Dedicated to the protection and preservation of intellectual liberty in Poestenkill for Democracy in Poestenkill dies in Darkness, while in Darkness, Corruption in Poestenkill Flourishes
November 24th 2024 Edition
Yes, people, in Poestenkill, while civility (formal politeness and courtesy in behavior or speech, as in "In Poestenkill, it is mandatory to treat the Poestenkill Town Board with civility and respect") is due to some, that according to their rank and social station, as we all saw on October 10, 2024 at the Town of Poestenkill Town Board Meeting at 42:26 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MvxQjuiepY when Poestenkill councilman Frank Burzesi, NYSPE # #070866, who is also Poestenkill's Grand Inquisitor and Chief Censor, as well as High Commissioner of Poestenkill's Committee for Detecting and Defeating Conspiracies in the Town of Poestenkill, and in that capacity, the State Security Administrator for Poestenkill, as well as the Keeper/Protector of Public Morals in Poestenkill, by virtue of the fact that High Commissioner Burzesi as a licensed engineer is charged by law with safeguarding life, health and property in Poestenkill, and thus is the most qualified among us to be the chief of the Poestenkill Security apparatus to protect the moral fiber of Poestenkill from harm by people like Patrick Wing, who thinks we all have some kind of freedom to think our own thoughts with impunity, as opposed to thinking what we are told to think by Poestenkill town government, went off on Poestenkill town resident Patrick Wing for daring to exercise his Constitutional rights to engage in protected speech without first getting express permission from the Poestenkill Ministry of State Security to actually engage in Constitutionally protected speech, civility in Poestenkill is a one-way street that only flows upwards from the bottom, as in Poestenkill resident Patrick Wing must be civil to Poestenkill councilman Frank Burzesi, never from the top down, as in Poestenkill councilman Frank Burzesi can treat Poestenkill resident Patrick Wing with utter contempt, because to do otherwise would be unseemly for our social and political superiors such as councilman Burzesi to be treating mere commoners and those of low social status like Patrick Wing with any civility whatsoever, which would be quite demeaning of them, to have to treat their inferiors as equals.
Which takes us back in time to the official record of the January 11, 2024 Poestenkill Town Board meeting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZrwCwmFw7U @ 1:09, where we had Poestenkill Gauleiter Tom Russell barking at us in his stentorian voice, as follows, to wit:
RUSSELL: We're going to be civil, I ask you to be civil, if anyone cares to speak, I ask that you come to the podium, we ask that you limit your comments to three minutes so as to allow for other people to get their proper time too, but we will run this in a civil, organized manner and we're all from Poestenkill and trying to do for the betterment of the town and I thank you very much again for coming out.
end quote
In light of the fact that Poestenkill councilman Frank Burzesi is under no obligation whatsoever to treat Poestenkill resident Patrick Wing in a civil manner, i.e., with formal politeness and courtesy in behavior and speech, for the betterment of the town, as opposed to undisguised contempt, what can we then say about Gauleiter Russell's comment that he and the town board would "run this (the town meeting) in a civil, organized manner?"
Normally, anywhere other than Poestenkill, where things are made up as we go, and where up is really down and a step back is really moving forward, the phrase "civil, organized manner" would imply "arranged in a systematic way that is cultured and polite."
Not so in Poestenkill, however.
In Poestenkill, the comment that the Gauleiter and town board would "run this (the town meeting) in a civil, organized manner" was merely a euphemism (a mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing) for stripping Poestenkill Patrick Wing of his Constitutional right in Poestenkill to engage in political speech without first securing the necessary approvals and permits to do so from Poestenkill beforehand, because if allowed to speak, Patrick Wing, who epitomizes those few in Poestenkill with the courage to speak out and to voice diverging opinions, would try to promote alternate thinking with his Poestenkill Spotlight, and that would be fatal to the maintenance of equilibrium in Poestenkill, which equilibrium requires GROUP THINK to be successful, all minds in Poestenkill in sync and lock-step with the master mind of Poestenkill Gauleiter Tom Russell, and so his speech must be mercilessly stamped out, wherever it may rear its ugly head in whatever form here in Poestenkill.
Dedicated to the protection and preservation of intellectual liberty in Poestenkill for Democracy in Poestenkill dies in Darkness, while in Darkness, Corruption in Poestenkill Flourishes
November 26th 2024 Edition
Going back to the official record of the February 8, 2024 Poestenkill Town Board Meeting @ 0.52 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ls1QxfIsPX0 , we again had Democrat Gauleiter of Poestenkill Tom Russell barking at us in his stentorian voice of command, as if we were serfs and he was our liege lord to whom we owed fealty, as follows, to wit:
RUSSELL: Public comment period, I only ask that everyone stand at this, the podium, and be respectful and address your comments to the front and not to anyone else in the room. Any comments are through the board and I just ask that you have consideration for everyone else here and that you limit your comments to a maximum of two minutes.
end quote
Now, in our language, the language I began learning as a member of the first kindergarten in the then-new Poestenkill Elementary School, the word respectful in defined as "feeling or showing deference and respect," and in the context in which the Gauleiter uttered those words as commands to we, the residents of the Town of Poestenkill who pay the Gauleiter's salary and to whom the Gauleiter is responsible for his actions as a public official in Poestenkill, it seems the Gauleiter believes in his mind that we in Poestenkill are supposed to show deference (the condition of submitting to the espoused, legitimate influence of one's superior or superiors; deference implies a yielding or submitting to the judgment of a recognized superior, out of respect or reverence) to him as the Best and Brightest in Poestenkill, which is why we, in his mind, are so blessed to have him as our Gauleiter, which would have the definition of respect then as meaning "a feeling of deep admiration for someone elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements."
