RECORD OF THE CIVIL WAR, continued ...
Abeel, Benjamin, Co. B, 102 N.Y.
Abeel, John, January 10th ’65.
Allen, John.
Ashley, John J. jr., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 7th ’62.
Baildon, John, 25th N.J., September 6th ’62.
Balser, Henry, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 5th ’62.
Bartholomew, Erastus, Co. F, 156th N.Y., August 7th ’62, d. July 14th ’63.
Bell, William W., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 13th ’62, d. July 2nd ’63.
Benton, Anthony, Co. A, 54th Mass., March 5th ’63, dis. August 20th ’65.
Benton, John, Co. A, 31st N.Y., d. October 31st ’80.
Bloodgood, Charles, 125th N.Y., February 27th ’64.
Bolt, John, 80th N.Y., March 3rd ’61.
Bonestel, Charles, 5th N.Y., October ’61.
Botsford, Almanson, Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Boynton, Charles.
Brackney, John, 8th artillery, September ’64.
Brandow, Charles, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Brandow, Benjamin.
Brandow, George N., navy.
Brandow, James, Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’61.
Brandow, William, 107th N.Y., August 15th ’64.
Brink, Robert, 15th N.Y. engineers, August 15th ’64.
Broadhead, Nelson W., Co. K, 80th N.Y., d. August 30th ’82.
Bronson, David, 44th N.Y., d. July 22nd ’64, at Richmond, of wounds received at battle of Spottsylvania.
Brown, William W., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 11, ’63.
Bush, Elisha, 80th N.Y., December ’64.
Bush, Thomas, d. March 1st ’72.
Butler, John, 69th N.Y., May 28th ’62.
Canniff, William, Co. B, 102nd N.Y.
Carnwright, C.F., 5th heavy artillery, August ’62.
Carpenter, Edward, Co. B, 122nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Carpenter, Henry, 5th heavy artillery.
Carr, William, 15th N.Y., ’61.
Castle, Sidney.
Chambers, Jacob, 26th cavalry, January 15th ’64.
Charlton, William A., Co. A, 95th N.Y., November 28th ’61.
Clark, Frank A., Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Cleveland, Charles C., d. September 9th ’64.
Clinton, Michael, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 14th ’62.
Coffin, Jacob I., Co. B, 102nd N.Y.
Cole, Charles, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 15th ’62.
Cole, Charles, 15th N.Y. engineers, January 15th ’64.
Comfort, William H.
Conine, James.
Conklin, Robert.
Conover, Benjamin, 5th heavy artillery.
Coon, Carey D., Co. A, 95th N.Y., March 25th ’61.
Cornelius, James.
Coyle, John, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 14th ’62.
Cross, M.F. [sergeant.]
Cross, William.
Dedrick, James, 43rd N.Y., September 13th ’61.
Deer, Jacob, 5th cavalry.
Delong, Ira, 20th N.Y., August 22nd ’62, d.
Dewey, L.B., d. August 21st ’64.
Donaldson, James W., Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Dubois, Augustus, 5th heavy artillery, February 1st ’64.
Dubois, Francis H., 26th N.Y., January ’64.
Dunham, David D., 44th N.Y., d.
Dunham, F.J. jr., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 6th ’62.
Dunham, William.
Dunwell, George, 4th artillery, January ’64.
Eckler, Atwater, Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Edwards, George, 44th N.Y.
Edwards, Gilbert, 20th cavalry, September 20th ’64.
Edwards, James, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 13th ’62, d. January 28th ’83, at Falmouth, Va.
Edwards, Michael, 4th cavalry, August 28th ’61.
Egnor, Lewis W., d. October 1st ’69.
Elis, George, d. November 4th ’69.
Elmendorph, Edward, 43rd N.Y., August 20th ’61.
Emmett, Willard T., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 6th ’62.
Falk, Alden P., 5th heavy artillery, August ’62.
Falk, Sanford, 5th heavy artillery, February ’64.
Falkner, George W., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 8th ’62.
Felto, Louis, 5th heavy artillery, January ’64.
Fiester, Jacob, 80th N.Y., September 25th.
Finch, Jacob A., 91st N.Y., September 18th ’61.
Flagons, Michael, September ’62.
Frank, Godfrey, Co. M, 5th cavalry, d.
Friar, Charles B., Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Friar, Frederick, 44th N.Y., August 8th ’61.
Gardner, James, Co. A, 95th N.Y., December 16th ’61.
Gardner, John, 5th N.Y., February 16th ’64.
Goodwin, Calvin, 5th heavy artillery, August ’62.
Graham, Stephen, 15th N.Y. engineers, June ’64.
Grant, Benjamin W., 102nd N.Y., September ’64.
Greene, J.B., (lieutenant), U.S. army, d. at Fort Hamilton, June 1, ’61.
Greene, William C.
Gripman, Sylvenus, 102nd N.Y., November ’61.
Haines, Thomas, 9th Mass., ’62.
Ham, Edward, September 1st ’64.
Ham, William, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 11th ’62.
Hamlin, Charles F., Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Hannan, John, 95th N.Y., January 1st ’62.
Hare, G. Sullivan, 4th heavy artillery, January 12th ’64.
Hitchcock, Samuel F., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 8th ’62.
Holdridge, George, navy.
Hollenbeck, Ambrose, Co. B, 10d N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Hollenbeck, George.
Hollenbeck, Jacob.
Holmes, Joseph B., Co. F, 102nd N.Y.
Hotchkiss, Orrin W., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 11th ’62, d. July 2nd ’63.
Howe, Wellington jr., Co. I, 12th N.Y., May ’62, afterward 42nd Mass.
Husted, James, 102nd N.Y., ’61.
Ingersoll, Dr. E.L., 20th N.Y. militia, d. February 27th ’73.
Jewell, John B., 6th cavalry, d. October 11th ’63.
Joesbury, Joseph F., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Johnson, Arthur, independent sharpshooters, d. December 18th ’63.
Kayton, James.
Kennedy, John, Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Kinnicutt, George, Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Klein, Charles A., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 5th ’62.
