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Post by thelivyjr »

10. References

[1] Ulf Bossel and Baldur Eliasson, Energy Efficiency of a Hydrogen Economy. To be published

[2] Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, recent editions

[3] G. H. Aylward, T. J. V. Findlay, Datensammlung Chemie in SI-Einheiten, 3. Auflage (German Edition), WILEY-VCH, 1999

[4] Synthetic Fuels, R. F. Probstein and R. E. Hicks, Mc -Graw Hill,1982

[5] H. Audus, Olav Kaarstad and Mark Kowal, Decarbonisation of Fossil Fuels: Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier, CO2 Conference, Boston/Cambridge 1997, published in Energy Conversion Management, Vol. 38, Suppl., pp. 431-436.

[6] E. Schmidt, Technische Thermodynamik. 11th Edition, Vol.1, p287 (1975)

[7] Burckhardt Compression AG, Winterthur / Switzerland (private communication)

[8] Linde Kryotechnik AG, Pfungen / Switzerland (private communication)

[9] Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier, C. J. Winter and J. Nitsch, Editors, Springer Verlag, 1988

[10] Messer-Griesheim AG, Krefeld / Germany (hydrogen gas, private communication)

[11] Esso (Schweiz) AG, Zurich / Switzerland (gasoline and diesel, private communication)

[12] Jani GmbH & Co. KG, Seevetal / Germany (propane, private communication)

[13] Hoyer GmbH, Köln / Germany (liguid natural gas, private communication)

[14] Swissgas Schweiz AG, Zurich, Switzerland (private Communication)

[15] VDI Wärmeatlas, VDI Düsseldorf, Germany 1977

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Post by thelivyjr »

About the Authors

Ulf Bossel

Born 1936 in Germany, studied Mechanical Engineering in Darmstadt (Germany) and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, where he received his Diploma Degree (fluid mechanics, thermodynamics) in 1961.

After a short work period at BBC, he continued his graduate education at the University of California at Berkeley.

He received his Ph.D. degree in 1968 for experimental research in the area of space aerodynamics.

After two years as Assistant Professor at Syracuse University he returned to Germany to lead the free molecular flow research group at the DLR in Göttingen.

He left the field for solar energy in 1976, was founder and first president of the German Solar Energy Society, and started his own R&D consulting firm for renewable energy technologies.

In 1986 BBC asked him to join their new technology group in Switzerland.

He became involved in fuel cells in 1987 and later director of ABB's fuel cell development efforts worldwide.

After ABB decided to concentrate its resources on the development of more conventional energy technologies, he established himself as a freelancing fuel cell consultant with clients in Europe, Japan and the US.

He has created and is still in charge of the annual fuel cell conference series of the European Fuel Cell Forum in Lucerne.

Baldur Eliasson

Born1937 in Iceland, studied Electrical Engineering and Astronomy at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, where he received his doctorate in 1966 on a theoretical study of microwave propagation.

He then worked for three years as radio astronomer at the California Institute of Technology at Pasadena before joining the newly founded Brown Boveri (later ABB) Research Center in Switzerland in 1969.

He is in charge of ABB's Energy and Global Change Program worldwide and reports directly to ABB's Chief Technology Officer.

He represents ABB in a number of international programs.

For instance, he is Vice Chairman of the "R&D Program on Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Technologies" of the International Energy Agency.

He has received many international awards for his contributions to environmental sustainability.
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