But why should we in Poestenkill have a feeling of deep admiration for Tom Russell elicited by his abilities, qualities, or achievements when this editorialist is not aware that Tom Russell is possessed of any abilities, qualities, or achievements worthy of having admiration, as opposed to contempt for, especially in light of how he sat there silent on October 10, 2024 at the Town of Poestenkill Town Board Meeting at 42:26 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MvxQjuiepY when Poestenkill councilman Frank Burzesi, NYSPE # #070866, the Captain General of the Militia and Land Forces of the Grand Duchy of Poestenkill also known as the Free and Independent Republic of Poestenkill, the only Grand Duchy there is within the continental boundaries of the United States of America, and Admiral of the Naval Forces of Poestenkill at home and abroad, who is also Poestenkill's Grand Inquisitor and Chief Censor, as well as High Commissioner of Poestenkill's Committee for Detecting and Defeating Conspiracies in the Town of Poestenkill, and in that capacity, the State Security Administrator for Poestenkill, as well as the Keeper/Protector of Public Morals in Poestenkill, by virtue of the fact that High Commissioner Burzesi as a licensed engineer is charged by law with safeguarding life, health and property in Poestenkill, and thus is the most qualified among us to be the chief of the Poestenkill Security apparatus to protect the moral fiber of Poestenkill from harm by people like Patrick Wing, was going off on said Patrick Wing for abusing his First Amendment rights to speech in Poestenkill by actually using his First Amendment right to engage in actual speech in Poestenkill, instead of keeping the right to speech purely hypothetical?
Which brings us to the second definition of "respect," as follows: due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others, as in "the Poestenkill Town Board's lack of respect for the Constitutional rights of Poestenkill resident Patrick Wing!"
More like sheer and utter contempt for those rights as this long-term resident of Poestenkill sees it, who can actually remember back to a time in Poestenkill when it was safe, an idyllic place for a child like myself to grow up in, not a place to flee as is the case now, with Poestenkill's population declining as a result of the incompetent clown-show excuse for a local government we are saddled with in this town today, with a responsible town government back then that did respect the rights of others, since back then, it knew it answered to and was responsible to those same town residents, and how far we have sunk since then, as witnessed by Frank Burzesi's scurrilous (making or spreading scandalous claims about someone with the intention of damaging their reputation, as in "Frank Burzesi's scurrilous attack on Patrick Wing's integrity") calumniation (to utter maliciously false statements, charges, or imputations about) of Patrick Wing while Tom Russell and the rest of Poestenkill's Best and Brightest all sat silent at the head table, and by their silence, gave consent to Frank Burzesi's actions.
And make no mistake, people, when the Poestenkill town board has such sheer and utter contempt for the Constitutional rights of one of us, they have sheer and utter contempt for the Constitutional rights of all of us.
Which makes them worthy of our contempt in return!
Dedicated to the protection and preservation of intellectual liberty in Poestenkill for Democracy in Poestenkill dies in Darkness, while in Darkness, Corruption in Poestenkill Flourishes
November 26th 2024 Edition
Going back to the official record of the February 8, 2024 Poestenkill Town Board Meeting @ 0.52 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ls1QxfIsPX0 , we again had Democrat Gauleiter of Poestenkill Tom Russell barking at us in his stentorian voice of command, as if we were serfs and he was our liege lord to whom we owed fealty, as follows, to wit:
RUSSELL: Public comment period, I only ask that everyone stand at this, the podium, and be respectful and address your comments to the front and not to anyone else in the room. Any comments are through the board and I just ask that you have consideration for everyone else here and that you limit your comments to a maximum of two minutes.
end quote
Now, in our language, the language I began learning as a member of the first kindergarten in the then-new Poestenkill Elementary School, the word respectful in defined as "feeling or showing deference and respect," and in the context in which the Gauleiter uttered those words as commands to we, the residents of the Town of Poestenkill who pay the Gauleiter's salary and to whom the Gauleiter is responsible for his actions as a public official in Poestenkill, it seems the Gauleiter believes in his mind that we in Poestenkill are supposed to show deference (the condition of submitting to the espoused, legitimate influence of one's superior or superiors; deference implies a yielding or submitting to the judgment of a recognized superior, out of respect or reverence) to him as the Best and Brightest in Poestenkill, which is why we, in his mind, are so blessed to have him as our Gauleiter, which would have the definition of respect then as meaning "a feeling of deep admiration for someone elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements."