Knifer, Anthony, 43rd N.Y., January 8th ’64.
Knifer, Joseph, 43rd N.Y., September 2nd ’61.
Kortz, William, Co. B, 102nd N.Y.
Lackey, Peter, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 6th ’62.
Lane, James, Co. A, 95th N.Y., December 6th ’61.
Lawrence, Stanley, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Layman, William M., Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Leeson, James, 20th N.Y.
Long, Henry, Co. A, 95th N.Y., November 18th ’61.
Low, Levi F., 1st U.S. horse artillery, Feb. 24th ’64, d. Sept. 4th ’75.
Ludington, George.
Ludington, Ira, Co. I, 3rd U.S. cavalry, d. April 4th ’80.
Ludington, Robert H., Co. E, 1st N.Y. dragoons, d. March 9th ’78.
Mackey, Isaac [sergeant], Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 13th ’63.
Madigan, Patrick, Co. B, 5th heavy artillery, February 3rd ’63.
Magilton, Timothy, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 11th ’62.
Mahew, Alvin.
Mallory, Robert L., Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Mallory, S.M., Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Mansfield, George H., 57th N.Y.
Mattoon, Cassius A., Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
McAllister, David, Co. A, 95th N.Y., December 16th ’61.
McCown, James, Co. E, 120th N.Y., August 11th ’62.
McMinner, James.
McNamara, Thomas, 6th U.S. regular.
Melius, Charles B., Co. A, 95th N.Y., October 10th ’61.
Melius, Harmon, 5th heavy artillery.
Mitchell, James B., navy.
Moffatt, John S., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 6th ’62.
Monroe, Joseph, 4th heavy artillery, ’61.
Montgomery, James, 6th N.Y., February 19th ’62.
Moon, Samuel F., Co. B, 5th heavy artillery, d. November 19th ’63.
More, Jacob, 80th N.Y., January 16th ’64.
Mott, Joseph, 16th cavalry, September 1st ’64.
Mower, John H., 102nd N.Y., March 4th ’62.
Mulligan, Bartholomew, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 4th ’62.
Murphy, James, Co. K, 88th N.Y., June 22nd ’62.
Myers, Augustus, 18th N.Y., April 12th ’61.
Myers, Charles.
Myers, William, d. March 28th ’75.
Nagle, John, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 5th ’62.
O’Brien, Camp, April ’65.
Oakley, Joseph, Co. F, 120th N.Y., July ’62, dis. ’65.
Overbaugh, Andrew.
Overbaugh, John H., September ’61.
Overbaugh, Peter, U.S. cavalry.
Overbaugh, Theodore F. [captain], Co. F, 120th N.Y., w. at Gettysburg, d. November 15th ’63.
Overbaugh, William E., 5th heavy artillery, March ’62.
Pennoyer, William A., [captain], Co. A, 95th N.Y., Nov. 14th ’61, afterwards captain Co. B, 102
Plank, Ezra, 4th heavy artillery, August 13th ’63.
Plank, John M., Co. A, 95th N.Y., November 28th ’61.
Plank, Ogden H., 49th Mass., September 20th ’62.
Plank, Sylvester F., 4th heavy artillery, January ’64.
Plank, William G., Co. A, 95th N.Y., November 28th ’61.
Pollock, Frederick, 5th heavy artillery, February 18th ’62.
Pratt, Leonard S. January ’61.
Puffer, John, Co. A, 95th N.Y., December 31st ’61.
Quinn, William, Co. A, 95th N.Y., November 26th ’61.
Rider, John, Co. F, 102th N.Y., July 25th ’62.
Rudolph, George H., 80th N.Y., March 13th ’65.
Rhodes, William, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 15th ’62.
Robinson, Cornelius J., 44th N.Y., August ’61.
Rouse, Aaron V.S., Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Rouse, Harrison, Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Rouse, James B., Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Rouse, John.
Rowe, Joseph, 5th heavy artillery, February ’62.
Rugar, Charles, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 6th ’62.
Ruland, Enos W., [1st lieut.], Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Russell, N., Co. I, 44th N.Y.
Russell, Peter W., d. May 14th ’67.
Russell, William L., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 8 ’62.
Salisbury, Henry, 80th N.Y., January 14th ’64.
Salisbury, William F., 115th N.Y., August 20th ’62.
Sax, George, Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Schadder, Lewis, 5th cavalry, September 13th ’64.
Schermerhorn, William H., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 14th ’62.
Secord, Charles, 43rd N.Y., January ‘64.
Secord, Israel, 43rd N.Y., September ’61.
Secord, Reuben, 4th heavy artillery, ’64.
Selleck, Hobart.
Shanker, Charles, 80th N.Y., March ’64.
Shepard, Benjamin.
Sheridan, Lawrence, Co. A, 95th N.Y., December 16th ’61.
Shoemaker, Henry, 91st N.Y., September 6th ’64.
Shufelt, William, Co. C, 159th N.Y., k. in service.
Slocum, E.C.
Smith, George W., 4th heavy artillery, February ’64.
Smith, Hiram, 4th heavy artillery, January 16th ’64.
Smith, Theodore F., Co. A, 31st N.Y., d. March 10th ’60.
Snider, Robert, 91st N.Y., September 7th ’64.
Stacey, Daniel H., 4th heavy artillery, February 25th ’64.
Still, Hiram, 5th N.Y., February 2nd ’64.
St. John, Michael, 4th heavy artillery, May ’61.
Story, Franklin, Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Sutton, Francis T., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 11th ’62.
Sutton, Thomas, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Taylor, Thomas G., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 13th ’62.
Teal, George, 10th heavy artillery, April ’65.
Tenbroeck, Theodore, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 11th ’62.
Thomas, Arthur W., [serg’t], Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62, w. at Gettysburg, pro. 1st lieut., afterward capt.
Thorp, Tompkins [serg’t], Co. K, 4th N.Y., d. July ’63.
Trowbridge, Charles jr., Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Trowbridge, James W., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 8th ’62.
Trumpbour, Franklin, 5th heavy artillery, January ’64.
Trumpbour, Rowland, Co. B, 102nd N.Y.
