Court did not explicitly decide whether a particular Congress (105th, 106th, etc.) had the power to expel an individual from a future Congress without that future Congress from being required, after the re-election, the re-swearing in, and the re-seating of a formerly expelled member, to expel the member all over again.

The Court, in effect, decided that states were not prohibited from putting on their congressional district ballots and the voters were not prohibited from electing an individual who had been expelled from a previous or current Congress.

Once the Congress had satisfied itself that a candidate member had been presented to it, from a congressional district, in accordance with the congressional district’s state constitution and laws but was not in conflict with the congressional qualifications set down in the US Constitution, the US Congress had an affirmative constitutional duty to administer the oath to, to swear in, and to enroll the candidate member as a member of Congress.

The challenge to the Court in its analysis and decision was devising a proper course of action that was both coordinate and consonant between the sovereign authorities (the Congress over itself and its members, the people and the states over the Congress) each in their own sphere, over the choosing of members to the Congress.

The Court looked at the historical precedent of the House, the history of its candidate members, and the role of the states and their voters in choosing their representatives.

The Court concluded that the US Constitution (the word and will of the people), the weight of history (the record of how the people have used their constitution), and the federal structure of the government (the role of the states in organizing and managing elections within their borders) required the Court to decide that the sovereign will of the people, as expressed in the democratic process, and the coordinate role of their states must be made consonant and held supreme, in the responsibility to create candidate members for the Congress.

The people, by their Constitution, affirmatively posited, defined, and delimited all qualifications for standing in elections for membership in the Congress.

The states, under the 9th and 10th amendments explicitly retain unto themselves the power to make the laws for the government and regulation of elections for federal offices that are apportioned to them (the states) by the US Constitution.

Therefore, the people and the states together have the sole authority for the creation, production, and generation of candidate members of the US Congress through the operation of the laws of the several states and the articles and clauses of the US Constitution.

Thus, the Congress itself is become a creation of and subordinate to this process.

Congress’s processes and procedures for the management, administration, and discipline of members (once they have taken the oath, been sworn, and entered upon the rolls) are constitutionally subordinate to the sovereignty of the people and the states respectively over the creation of the membership of Congress.

So that today, as is obvious in the case of these ignorant, poisonous, toxic and decidedly racist TWEETS of Cori Bush and Maxine Moore Waters on the Fourth of July, if the people of a congressional district want an ignorant hater to represent them in the House of Representatives, so be it, their will be done.

In the case of Cori Bush, who self-describes herself on TWITTER as “Congresswoman, MO-01. Nurse, activist, organizer, single mom, & pastor. Leading with radical love, fighting for regular people,” and who continues to make ignorant, racist TWEETS on TWITTER, where she has 832.2K followers and acolytes, on a daily basis, such as one on 1 July 2021 that said “(I)t can’t be made any clearer: Black, brown, and Indigenous people are going to lose their ability to vote for the change that we need to literally save our lives if the Senate doesn’t abolish the filibuster and pass our agenda. We’re tired of waiting. Our lives are on the line.”, and another on 5 July 2021, that said “(I)t’s not a coincidence that the people who are saying Black people have full freedom in our country are the same ones trying to prevent teaching the truth about white supremacy in our classrooms,” to which Michael A @michael092218, self-described on TWITTER, a platform for idiots, mental midgets and those incapable of thinking, as “Progressive but pragmatic. Democrat, gay, theatre actor,” replied at 3:24 PM · Jul 5, 2021, “(T)ell it like it is, Congresswoman!,” and Joanna Fernandez @Joannafersulli, from Oakland, replied “TRUTH,” at 3:26 PM · Jul 5, 2021, which is how this ignorant bull**** gets disseminated on TWITTER, Missouri’s first congressional district that she supposedly represents, or is representative of in terms of her beliefs, is in the eastern portion of the state and includes all of St. Louis City and much of northern St. Louis County, including the cities of Maryland Heights, University City, Ferguson and Florissant, and the district is easily the most Democratic in Missouri, which is why they want a real good racist hater representing them in the House of Representatives, and it has a population in 2019 of 727,772.

Cori Bush won the election with 249,087 votes, in a district that is 49.3% Black, 40.9% White, 3.4% Hispanic, 3.1% Asian, 3.0% other, and 0.3% Native American, so that all of those people now have a representative in Congress, who from her toxic TWEETS on TWITTER, is a flaming racist with a serious hatred of America and the white people in America.

And people wonder why it is we are such a hate-filled, divided nation!

Go figure!