But why should we in Poestenkill have a feeling of deep admiration for Tom Russell elicited by his abilities, qualities, or achievements when this editorialist is not aware that Tom Russell is possessed of any abilities, qualities, or achievements worthy of having admiration, as opposed to contempt for, especially in light of how he sat there silent on October 10, 2024 at the Town of Poestenkill Town Board Meeting at 42:26 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MvxQjuiepY when Poestenkill councilman Frank Burzesi, NYSPE # #070866, the Captain General of the Militia and Land Forces of the Grand Duchy of Poestenkill also known as the Free and Independent Republic of Poestenkill, the only Grand Duchy there is within the continental boundaries of the United States of America, and Admiral of the Naval Forces of Poestenkill at home and abroad, who is also Poestenkill's Grand Inquisitor and Chief Censor, as well as High Commissioner of Poestenkill's Committee for Detecting and Defeating Conspiracies in the Town of Poestenkill, and in that capacity, the State Security Administrator for Poestenkill, as well as the Keeper/Protector of Public Morals in Poestenkill, by virtue of the fact that High Commissioner Burzesi as a licensed engineer is charged by law with safeguarding life, health and property in Poestenkill, and thus is the most qualified among us to be the chief of the Poestenkill Security apparatus to protect the moral fiber of Poestenkill from harm by people like Patrick Wing, was going off on said Patrick Wing for abusing his First Amendment rights to speech in Poestenkill by actually using his First Amendment right to engage in actual speech in Poestenkill, instead of keeping the right to speech purely hypothetical?
Which brings us to the second definition of "respect," as follows: due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others, as in "the Poestenkill Town Board's lack of respect for the Constitutional rights of Poestenkill resident Patrick Wing!"
More like sheer and utter contempt for those rights as this long-term resident of Poestenkill sees it, who can actually remember back to a time in Poestenkill when it was safe, an idyllic place for a child like myself to grow up in, not a place to flee as is the case now, with Poestenkill's population declining as a result of the incompetent clown-show excuse for a local government we are saddled with in this town today, with a responsible town government back then that did respect the rights of others, since back then, it knew it answered to and was responsible to those same town residents, and how far we have sunk since then, as witnessed by Frank Burzesi's scurrilous (making or spreading scandalous claims about someone with the intention of damaging their reputation, as in "Frank Burzesi's scurrilous attack on Patrick Wing's integrity") calumniation (to utter maliciously false statements, charges, or imputations about) of Patrick Wing while Tom Russell and the rest of Poestenkill's Best and Brightest all sat silent at the head table, and by their silence, gave consent to Frank Burzesi's actions.
And make no mistake, people, when the Poestenkill town board has such sheer and utter contempt for the Constitutional rights of one of us, they have sheer and utter contempt for the Constitutional rights of all of us.
Which makes them worthy of our contempt in return!
Dedicated to the protection and preservation of intellectual liberty in Poestenkill for Democracy in Poestenkill dies in Darkness, while in Darkness, Corruption in Poestenkill Flourishes
November 27th 2024 Edition
When I was young, this being right after the close of WWII, Poestenkill then was a much different place than it has become today.
Back then, Poestenkill was truly a community, a safe place where there was a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.
I was a member of the first kindergarten class in the then-new Poestenkill Elementary School, and as such, I was taught by one of the strong women who held Poestenkill together during WWII that I was a member of that community, and my purpose in being in school was to learn about that community, its history, its people, and learn about myself, what my strengths and skills were, so I could find my proper place in support of that community, whatever those strengths and skills might be.
And the one main thing I was taught was that the community in Poestenkill had no need whatsoever for stupid people, where "stupid" was defined as having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense, and "stupidity" was defined as behavior that shows a lack of good sense or judgment, and that brings us right back to October 10, 2024 and the Town of Poestenkill Town Board Meeting at 42:26 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MvxQjuiepY where we witnessed and were confronted with Poestenkill councilman Frank Burzesi, NYSPE # #070866, Poestenkill's Commissioner of Public Safety who is also the Captain General of the Militia and Land Forces of the Grand Duchy of Poestenkill, also known as the Free and Independent Republic of Poestenkill, the only Grand Duchy there is within the continental boundaries of the United States of America, and Admiral of the Naval Forces of Poestenkill at home and abroad, who is also Poestenkill's Grand Inquisitor and Chief Censor, as well as High Commissioner of Poestenkill's Committee for Detecting and Defeating Conspiracies in the Town of Poestenkill, and in that capacity, the State Security Administrator for Poestenkill, as well as the Keeper/Protector of Public Morals in Poestenkill, by virtue of the fact that High Commissioner Burzesi as a licensed engineer is charged by law with safeguarding life, health and property in Poestenkill, and thus is the most qualified among us to be the chief of the Poestenkill Security apparatus to protect the moral fiber of Poestenkill from harm by people like Patrick Wing, going off on said Patrick Wing like a literal maniac (someone who is or acts mentally unsound, especially a person who behaves in a wildly foolish, reckless, or dangerous manner) because said Patrick Wing dared to exercise his First Amendment rights to speech in Poestenkill by publishing an informational pamphlet titled "The Poestenkill Spotlight," which conduct by Mr. Burzesi is a textbook example of a stupid person, which is to say someone having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense, and "stupidity" itself, which is to say behavior on the part of Mr. Burzesi as an officer of the Town of Poestenkill that shows a lack of good sense or judgment, not only on the part of Frank Burzesi, but also on the part of Tom Russell, June Butler, Eric Wohlleber and David Hass, for all sitting there on their hands, saying nothing, while allowing Mr. Burzesis to make a complete fool out of himself, with his stupid attack on Patrick Wing.