Truvis, Orrin, 80th N.Y., October 10th ’61.
Truvis, Peter H., 20th N.Y., April 23rd ’61.
Turnecliffe, Henry, 5th heavy artillery, January ’64.
Van Dyke, John, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 18th ’62, d. in service, September 10th ’63.
Van Hoesen, Columbus, d. at Andersonville.
Van Leuven, Ambrose A., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 11th ’62.
Van Leuven, Isaac, Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Van Leuven, J.W., Co. F, 120th N.Y., July 29th ’62.
Van Loan, George, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 11th ’62, d. May 3rd ’63.
Van Loan, M. Spencer, 80th N.Y., September 12th ’61.
Van Steenburgh, Edgar, Co. B, 102nd N.Y., Sept. 20th ’64; d. Feb. 13th ’73.
Van Steenburgh, William.
Van Vechten, ---------, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Van Vieren, Gilbert, 5th heavy artillery, August ’64.
Waite, B.O.
Ward, F.L., d. March 24th ’67.
Waterman, Russell, Co. A, 95th N.Y., November 18th ’61.
Watson, John, [lieut.], k. December 15th ’64, at battle of Nashville.
Weed, Adelbert, d. January 26th ’65.
Westervelt, Alonzo G., 4th heavy artillery, January 23rd ’64.
Westervelt, John F., 80th N.Y., March 8th ’64.
Whitaker, Francis, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 5th ’62.
Whitaker, Leroy H., 5th heavy artillery, August ’62.
Whitcomb, William H. [lieut.], 5th cavalry, dis. July 19th ’65.
Wilcox, J.H., navy.
Wilson, Josiah, July ’65.
Wilson, John N., Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Wiltse, Joseph F., Co. F, 120th N.Y., July 29th ’62.
Young, John [lieut.], Co. K, 80th N.Y., d.
Zimmerman, ---------, Co. M, 5th cavalry, d. October 17th ’63.
RECORD OF THE CIVIL WAR, continued ...
Abeel, Benjamin, Co. B, 102 N.Y.
Abeel, John, January 10th ’65.
Allen, John.
Ashley, John J. jr., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 7th ’62.
Baildon, John, 25th N.J., September 6th ’62.
Balser, Henry, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 5th ’62.
Bartholomew, Erastus, Co. F, 156th N.Y., August 7th ’62, d. July 14th ’63.
Bell, William W., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 13th ’62, d. July 2nd ’63.
Benton, Anthony, Co. A, 54th Mass., March 5th ’63, dis. August 20th ’65.
Benton, John, Co. A, 31st N.Y., d. October 31st ’80.
Bloodgood, Charles, 125th N.Y., February 27th ’64.
Bolt, John, 80th N.Y., March 3rd ’61.
Bonestel, Charles, 5th N.Y., October ’61.
Botsford, Almanson, Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Boynton, Charles.
Brackney, John, 8th artillery, September ’64.
Brandow, Charles, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Brandow, Benjamin.
Brandow, George N., navy.
Brandow, James, Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’61.
Brandow, William, 107th N.Y., August 15th ’64.
Brink, Robert, 15th N.Y. engineers, August 15th ’64.
Broadhead, Nelson W., Co. K, 80th N.Y., d. August 30th ’82.
Bronson, David, 44th N.Y., d. July 22nd ’64, at Richmond, of wounds received at battle of Spottsylvania.
Brown, William W., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 11, ’63.
Bush, Elisha, 80th N.Y., December ’64.
Bush, Thomas, d. March 1st ’72.
Butler, John, 69th N.Y., May 28th ’62.
Canniff, William, Co. B, 102nd N.Y.
Carnwright, C.F., 5th heavy artillery, August ’62.
Carpenter, Edward, Co. B, 122nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Carpenter, Henry, 5th heavy artillery.
Carr, William, 15th N.Y., ’61.
Castle, Sidney.
Chambers, Jacob, 26th cavalry, January 15th ’64.
Charlton, William A., Co. A, 95th N.Y., November 28th ’61.
Clark, Frank A., Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Cleveland, Charles C., d. September 9th ’64.
Clinton, Michael, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 14th ’62.
Coffin, Jacob I., Co. B, 102nd N.Y.
Cole, Charles, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 15th ’62.
Cole, Charles, 15th N.Y. engineers, January 15th ’64.
Comfort, William H.
Conine, James.
Conklin, Robert.
Conover, Benjamin, 5th heavy artillery.
Coon, Carey D., Co. A, 95th N.Y., March 25th ’61.
Cornelius, James.
Coyle, John, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 14th ’62.
Cross, M.F. [sergeant.]
Cross, William.
Dedrick, James, 43rd N.Y., September 13th ’61.
Deer, Jacob, 5th cavalry.
Delong, Ira, 20th N.Y., August 22nd ’62, d.
Dewey, L.B., d. August 21st ’64.
Donaldson, James W., Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Dubois, Augustus, 5th heavy artillery, February 1st ’64.
Dubois, Francis H., 26th N.Y., January ’64.
Dunham, David D., 44th N.Y., d.
Dunham, F.J. jr., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 6th ’62.
Dunham, William.
Dunwell, George, 4th artillery, January ’64.
Eckler, Atwater, Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Edwards, George, 44th N.Y.
Edwards, Gilbert, 20th cavalry, September 20th ’64.
Edwards, James, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 13th ’62, d. January 28th ’83, at Falmouth, Va.
Edwards, Michael, 4th cavalry, August 28th ’61.
Egnor, Lewis W., d. October 1st ’69.
Elis, George, d. November 4th ’69.
Elmendorph, Edward, 43rd N.Y., August 20th ’61.
Emmett, Willard T., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 6th ’62.
Falk, Alden P., 5th heavy artillery, August ’62.
Falk, Sanford, 5th heavy artillery, February ’64.
Falkner, George W., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 8th ’62.
Felto, Louis, 5th heavy artillery, January ’64.
Fiester, Jacob, 80th N.Y., September 25th.
Finch, Jacob A., 91st N.Y., September 18th ’61.
Flagons, Michael, September ’62.
Frank, Godfrey, Co. M, 5th cavalry, d.