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Post by thelivyjr »


Paul Plante says:

And here, in the face of these ignorant TWEETS on TWITTER by Missouri Rep. Democrat Cori Bush, who self-describes herself on TWITTER as “Congresswoman, MO-01. Nurse, activist, organizer, single mom, & pastor. Leading with radical love, fighting for regular people,” which claim is pure HORSE****, we find ourselves two hundred forty-five (245) years after the Declaration of Independence confronted as a nation and as a people with what is known in political science circles as democratic backsliding, also known as autocratization and de-democratization.

Democratic backsliding, as we are seeing in this nation right now, since the Democrats took control of our national government, is a gradual decline in the quality of democracy and the opposite of democratization, which may result in the state losing its democratic qualities, becoming an autocracy or authoritarian regime.

Democratic decline is caused by the state-led weakening of political institutions that sustain the democratic system, such as censoring the Marketplace of Ideas, and although these political elements are assumed to lead to the onset of backsliding, other essential components of democracy such as infringement of individual rights and the freedom of expression question the health, efficiency and sustainability of democratic systems over time.

According to Wikipedia, political scientist Nancy Bermeo argues that blatant forms of democratic backsliding, such as classic, open-ended coups d’état and election-day fraud, have declined since the end of the Cold War, while more subtle and “vexing” forms of backsliding have increased.

The latter forms of backsliding entail the debilitation of democratic institutions from within.

These subtle forms are especially effective when they are legitimized through the very institutions that people expect to protect democratic values, like the U.S. House of Representatives.

And a vivid example of democratic backsliding in this country is this TWEET on mindless TWITTER, an internet platform for the promotion and dissemination of pure ignorance and gross stupidity, by Democrat Cori Bush at 9:41 PM on July 6, 2021, to wit:

Cori Bush @CoriBush

We said it six months ago and we’ll say it again today:

Investigate and expel the Republican members of Congress who attempted to overturn the election and incited a white supremacist insurrection.

end quotes

Now, it is fake news that there was a white supremacist insurrection, and it is a false statement that was RETWEETED 4,833 times, which is how TWITTER is able to spread ignorance and stupidity and falsehoods so quickly, and it also had 205 QUOTE TWEETS and 26,900 LIKES, which is a good indication of how many truly stupid and ignorant and misled people in America there are to believe that horse**** about a white supremacist insurrection, an example of which would be Jerod Rose: Black Lives Matter @JerodEwert on July 6, 2021, as follows:

Replying to @CoriBush

You shouldnt even need to say this.

They should have been evicted on the 6th.

end quotes

Which raises the existential question of where on earth have these people gone to school that makes them so ignorant, starting with Cori Bush, who as a member of congress, should know hand’s down that the United States Constitution she swore and oath to, in Article I, Section 5, Clause 2, provides that “Each House [of Congress] may determine the Rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member.”

So why is she ignorant of something she swore an oath to uphold?

As to the process leading to expulsion, at this time, the disciplinary process begins when a resolution to expel or censure a Member is referred to the appropriate committee, which in the House is the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct (House Ethics Committee).

The committee may then ask other Representatives to come forward with complaints about the Member under consideration or may initiate an investigation into the Member’s actions, and sometimes Members may refer a resolution calling for an investigation into a particular Member or matter that may lead to the recommendation of expulsion or censure.

Rule XI (Procedures of committees and unfinished business) of the Rules of the House of Representatives states that the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct can investigate allegations that a Member violated “any law, rule, regulation, or other standard of conduct applicable to the conduct of such Member … in the performance of his duties or the discharge of his responsibilities.”

The committee may then report back to their whole chamber as to its findings and recommendations for further actions.

When an investigation is launched, an investigatory subcommittee will be formed and once the investigatory subcommittee has collected evidence, talked to witnesses, and held an adjudicatory hearing, it will vote on whether the Member is found to have committed the specific actions and then will vote on recommendations.

If expulsion is the recommendation then the subcommittee’s report will be referred to the full House of Representatives where Members may vote to accept, reject, or alter the report’s recommendation.

Voting to expel requires the concurrence of two-thirds of the members.

This is set out in Article 1, Section 5, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution.

And for the record, in the entire history of the United States Congress, 20 Members have been expelled: 15 from the Senate and five from the House of Representatives, and of those, 17 of these 20 were expelled for supporting the Confederate rebellion in 1861 and 1862.

So how come Cori Bush is so ignorant of this process, and how come TWITTER is allowing her to use its platform to spread this ignorance, when they permanently banned Trump for doing the same thing?

Sauce for the goose, and sauce for the gander?

Looks it to me, anyway.

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