Why did they all sit there silent while Frank Burzesi stupidly (in a dazed manner suggesting the inability to think clearly) attacked Patrick Wing, who at all times was acting in a lawful and Constitutional manner?
Why did they say nothing?
Because they too are as stupid as Frank Burzesi?
Curious minds in Poestenkill would like to know!
Dedicated to the protection and preservation of intellectual liberty in Poestenkill for Democracy in Poestenkill dies in Darkness, while in Darkness, Corruption in Poestenkill Flourishes
November 27th 2024 Edition
When I was young, this being right after the close of WWII, Poestenkill then was a much different place than it has become today.
Back then, Poestenkill was truly a community, a safe place where there was a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.
I was a member of the first kindergarten class in the then-new Poestenkill Elementary School, and as such, I was taught by one of the strong women who held Poestenkill together during WWII that I was a member of that community, and my purpose in being in school was to learn about that community, its history, its people, and learn about myself, what my strengths and skills were, so I could find my proper place in support of that community, whatever those strengths and skills might be.
And the one main thing I was taught was that the community in Poestenkill had no need whatsoever for stupid people, where "stupid" was defined as having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense, and "stupidity" was defined as behavior that shows a lack of good sense or judgment, and that brings us right back to October 10, 2024 and the Town of Poestenkill Town Board Meeting at 42:26 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MvxQjuiepY where we witnessed and were confronted with Poestenkill councilman Frank Burzesi, NYSPE # #070866, Poestenkill's Commissioner of Public Safety who is also the Captain General of the Militia and Land Forces of the Grand Duchy of Poestenkill, also known as the Free and Independent Republic of Poestenkill, the only Grand Duchy there is within the continental boundaries of the United States of America, and Admiral of the Naval Forces of Poestenkill at home and abroad, who is also Poestenkill's Grand Inquisitor and Chief Censor, as well as High Commissioner of Poestenkill's Committee for Detecting and Defeating Conspiracies in the Town of Poestenkill, and in that capacity, the State Security Administrator for Poestenkill, as well as the Keeper/Protector of Public Morals in Poestenkill, by virtue of the fact that High Commissioner Burzesi as a licensed engineer is charged by law with safeguarding life, health and property in Poestenkill, and thus is the most qualified among us to be the chief of the Poestenkill Security apparatus to protect the moral fiber of Poestenkill from harm by people like Patrick Wing, going off on said Patrick Wing like a literal maniac (someone who is or acts mentally unsound, especially a person who behaves in a wildly foolish, reckless, or dangerous manner) because said Patrick Wing dared to exercise his First Amendment rights to speech in Poestenkill by publishing an informational pamphlet titled "The Poestenkill Spotlight," which conduct by Mr. Burzesi is a textbook example of a stupid person, which is to say someone having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense, and "stupidity" itself, which is to say behavior on the part of Mr. Burzesi as an officer of the Town of Poestenkill that shows a lack of good sense or judgment, not only on the part of Frank Burzesi, but also on the part of Tom Russell, June Butler, Eric Wohlleber and David Hass, for all sitting there on their hands, saying nothing, while allowing Mr. Burzesis to make a complete fool out of himself, with his stupid attack on Patrick Wing.
Why did they all sit there silent while Frank Burzesi stupidly (in a dazed manner suggesting the inability to think clearly) attacked Patrick Wing, who at all times was acting in a lawful and Constitutional manner?
Why did they say nothing?
Because they too are as stupid as Frank Burzesi?
Curious minds in Poestenkill would like to know!
Dedicated to the protection and preservation of intellectual liberty in Poestenkill for Democracy in Poestenkill dies in Darkness, while in Darkness, Corruption in Poestenkill Flourishes
November 30th 2024 Edition
Once again, members of a neighborhood watch driving on Weatherwax Road just off Rt. 66 this morning at around 5:00 AM made note of the fact that what are being called Poestenkill's Nazi concentration camp spotlights, those being high-intensity spotlights such as are used to illuminate the yard at the Rensselaer County jail, these being mounted with Poestenkill's approval on the north side of the brick house owned by Patricia and David Gettings on the west end of Liberty Lane, known locally with good reason as Poestenkill's "Hate Alley," were once again in operation, lighting up a patch of woods owned by Poestenkill engineer Paul R. Plante, PE, an object of pure hatred in Poestenkill for daring to challenge endemic corruption in Poestenkill, something that simply is not done if one knows what is good for oneself, so that it appears to passersby and Plante as if Poestenkill's version of the Ku Klux Klan were holding a mass cross burning in the woods with Poestenkill's encouragement and permission, all to strike fear into the heart of professional engineer Paul R. Plante, who has resided on Liberty Lane for over fifty years, this in order to cow Plante into submission, with the hope of making life for Plante, listed in a May 1990 Report to the then-Poestenkill town board by then-Poestenkill dog control officer Christine R. Lincoln as a "well-known agitator," which is an indication of just how long Poestenkill's "Hate Campaign" against Plante has been on-going, so ugly that Plante will be forced to have to flee his home in Poestenkill for his peace of mind and safety.