Friar, Charles B., Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Friar, Frederick, 44th N.Y., August 8th ’61.
Gardner, James, Co. A, 95th N.Y., December 16th ’61.
Gardner, John, 5th N.Y., February 16th ’64.
Goodwin, Calvin, 5th heavy artillery, August ’62.
Graham, Stephen, 15th N.Y. engineers, June ’64.
Grant, Benjamin W., 102nd N.Y., September ’64.
Greene, J.B., (lieutenant), U.S. army, d. at Fort Hamilton, June 1, ’61.
Greene, William C.
Gripman, Sylvenus, 102nd N.Y., November ’61.
Haines, Thomas, 9th Mass., ’62.
Ham, Edward, September 1st ’64.
Ham, William, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 11th ’62.
Hamlin, Charles F., Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Hannan, John, 95th N.Y., January 1st ’62.
Hare, G. Sullivan, 4th heavy artillery, January 12th ’64.
Hitchcock, Samuel F., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 8th ’62.
Holdridge, George, navy.
Hollenbeck, Ambrose, Co. B, 10d N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Hollenbeck, George.
Hollenbeck, Jacob.
Holmes, Joseph B., Co. F, 102nd N.Y.
Hotchkiss, Orrin W., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 11th ’62, d. July 2nd ’63.
Howe, Wellington jr., Co. I, 12th N.Y., May ’62, afterward 42nd Mass.
Husted, James, 102nd N.Y., ’61.
Ingersoll, Dr. E.L., 20th N.Y. militia, d. February 27th ’73.
Jewell, John B., 6th cavalry, d. October 11th ’63.
Joesbury, Joseph F., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Johnson, Arthur, independent sharpshooters, d. December 18th ’63.
Kayton, James.
Kennedy, John, Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Kinnicutt, George, Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Klein, Charles A., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 5th ’62.
Knifer, Anthony, 43rd N.Y., January 8th ’64.
Knifer, Joseph, 43rd N.Y., September 2nd ’61.
Kortz, William, Co. B, 102nd N.Y.
Lackey, Peter, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 6th ’62.
Lane, James, Co. A, 95th N.Y., December 6th ’61.
Lawrence, Stanley, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Layman, William M., Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Leeson, James, 20th N.Y.
Long, Henry, Co. A, 95th N.Y., November 18th ’61.
Low, Levi F., 1st U.S. horse artillery, Feb. 24th ’64, d. Sept. 4th ’75.
Ludington, George.
Ludington, Ira, Co. I, 3rd U.S. cavalry, d. April 4th ’80.
Ludington, Robert H., Co. E, 1st N.Y. dragoons, d. March 9th ’78.
Mackey, Isaac [sergeant], Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 13th ’63.
Madigan, Patrick, Co. B, 5th heavy artillery, February 3rd ’63.
Magilton, Timothy, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 11th ’62.
Mahew, Alvin.
Mallory, Robert L., Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Mallory, S.M., Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Mansfield, George H., 57th N.Y.
Mattoon, Cassius A., Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
McAllister, David, Co. A, 95th N.Y., December 16th ’61.
McCown, James, Co. E, 120th N.Y., August 11th ’62.
McMinner, James.
McNamara, Thomas, 6th U.S. regular.
Melius, Charles B., Co. A, 95th N.Y., October 10th ’61.
Melius, Harmon, 5th heavy artillery.
Mitchell, James B., navy.
Moffatt, John S., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 6th ’62.
Monroe, Joseph, 4th heavy artillery, ’61.
Montgomery, James, 6th N.Y., February 19th ’62.
Moon, Samuel F., Co. B, 5th heavy artillery, d. November 19th ’63.
More, Jacob, 80th N.Y., January 16th ’64.
Mott, Joseph, 16th cavalry, September 1st ’64.
Mower, John H., 102nd N.Y., March 4th ’62.
Mulligan, Bartholomew, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 4th ’62.
Murphy, James, Co. K, 88th N.Y., June 22nd ’62.
Myers, Augustus, 18th N.Y., April 12th ’61.
Myers, Charles.
Myers, William, d. March 28th ’75.
Nagle, John, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 5th ’62.
O’Brien, Camp, April ’65.
Oakley, Joseph, Co. F, 120th N.Y., July ’62, dis. ’65.
Overbaugh, Andrew.
Overbaugh, John H., September ’61.
Overbaugh, Peter, U.S. cavalry.
Overbaugh, Theodore F. [captain], Co. F, 120th N.Y., w. at Gettysburg, d. November 15th ’63.
Overbaugh, William E., 5th heavy artillery, March ’62.
Pennoyer, William A., [captain], Co. A, 95th N.Y., Nov. 14th ’61, afterwards captain Co. B, 102
Plank, Ezra, 4th heavy artillery, August 13th ’63.
Plank, John M., Co. A, 95th N.Y., November 28th ’61.
Plank, Ogden H., 49th Mass., September 20th ’62.
Plank, Sylvester F., 4th heavy artillery, January ’64.
Plank, William G., Co. A, 95th N.Y., November 28th ’61.
Pollock, Frederick, 5th heavy artillery, February 18th ’62.
Pratt, Leonard S. January ’61.
Puffer, John, Co. A, 95th N.Y., December 31st ’61.
Quinn, William, Co. A, 95th N.Y., November 26th ’61.
Rider, John, Co. F, 102th N.Y., July 25th ’62.
Rudolph, George H., 80th N.Y., March 13th ’65.
Rhodes, William, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 15th ’62.
Robinson, Cornelius J., 44th N.Y., August ’61.
Rouse, Aaron V.S., Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Rouse, Harrison, Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Rouse, James B., Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Rouse, John.
Rowe, Joseph, 5th heavy artillery, February ’62.
Rugar, Charles, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 6th ’62.
Ruland, Enos W., [1st lieut.], Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Russell, N., Co. I, 44th N.Y.
Russell, Peter W., d. May 14th ’67.
Russell, William L., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 8 ’62.
Salisbury, Henry, 80th N.Y., January 14th ’64.
Salisbury, William F., 115th N.Y., August 20th ’62.