Whatever may be the case in other towns in New York, or America, for that matter, given that in theory, we are all supposed to be American citizens with the same supposed rights, regardless of what town we live in, in Poestenkill, where we are ruled, not governed, political dissent is not tolerated, and when political dissent in Poestenkill rises to the level of the filing of successful Article 78's by a dissenting town inhabitant such as Plante against the Poestenkill town board, or the Poestenkill planning board, challenging their unlawful and lawless actions, i.e. crimes, in a court of law, for which nobody in lawless Poestenkill is ever held to account, as is the case today where the involvement of the Poestenkill town board in the Michele Asquith affair is being shoved under the rug, and thereby exposes political corruption in Poestenkill for all the world to see, woe be unto that citizen who shall find themselves facing the considerable wrath of Poestenkill, with them essentially shut out of participation in government in Poestenkill, while being stripped of the protection of law, and facing on-going retaliation from Poestenkill, which in Poestenkill's well-developed repertoire of retaliatory tactics can take the form of vehicular assaults, or the spreading of false rumors; for example, as in public officials making the claim in public meetings that the person being retaliated against is "mentally ill, " or a "dangerous retard," or has a criminal record, or was fired from his employment, or making the person's life more difficult by stripping them of the peace of mind, safety and quiet enjoyment of their homes and their property, as we saw on 6 February 2021, when acting in his official capacity as Poestenkill Town Code Enforcement Officer, Tracy Church did willfully and with malice and intent to cause harm put Poestenkill resident Paul Plante's life and well-being in jeopardy make a false report, a crime anywhere other than Poestenkill, to the New York State Police in Sand Lake that Plante was mentally ill and a danger to him and the Poestenkill town board in a vain attempt to have Plante detained and transported to a secure mental facility to be locked in a cage, that in retaliation for Plante's complaints about endemic corruption in Poestenkill, or in the new sophisticated retaliatory tactic twist unique to Poestenkill, the Nazi concentration camp spotlights lighting up Plante's land next to Weatherwax Road coming in off Rt. 66 and just past Liberty Lane, like the Averill Park football field or the Rensselaer County jail, thereby harassing and intimidating Plante, a practice known as light trespass with Poestenkill's encouragement and permission, all to strike fear into the heart of Plante to cow him into submission, or force him to have to flee Poestenkill for his peace of mind and safety.
And that is the news!
Dedicated to the protection and preservation of intellectual liberty in Poestenkill for Democracy in Poestenkill dies in Darkness, while in Darkness, Corruption in Poestenkill Flourishes
November 30th 2024 Edition
Once again, members of a neighborhood watch driving on Weatherwax Road just off Rt. 66 this morning at around 5:00 AM made note of the fact that what are being called Poestenkill's Nazi concentration camp spotlights, those being high-intensity spotlights such as are used to illuminate the yard at the Rensselaer County jail, these being mounted with Poestenkill's approval on the north side of the brick house owned by Patricia and David Gettings on the west end of Liberty Lane, known locally with good reason as Poestenkill's "Hate Alley," were once again in operation, lighting up a patch of woods owned by Poestenkill engineer Paul R. Plante, PE, an object of pure hatred in Poestenkill for daring to challenge endemic corruption in Poestenkill, something that simply is not done if one knows what is good for oneself, so that it appears to passersby and Plante as if Poestenkill's version of the Ku Klux Klan were holding a mass cross burning in the woods with Poestenkill's encouragement and permission, all to strike fear into the heart of professional engineer Paul R. Plante, who has resided on Liberty Lane for over fifty years, this in order to cow Plante into submission, with the hope of making life for Plante, listed in a May 1990 Report to the then-Poestenkill town board by then-Poestenkill dog control officer Christine R. Lincoln as a "well-known agitator," which is an indication of just how long Poestenkill's "Hate Campaign" against Plante has been on-going, so ugly that Plante will be forced to have to flee his home in Poestenkill for his peace of mind and safety.
Whatever may be the case in other towns in New York, or America, for that matter, given that in theory, we are all supposed to be American citizens with the same supposed rights, regardless of what town we live in, in Poestenkill, where we are ruled, not governed, political dissent is not tolerated, and when political dissent in Poestenkill rises to the level of the filing of successful Article 78's by a dissenting town inhabitant such as Plante against the Poestenkill town board, or the Poestenkill planning board, challenging their unlawful and lawless actions, i.e. crimes, in a court of law, for which nobody in lawless Poestenkill is ever held to account, as is the case today where the involvement of the Poestenkill town board in the Michele Asquith affair is being shoved under the rug, and thereby exposes political corruption in Poestenkill for all the world to see, woe be unto that citizen who shall find themselves facing the considerable wrath of Poestenkill, with them essentially shut out of participation in government in Poestenkill, while being stripped of the protection of law, and facing on-going retaliation from Poestenkill, which in Poestenkill's well-developed repertoire of retaliatory tactics can take the form of vehicular assaults, or the spreading of false rumors; for example, as in public officials making the claim in public meetings that the person being retaliated against is "mentally ill, " or a "dangerous retard," or has a criminal record, or was fired from his employment, or making the person's life more difficult by stripping them of the peace of mind, safety and quiet enjoyment of their homes and their property, as we saw on 6 February 2021, when acting in his official capacity as Poestenkill Town Code Enforcement Officer, Tracy Church did willfully and with malice and intent to cause harm put Poestenkill resident Paul Plante's life and well-being in jeopardy make a false report, a crime anywhere other than Poestenkill, to the New York State Police in Sand Lake that Plante was mentally ill and a danger to him and the Poestenkill town board in a vain attempt to have Plante detained and transported to a secure mental facility to be locked in a cage, that in retaliation for Plante's complaints about endemic corruption in Poestenkill, or in the new sophisticated retaliatory tactic twist unique to Poestenkill, the Nazi concentration camp spotlights lighting up Plante's land next to Weatherwax Road coming in off Rt. 66 and just past Liberty Lane, like the Averill Park football field or the Rensselaer County jail, thereby harassing and intimidating Plante, a practice known as light trespass with Poestenkill's encouragement and permission, all to strike fear into the heart of Plante to cow him into submission, or force him to have to flee Poestenkill for his peace of mind and safety.