Sax, George, Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Schadder, Lewis, 5th cavalry, September 13th ’64.
Schermerhorn, William H., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 14th ’62.
Secord, Charles, 43rd N.Y., January ‘64.
Secord, Israel, 43rd N.Y., September ’61.
Secord, Reuben, 4th heavy artillery, ’64.
Selleck, Hobart.
Shanker, Charles, 80th N.Y., March ’64.
Shepard, Benjamin.
Sheridan, Lawrence, Co. A, 95th N.Y., December 16th ’61.
Shoemaker, Henry, 91st N.Y., September 6th ’64.
Shufelt, William, Co. C, 159th N.Y., k. in service.
Slocum, E.C.
Smith, George W., 4th heavy artillery, February ’64.
Smith, Hiram, 4th heavy artillery, January 16th ’64.
Smith, Theodore F., Co. A, 31st N.Y., d. March 10th ’60.
Snider, Robert, 91st N.Y., September 7th ’64.
Stacey, Daniel H., 4th heavy artillery, February 25th ’64.
Still, Hiram, 5th N.Y., February 2nd ’64.
St. John, Michael, 4th heavy artillery, May ’61.
Story, Franklin, Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Sutton, Francis T., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 11th ’62.
Sutton, Thomas, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Taylor, Thomas G., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 13th ’62.
Teal, George, 10th heavy artillery, April ’65.
Tenbroeck, Theodore, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 11th ’62.
Thomas, Arthur W., [serg’t], Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62, w. at Gettysburg, pro. 1st lieut., afterward capt.
Thorp, Tompkins [serg’t], Co. K, 4th N.Y., d. July ’63.
Trowbridge, Charles jr., Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Trowbridge, James W., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 8th ’62.
Trumpbour, Franklin, 5th heavy artillery, January ’64.
Trumpbour, Rowland, Co. B, 102nd N.Y.
Truvis, Orrin, 80th N.Y., October 10th ’61.
Truvis, Peter H., 20th N.Y., April 23rd ’61.
Turnecliffe, Henry, 5th heavy artillery, January ’64.
Van Dyke, John, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 18th ’62, d. in service, September 10th ’63.
Van Hoesen, Columbus, d. at Andersonville.
Van Leuven, Ambrose A., Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 11th ’62.
Van Leuven, Isaac, Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Van Leuven, J.W., Co. F, 120th N.Y., July 29th ’62.
Van Loan, George, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 11th ’62, d. May 3rd ’63.
Van Loan, M. Spencer, 80th N.Y., September 12th ’61.
Van Steenburgh, Edgar, Co. B, 102nd N.Y., Sept. 20th ’64; d. Feb. 13th ’73.
Van Steenburgh, William.
Van Vechten, ---------, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Van Vieren, Gilbert, 5th heavy artillery, August ’64.
Waite, B.O.
Ward, F.L., d. March 24th ’67.
Waterman, Russell, Co. A, 95th N.Y., November 18th ’61.
Watson, John, [lieut.], k. December 15th ’64, at battle of Nashville.
Weed, Adelbert, d. January 26th ’65.
Westervelt, Alonzo G., 4th heavy artillery, January 23rd ’64.
Westervelt, John F., 80th N.Y., March 8th ’64.
Whitaker, Francis, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 5th ’62.
Whitaker, Leroy H., 5th heavy artillery, August ’62.
Whitcomb, William H. [lieut.], 5th cavalry, dis. July 19th ’65.
Wilcox, J.H., navy.
Wilson, Josiah, July ’65.
Wilson, John N., Co. B, 102nd N.Y., September 20th ’64.
Wiltse, Joseph F., Co. F, 120th N.Y., July 29th ’62.
Young, John [lieut.], Co. K, 80th N.Y., d.
Zimmerman, ---------, Co. M, 5th cavalry, d. October 17th ’63.
RECORD OF THE CIVIL WAR, continued ...
Aikens, John W., Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 1st ’62, dis. June 5th ’65.
Backus, Philo H., 44th N.Y.
Beatty, William H.H. [1st sergeant], Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 4th ’62, d.
Beatty, Arthur W., Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 5th ’62, dis, June 5th ’65.
Beeman, John.
Bell, Henry C., Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 8th ’62, d. at Andersonville.
Bell, Theodore F., Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 8th ’62, w. at Chancellorsville, prisoner at Andersonville, dis. June 3rd ’65.
Bellows, Reuben, Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 20th ’62, dis. June 5th ’65.
Bennett, Robert K., Co. H, 156th N.Y., Sept. 23rd ’62, dis. Feb. 2nd ’63.
Bogardus, Anthony, Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 1st ’62, dis. June 5th ’65.
Briggs, Silas J., Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 1st ’62, d. at Belle Island.
Calkins, Stephen V., Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 7th ’62, d. a prisoner.
Carman, Edward E., Co. F, 38th N.Y., May 7th ’61, dis. June 23rd ’64.
Clow, Abram, Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 18th ’62, dis. June 5th ’65.
Collier, Henry C., [assistant surgeon], Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 7th ’62, d. in service ’63.
Collier, A.V.D., [1st lieutenant], Co. G, 15th N.Y. engineers, Nov. 14th ’64, dis. June 13th ’65.
Conrow, Gilbert S., Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 12th ’62, dis. June 5th ’65.
Dederick, Herman C., Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 22nd ’62, dis. June 5th ’65.
Dederick, Francis W., Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 22nd ’62, k. at Gettysburg.
Dewitt, John.
Dowling, Michael, Co. F, 38th N.Y., May 7th ’61, dis. June 23rd ’63.
Eldridge, George F., Co. M, 9th heavy artillery, Sept. 23rd ’61, w. at Cedar Creek, dis. May 31st ’65.
Exler, John, Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 8th ’62, dis. June 5th ’65.
Fish, John B., Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 8th ’62, d. at Belle Island.
Fitzpatrick, --------.
Freligh, William, 80th N.Y., September 1st ’62, dis. June 30th ’65.
Garrigan, Edward C., 2nd N.Y. cavalry, July ’62, prisoner at Andersonville 13 months.