And that is the news!
Dedicated to the protection and preservation of intellectual liberty in Poestenkill for Democracy in Poestenkill dies in Darkness, while in Darkness, Corruption in Poestenkill Flourishes
December 2nd 2024 Edition
Were one to read the "History of Saratoga County, New York" by Nathaniel Bartlett Sylvester written in 1878, in the chapter on Stillwater under Part IV. - Organization, one would come across the following words which persisted in Poestenkill up until perhaps circa 1970, after which time, things greatly changed in Poestenkill for the worse from the standpoint of a citizen/land owner who wished for honest, competent, trustworthy, dependable and reliable town government as it once was, before our ways got changed because people new to Poestenkill didn't want it done that way, anymore, they wanted fast and loose, and having political power over us, i.e.. Owen Goldfarb on the Planning Board, Chris Momrow on the Planning Board, they tipped order through law on its ear, and the old ways died, to wit:
One great feature of American civil life differing from the nations of the old world is the local government by towns.
Indeed, this is regarded by many writers as not only the foundation, but the defense of free government.
The early New England town-meeting system is believed to have not only trained their own people to habits of independent thought and independent action, but to have manifestly led the whole people of the colonies onward to firmly demand, and bravely win, their independence.
end quotes
And how is it that I know this?
I know this because it is what I was taught as a member, the only one left in Poestenkill, of the first kindergarten in the then-new Poestenkill Elementary School as required knowledge for a citizen in the this town and in this nation to have, for out of that came "duty to society," a concept that totally disappeared in Poestenkill by the time we got to the 1980's.
Back then, we children were told that the purpose of our education in the Poestenkill Elementary School was to continue that tradition of FREE GOVERNMENT, something we do not have in Poestenkill today, and this editorialist knows of what he speaks, by training us in our turn to habits of independent thought and independent action, two things not allowed in Poestenkill today, so that we were not going to be like the "GOOD GERMANS" in Germany who allowed the rise of the rug-chewing madman Adolph Hitler by their silence.
But today, in Poestenkill, as we recently saw on October 10, 2024 at the Poestenkill Town Board Meeting at 42:26 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MvxQjuiepY where we witnessed and were confronted with Poestenkill councilman Frank Burzesi, NYSPE #070866 going off on Poestenkill resident Patrick Wing by name on behalf of the Poestenkill Town Board for Mr. Wing daring to engage in independent thought and independent action for the good of the community in Poestenkill without prior approval of the Poestenkill Town Board, which is the arbiter of what is good for the community, to do so, that tradition I was taught in kindergarten in Poestenkill back when is very clearly dead on arrival in the Poestenkill town hall of today, which building, ironically was once a school in Poestenkill where young adults in Poestenkill were trained to habits of independent thought and independent action for the good of the community of Poestenkill, of which we all once were a part, before the old ways died, and a new way of doing things was introduced and enforced, as we were all witness to on October 10, 2024 at the Poestenkill Town Board Meeting when Poestenkill councilman Frank Burzesi, NYSPE #070866 went off on Poestenkill resident Patrick Wing on behalf of the Poestenkill Town Board for Mr. Wing daring to engage in independent thought and independent action for the good of the community without prior approval of the Poestenkill Town Board to do so. a cardinal sin in the Poestenkill of today where independent thought and independent action are no longer allowed.
And as we all saw in the 2 November 2023 Edition of the Gazette, in the editorial "Deranged Denunciato Calls Into Question Councilman-elect Burzesi's Fitness to Serve Poestenkill Residents Fairly and Impartially as Town Officer," October 10, 2024 was not the first time Councilman Burzesi, the self-styled and self-appointed head of Poestenkill's state security apparatus, went off on Patrick Wing by name for daring to engage in independent thought and independent action for the good of the Poestenkill community of which he is a member.
And except for this publication which endorses independent thinking for the well-being of the Poestenkill community, SILENCE on this abuse of not only Mr. Wing's right to free expression, but the same right of all of us, as well, by Frank Burzesi and the Poestenkill Town Board has reigned in the land.