Garrigan, Thomas C., Co. F, 38th N.Y., May 7th ’61, w. at Fredericksburg, dis. 2nd Lieutenant Co. D, June 23rd ’63.
Garrigan, Thomas, Co. F, 38th N.Y., May 7th ’61, w. at Fredericksburg, dis. June 23rd ’63.
Garrigan, William, Battery I, 5th U.S. artillery, ’61, dis. ’64.
Garrigan, Walter, navy, ’63, dis. ‘64.
Gedney, Edward, Co. D, 79th N.Y., February 7th ’65, dis. July 26th ’65.
Greene, M.H. [1st lieutenant], Co. D, 120th N.Y, Aug. 1st ’62, dis. Sept. 27th ’63.
Hiseerd, William H., Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 2nd ’62, dis. June 5th ’65.
Hiseerd, John, Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 9th ’62, w. at Spottsylvania dis. June 3rd ’65.
Hoffman, Albert T., Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 6th ’62, dis. June 3rd ’65.
Hoffman, David H., Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 4th ’62, dis. June 20th ’65.
Hollister, Lansing [captain], Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 1st ’62, k. at Gettysburg.
Hoose, George, Co. K, 47th N.Y.
Houghtaling, Martin A., Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 12th ’62, d. at Belle Island.
Hyatt, Silas, navy.
Jaycox, David, Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 4th ’62, dis. June 3rd ’65.
Lamphere, Henry, Co. I, 44th N.Y., Oct. 4th ’63, w. at battle of Wilderness, dis. Aug. 16th ’65.
Lewis, Alonzo E., Co. K, 47th N.Y., March 1st ’65, dis. Aug. 13th ’65.
Lewis, Henry B., “invalid corps.”
Miller, John, Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 20th ’62, dis. June 5th ’65.
Mosher, Clark, Co. F, 38th N.Y., May 7th ’61, dis. June 23rd ’63.
Parslow, Gilbert, Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 18th ’62.
Provost, John E.
Reynolds, William, Co. K, 44th N.Y., Sept. ’62, transferred to Co. G, 146th N.Y., Oct. 6th ’64, dis. July 16th ’65.
Robbins, David, Co. K, 47th N.Y., September ’61, dis. ’64.
Rosenburgh, John, Co. K, 44th N.Y., September ’62, dis. ’63.
Shandley, Patrick H., navy, dis. ’65.
Shaw, William, Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 4th ’62, dis. June 5th ’65.
Sheffield, George, 44th N.Y., July 1st ’61, k. at 2nd battle of Bull Run.
Speanburgh, George C., Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 18th ’62, dis. March 7th ’63.
Spencer, George, 44th N.Y.
Spencer, Joseph.
Spoor, John I., [3rd sergeant], Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 4th ’62, dis. 1st lieutenant, June 3rd ’65.
Tucker, Lewis, Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 5th ’62, k. at Gettysburg.
Van Buskirk, Eugene. Co. K, 47th N.Y., Sept. ’61, dis. July ’63.
Van Den Bergh,William, Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 2nd ’62, w. at Gettysburg, dis. July 1st ’65.
Van Den Bergh, R.H., Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 11th ’62, dis. June 15th ’65.
Van Den Bergh, Jacob, Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 8th ’62, dis. June 3th ’65.
Van Den Bergh, Warner, Co. I, 44th N.Y., July 1st ’61, dis. Oct. 11th ’65.
Van Den Bergh, Sylvester, Co. I, 44th N.Y., July ’61, dis. Oct. 11th ’65.
Van Schaack, Peter G., Co. D., 120th N.Y., Aug. 6th ’62, w. at Gettysburg, dis. Dec. 9th ’63.
Van Schaack, Derrick, Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 22nd ’62, dis. June 20th ’65.
Van Wie, J.B., Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 22nd ’62, w. at Gettysburg, dis. June 29th ’65.
Van Valkenburgh, C.E., Co. G, 159th N.Y., Feb. ’64, dis. Oct. 12th ’65.
Vincent, Frederick, 2nd N.Y., light cavalry, July ’62.
Wagoner, Frederick, Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 2nd ’62, dis. June 5th ’65.
Walters, Moses, Co. K, 120th N.Y., Aug. 7th ’62, w. at Gettysburg, dis. Oct. 14th ’65.
Waker, Lewis.
Whitbeck, R.V. [sergeant], Co. I, 44th N.Y., July ’61, dis. Oct. 15th ’64.
Whitbeck, R. H., Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 11th ’62, w. at Tolopotomoy Creek, dis. June 3rd ’65.
Wixon, Caleb, Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 19th ’62.
Wood, Nathaniel W., Co. E., 91st N.Y., Aug. 13th ’64, dis. June 19th ’65.
Worden, Warren, Co. K, 47th N.Y., March 1st ’65, dis. Aug. 30th ’65.
Worden, Alanson, Co. K, 47th N.Y.
Wren, Stephen, Co. L, 18th cavalry, Sept. 19th ’64, dis. June 2nd ’65.
Wright, John, Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 4th ’62, dis. June 5th ’65.
RECORD OF THE CIVIL WAR, continued ...
Aikens, John W., Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 1st ’62, dis. June 5th ’65.
Backus, Philo H., 44th N.Y.
Beatty, William H.H. [1st sergeant], Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 4th ’62, d.
Beatty, Arthur W., Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 5th ’62, dis, June 5th ’65.
Beeman, John.
Bell, Henry C., Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 8th ’62, d. at Andersonville.
Bell, Theodore F., Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 8th ’62, w. at Chancellorsville, prisoner at Andersonville, dis. June 3rd ’65.
Bellows, Reuben, Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 20th ’62, dis. June 5th ’65.
Bennett, Robert K., Co. H, 156th N.Y., Sept. 23rd ’62, dis. Feb. 2nd ’63.
Bogardus, Anthony, Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 1st ’62, dis. June 5th ’65.
Briggs, Silas J., Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 1st ’62, d. at Belle Island.
Calkins, Stephen V., Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 7th ’62, d. a prisoner.
Carman, Edward E., Co. F, 38th N.Y., May 7th ’61, dis. June 23rd ’64.