Dedicated to the protection and preservation of intellectual liberty in Poestenkill for Democracy in Poestenkill dies in Darkness, while in Darkness, Corruption in Poestenkill Flourishes
December 2nd 2024 Edition
Were one to read the "History of Saratoga County, New York" by Nathaniel Bartlett Sylvester written in 1878, in the chapter on Stillwater under Part IV. - Organization, one would come across the following words which persisted in Poestenkill up until perhaps circa 1970, after which time, things greatly changed in Poestenkill for the worse from the standpoint of a citizen/land owner who wished for honest, competent, trustworthy, dependable and reliable town government as it once was, before our ways got changed because people new to Poestenkill didn't want it done that way, anymore, they wanted fast and loose, and having political power over us, i.e.. Owen Goldfarb on the Planning Board, Chris Momrow on the Planning Board, they tipped order through law on its ear, and the old ways died, to wit:
One great feature of American civil life differing from the nations of the old world is the local government by towns.
Indeed, this is regarded by many writers as not only the foundation, but the defense of free government.
The early New England town-meeting system is believed to have not only trained their own people to habits of independent thought and independent action, but to have manifestly led the whole people of the colonies onward to firmly demand, and bravely win, their independence.
end quotes
And how is it that I know this?
I know this because it is what I was taught as a member, the only one left in Poestenkill, of the first kindergarten in the then-new Poestenkill Elementary School as required knowledge for a citizen in the this town and in this nation to have, for out of that came "duty to society," a concept that totally disappeared in Poestenkill by the time we got to the 1980's.
Back then, we children were told that the purpose of our education in the Poestenkill Elementary School was to continue that tradition of FREE GOVERNMENT, something we do not have in Poestenkill today, and this editorialist knows of what he speaks, by training us in our turn to habits of independent thought and independent action, two things not allowed in Poestenkill today, so that we were not going to be like the "GOOD GERMANS" in Germany who allowed the rise of the rug-chewing madman Adolph Hitler by their silence.
But today, in Poestenkill, as we recently saw on October 10, 2024 at the Poestenkill Town Board Meeting at 42:26 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MvxQjuiepY where we witnessed and were confronted with Poestenkill councilman Frank Burzesi, NYSPE #070866 going off on Poestenkill resident Patrick Wing by name on behalf of the Poestenkill Town Board for Mr. Wing daring to engage in independent thought and independent action for the good of the community in Poestenkill without prior approval of the Poestenkill Town Board, which is the arbiter of what is good for the community, to do so, that tradition I was taught in kindergarten in Poestenkill back when is very clearly dead on arrival in the Poestenkill town hall of today, which building, ironically was once a school in Poestenkill where young adults in Poestenkill were trained to habits of independent thought and independent action for the good of the community of Poestenkill, of which we all once were a part, before the old ways died, and a new way of doing things was introduced and enforced, as we were all witness to on October 10, 2024 at the Poestenkill Town Board Meeting when Poestenkill councilman Frank Burzesi, NYSPE #070866 went off on Poestenkill resident Patrick Wing on behalf of the Poestenkill Town Board for Mr. Wing daring to engage in independent thought and independent action for the good of the community without prior approval of the Poestenkill Town Board to do so. a cardinal sin in the Poestenkill of today where independent thought and independent action are no longer allowed.
And as we all saw in the 2 November 2023 Edition of the Gazette, in the editorial "Deranged Denunciato Calls Into Question Councilman-elect Burzesi's Fitness to Serve Poestenkill Residents Fairly and Impartially as Town Officer," October 10, 2024 was not the first time Councilman Burzesi, the self-styled and self-appointed head of Poestenkill's state security apparatus, went off on Patrick Wing by name for daring to engage in independent thought and independent action for the good of the Poestenkill community of which he is a member.
And except for this publication which endorses independent thinking for the well-being of the Poestenkill community, SILENCE on this abuse of not only Mr. Wing's right to free expression, but the same right of all of us, as well, by Frank Burzesi and the Poestenkill Town Board has reigned in the land.
Dedicated to the protection and preservation of intellectual liberty in Poestenkill for Democracy in Poestenkill dies in Darkness, while in Darkness, Corruption in Poestenkill Flourishes
December 4th 2024 Edition
With Poestenkill's "Nazi Concentration Camp Spotlights" again in operation this morning around 5 A.M. as Poestenkill continues its long-term "HATE CAMPAIGN" (a series of actions which are intended to harm or upset someone, or to make other people have a low opinion of them - Collin's Dictionary) against Poestenkill engineer Paul Plante for various "crimes" against society in Poestenkill, such as disloyalty to Poestenkill town government, not being properly respectful to Poestenkill town government, not being sincerely civil to Poestenkill town officials, engaging in independent thought and independent action for the good of the community in Poestenkill without prior approval of the Poestenkill Town Board, which is the sole arbiter of what is good for the community, to do so, being too thorough as a licensed professional engineer instead of being a milksop (a person who is indecisive and lacks courage) rubber stamp, and for engaging in protected political speech by publishing this newsletter without prior permission from Poestenkill to do so, and for further daring to publish without first getting prior approval of the content from Poestenkill's state security apparatus, what a perfect time to delve into the subject of "lawlessness" in Poestenkill, which subject was raised in the Fall 2024 edition of the Poestenkill Spotlight under the heading "New Code Enforcement Policy Enacted," which new policy is simply a continuation of Poestenkill's formerly unspoken policy of not enforcing either law or code in Poestenkill, because we don't do it that way here, anymore.