Clow, Abram, Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 18th ’62, dis. June 5th ’65.
Collier, Henry C., [assistant surgeon], Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 7th ’62, d. in service ’63.
Collier, A.V.D., [1st lieutenant], Co. G, 15th N.Y. engineers, Nov. 14th ’64, dis. June 13th ’65.
Conrow, Gilbert S., Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 12th ’62, dis. June 5th ’65.
Dederick, Herman C., Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 22nd ’62, dis. June 5th ’65.
Dederick, Francis W., Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 22nd ’62, k. at Gettysburg.
Dewitt, John.
Dowling, Michael, Co. F, 38th N.Y., May 7th ’61, dis. June 23rd ’63.
Eldridge, George F., Co. M, 9th heavy artillery, Sept. 23rd ’61, w. at Cedar Creek, dis. May 31st ’65.
Exler, John, Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 8th ’62, dis. June 5th ’65.
Fish, John B., Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 8th ’62, d. at Belle Island.
Fitzpatrick, --------.
Freligh, William, 80th N.Y., September 1st ’62, dis. June 30th ’65.
Garrigan, Edward C., 2nd N.Y. cavalry, July ’62, prisoner at Andersonville 13 months.
Garrigan, Thomas C., Co. F, 38th N.Y., May 7th ’61, w. at Fredericksburg, dis. 2nd Lieutenant Co. D, June 23rd ’63.
Garrigan, Thomas, Co. F, 38th N.Y., May 7th ’61, w. at Fredericksburg, dis. June 23rd ’63.
Garrigan, William, Battery I, 5th U.S. artillery, ’61, dis. ’64.
Garrigan, Walter, navy, ’63, dis. ‘64.
Gedney, Edward, Co. D, 79th N.Y., February 7th ’65, dis. July 26th ’65.
Greene, M.H. [1st lieutenant], Co. D, 120th N.Y, Aug. 1st ’62, dis. Sept. 27th ’63.
Hiseerd, William H., Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 2nd ’62, dis. June 5th ’65.
Hiseerd, John, Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 9th ’62, w. at Spottsylvania dis. June 3rd ’65.
Hoffman, Albert T., Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 6th ’62, dis. June 3rd ’65.
Hoffman, David H., Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 4th ’62, dis. June 20th ’65.
Hollister, Lansing [captain], Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 1st ’62, k. at Gettysburg.
Hoose, George, Co. K, 47th N.Y.
Houghtaling, Martin A., Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 12th ’62, d. at Belle Island.
Hyatt, Silas, navy.
Jaycox, David, Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 4th ’62, dis. June 3rd ’65.
Lamphere, Henry, Co. I, 44th N.Y., Oct. 4th ’63, w. at battle of Wilderness, dis. Aug. 16th ’65.
Lewis, Alonzo E., Co. K, 47th N.Y., March 1st ’65, dis. Aug. 13th ’65.
Lewis, Henry B., “invalid corps.”
Miller, John, Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 20th ’62, dis. June 5th ’65.
Mosher, Clark, Co. F, 38th N.Y., May 7th ’61, dis. June 23rd ’63.
Parslow, Gilbert, Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 18th ’62.
Provost, John E.
Reynolds, William, Co. K, 44th N.Y., Sept. ’62, transferred to Co. G, 146th N.Y., Oct. 6th ’64, dis. July 16th ’65.
Robbins, David, Co. K, 47th N.Y., September ’61, dis. ’64.
Rosenburgh, John, Co. K, 44th N.Y., September ’62, dis. ’63.
Shandley, Patrick H., navy, dis. ’65.
Shaw, William, Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 4th ’62, dis. June 5th ’65.
Sheffield, George, 44th N.Y., July 1st ’61, k. at 2nd battle of Bull Run.
Speanburgh, George C., Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 18th ’62, dis. March 7th ’63.
Spencer, George, 44th N.Y.
Spencer, Joseph.
Spoor, John I., [3rd sergeant], Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 4th ’62, dis. 1st lieutenant, June 3rd ’65.
Tucker, Lewis, Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 5th ’62, k. at Gettysburg.
Van Buskirk, Eugene. Co. K, 47th N.Y., Sept. ’61, dis. July ’63.
Van Den Bergh,William, Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 2nd ’62, w. at Gettysburg, dis. July 1st ’65.
Van Den Bergh, R.H., Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 11th ’62, dis. June 15th ’65.
Van Den Bergh, Jacob, Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 8th ’62, dis. June 3th ’65.
Van Den Bergh, Warner, Co. I, 44th N.Y., July 1st ’61, dis. Oct. 11th ’65.
Van Den Bergh, Sylvester, Co. I, 44th N.Y., July ’61, dis. Oct. 11th ’65.
Van Schaack, Peter G., Co. D., 120th N.Y., Aug. 6th ’62, w. at Gettysburg, dis. Dec. 9th ’63.
Van Schaack, Derrick, Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 22nd ’62, dis. June 20th ’65.
Van Wie, J.B., Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 22nd ’62, w. at Gettysburg, dis. June 29th ’65.
Van Valkenburgh, C.E., Co. G, 159th N.Y., Feb. ’64, dis. Oct. 12th ’65.
Vincent, Frederick, 2nd N.Y., light cavalry, July ’62.
Wagoner, Frederick, Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 2nd ’62, dis. June 5th ’65.
Walters, Moses, Co. K, 120th N.Y., Aug. 7th ’62, w. at Gettysburg, dis. Oct. 14th ’65.
Waker, Lewis.
Whitbeck, R.V. [sergeant], Co. I, 44th N.Y., July ’61, dis. Oct. 15th ’64.
Whitbeck, R. H., Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 11th ’62, w. at Tolopotomoy Creek, dis. June 3rd ’65.
Wixon, Caleb, Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 19th ’62.
Wood, Nathaniel W., Co. E., 91st N.Y., Aug. 13th ’64, dis. June 19th ’65.
Worden, Warren, Co. K, 47th N.Y., March 1st ’65, dis. Aug. 30th ’65.
Worden, Alanson, Co. K, 47th N.Y.
Wren, Stephen, Co. L, 18th cavalry, Sept. 19th ’64, dis. June 2nd ’65.