And to be clear, when this publication uses the term "lawlessness" with respect to the Town of Poestenkill, the term "lawlessness" carries its common meaning of "a state of disorder due to a disregard of the law," which takes us back to the Fall 2024 edition of the Poestenkill Spotlight under the heading "NYS Audit Uncovers Embezzlement of Poestenkill Taxpayer Money," which embezzlement did not occur in a vacuum and could not have occurred if this town had a competent, efficient, honest and trustworthy town government, which statement will have the Poestenkill Nazi Concentration Camp Spotlights blazing long into the future as punishment for thinking in print that we do not have competent, efficient, honest and trustworthy town government in this town, when what we have is a clown show where nobody has a clue as to how much money the town is holding and where that money might be, while we are forced to pay a $25,000 penalty to the federal government because Poestenkill town government failed to file the proper forms in a timely manner.
As to the term "lawless" with respect to Poestenkill, it carries its common dictionary definition of "not restrained or controlled by law," because we don't do it that way here in Poestenkill, where outside laws, rules and regulations are deemed by the authorities in Poestenkill to be offensive to the perceived proper administration of town affairs in Poestenkill, where if one is friends with the right people in town government, one can do whatever one pleases, i.e. run a wood processing operation in a residentially zoned area of Poestenkill that is obnoxious to the neighbors, who themselves, due to several detrimental concessions made by Poestenkill out of gross stupidity and open contempt for law and order, have been stripped of the protection of law in Poestenkill, as is the case with Poestenkill engineer Paul Plante with the Poestenkill-approved Nazi Concentration Camp Spotlights blazing on his land, as if Poestenkill's Ku Klux Klan were holding a mass cross burning to drive Plante from Poestenkill as an "undesirable" who is not wanted here.
Dedicated to the protection and preservation of intellectual liberty in Poestenkill for Democracy in Poestenkill dies in Darkness, while in Darkness, Corruption in Poestenkill Flourishes
December 4th 2024 Edition
With Poestenkill's "Nazi Concentration Camp Spotlights" again in operation this morning around 5 A.M. as Poestenkill continues its long-term "HATE CAMPAIGN" (a series of actions which are intended to harm or upset someone, or to make other people have a low opinion of them - Collin's Dictionary) against Poestenkill engineer Paul Plante for various "crimes" against society in Poestenkill, such as disloyalty to Poestenkill town government, not being properly respectful to Poestenkill town government, not being sincerely civil to Poestenkill town officials, engaging in independent thought and independent action for the good of the community in Poestenkill without prior approval of the Poestenkill Town Board, which is the sole arbiter of what is good for the community, to do so, being too thorough as a licensed professional engineer instead of being a milksop (a person who is indecisive and lacks courage) rubber stamp, and for engaging in protected political speech by publishing this newsletter without prior permission from Poestenkill to do so, and for further daring to publish without first getting prior approval of the content from Poestenkill's state security apparatus, what a perfect time to delve into the subject of "lawlessness" in Poestenkill, which subject was raised in the Fall 2024 edition of the Poestenkill Spotlight under the heading "New Code Enforcement Policy Enacted," which new policy is simply a continuation of Poestenkill's formerly unspoken policy of not enforcing either law or code in Poestenkill, because we don't do it that way here, anymore.
And to be clear, when this publication uses the term "lawlessness" with respect to the Town of Poestenkill, the term "lawlessness" carries its common meaning of "a state of disorder due to a disregard of the law," which takes us back to the Fall 2024 edition of the Poestenkill Spotlight under the heading "NYS Audit Uncovers Embezzlement of Poestenkill Taxpayer Money," which embezzlement did not occur in a vacuum and could not have occurred if this town had a competent, efficient, honest and trustworthy town government, which statement will have the Poestenkill Nazi Concentration Camp Spotlights blazing long into the future as punishment for thinking in print that we do not have competent, efficient, honest and trustworthy town government in this town, when what we have is a clown show where nobody has a clue as to how much money the town is holding and where that money might be, while we are forced to pay a $25,000 penalty to the federal government because Poestenkill town government failed to file the proper forms in a timely manner.
As to the term "lawless" with respect to Poestenkill, it carries its common dictionary definition of "not restrained or controlled by law," because we don't do it that way here in Poestenkill, where outside laws, rules and regulations are deemed by the authorities in Poestenkill to be offensive to the perceived proper administration of town affairs in Poestenkill, where if one is friends with the right people in town government, one can do whatever one pleases, i.e. run a wood processing operation in a residentially zoned area of Poestenkill that is obnoxious to the neighbors, who themselves, due to several detrimental concessions made by Poestenkill out of gross stupidity and open contempt for law and order, have been stripped of the protection of law in Poestenkill, as is the case with Poestenkill engineer Paul Plante with the Poestenkill-approved Nazi Concentration Camp Spotlights blazing on his land, as if Poestenkill's Ku Klux Klan were holding a mass cross burning to drive Plante from Poestenkill as an "undesirable" who is not wanted here.