Wright, John, Co. D, 120th N.Y., Aug. 4th ’62, dis. June 5th ’65.
RECORD OF THE CIVIL WAR, continued ...
Augustus, Nathan, 120th N.Y., August 14th ’62.
Abrams, Nelson.
Avery, Alanson.
Benton, Lawrence, 14th regular army veterans Brooklyn.
Bowen, Orren, 20th N.Y., September 15th ’60.
Baker, Charles, 20th N.Y., September 15th ’60.
Battersbee, Henry, 80th N.Y., March 20th ’65.
Battersbee, Alfred, Wild Lucy [gunboat] March 1st ’65.
Borthwick, Alexander, 4th heavy artillery, November 15th ’65.
Borthwick, Calvin.
Bennett, Edward, 7th N.Y., September 3rd ’64.
Burke, John, 14th heavy artillery, December 15th ’63,
Baker, Platt, 91st N.Y., September 7th ’64.
Baker, Kingsley, 44th N.Y.
Bell, William, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Clark, Adelbert, 120th N.Y., September 10th ’61.
Cole, Charles, 80th N.Y., September 15th ’61.
Crandell, Charles J., 80th N.Y., Sept 7th ’61.
Chittenden, Oswald, 156th N.Y. September ’62.
Cole, William, March 1st ’64.
Cummings, William, 44th N.Y., regular army veterans, musician.
Champion, J.H., 8th N.Y. battalion.
Everett, James, 120th N.Y., August 23rd ’62.
Evry, Orlando.
Evry, Henry.
Fancher, John, light artillery, February 7th ’64.
Fancher, George H., light artillery, February 7th.
Freece, Nathan, 156th N.Y.
Faulk, William.
Frayer, Seymour.
Graham, George, 21st cavalry, August ’63.
Graham, Charles, 21st cavalty, August ’63.
Green, Charles T., 156th N.Y., November 17th ’62.
Gannon, James, 20th N.Y. militia.
Haight, Sylvanus, 7th N.Y., August ’64.
Hillyard, Francis, June ’60.
Hitchcock, Alonzo, musician, 80th N.Y., October 28th ’61.
Hitchcock, Luman, 80th N.Y., October 28th ’61.
Hood, George, 80th N.Y., September 18th ’61.
Hallenbeck, Edward, 146th N.Y., August 31st ’64.
Hallenbeck, William, 120th N.Y., August ’62.
Hallenbeck, Peter, 144th N.Y., August ’63.
Hood, Adelbert, 80th N.Y., October 15th ’61.
Hungerford, Benjamin, 156th N.Y., September ’62.
Hover, Frank W., 7th heavy artillery, January 14th ’64.
Hubbard, Wallace H., 193rd N.Y., April 1st ’65.
Halleck, Israel, 2nd heavy artillery, September 26th ‘61.
Hughes, Jonathan, February ’64.
Haskins, John, 113th N.Y., August 18th ’62.
Hooks, James, 80th N.Y., September 3rd ’61.
Haight, ------, 156th N.Y.
Jones, Sutherland, 120th N.Y., August 21st ’62.
Johnson, William A., 56th N.Y., September 30th ’61.
Lorton, William, navy, August ’64.
Lorton, John.
Layman, Alexander, 120th N.Y., August 15th ’62.
Layman, Chauncey, 120th N.Y.
Moore, Owen, 146th N.Y.
Morris, James, 143rd N.Y.
Purrington, John, 43rd N.Y., August 30th ’62.
Purrington, A.W.
Peume, Amos C., 3rd N.Y., March 14th ’61.
Post, Ezra R., 120th N.Y., August 15th ’62.
Reed, James J., 156th N.Y., August 13th ’62.
Spencer, Luther, 120th N.Y., August 13th ’62.
Smith, Henry, 120th N.Y., August 4th ’62.
Smith, Nathaniel.
Stannard, Eli, 15th engineers, September 7th ’61.
Snyder, Nelson, 156th N.Y.
Shortman, John, 120th N.Y.
Sidney, William, 44th N.Y.
Simmons, Charles, 80th N.Y.
Southwick, Arnold, 80th N.Y.
Snyder, Peter.
Wingard, William, 80th N.Y., September 11th ’61.
Wingard, Abram, 91st N.Y., September ’64.
Wingard, Daniel, 156th N.Y.
White, W. Sidney, 44th N.Y., September 29th ’61.
Willis, Thomas, 80th N.Y., September ’64.
Wright, Oliver, 120th N.Y., August 21st ’62.
RECORD OF THE CIVIL WAR, continued ...
Augustus, Nathan, 120th N.Y., August 14th ’62.
Abrams, Nelson.
Avery, Alanson.
Benton, Lawrence, 14th regular army veterans Brooklyn.
Bowen, Orren, 20th N.Y., September 15th ’60.
Baker, Charles, 20th N.Y., September 15th ’60.
Battersbee, Henry, 80th N.Y., March 20th ’65.
Battersbee, Alfred, Wild Lucy [gunboat] March 1st ’65.
Borthwick, Alexander, 4th heavy artillery, November 15th ’65.
Borthwick, Calvin.
Bennett, Edward, 7th N.Y., September 3rd ’64.
Burke, John, 14th heavy artillery, December 15th ’63,
Baker, Platt, 91st N.Y., September 7th ’64.
Baker, Kingsley, 44th N.Y.
Bell, William, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Clark, Adelbert, 120th N.Y., September 10th ’61.
Cole, Charles, 80th N.Y., September 15th ’61.
Crandell, Charles J., 80th N.Y., Sept 7th ’61.
Chittenden, Oswald, 156th N.Y. September ’62.
Cole, William, March 1st ’64.
Cummings, William, 44th N.Y., regular army veterans, musician.
Champion, J.H., 8th N.Y. battalion.
Everett, James, 120th N.Y., August 23rd ’62.
Evry, Orlando.
Evry, Henry.
Fancher, John, light artillery, February 7th ’64.
Fancher, George H., light artillery, February 7th.
Freece, Nathan, 156th N.Y.
Faulk, William.
Frayer, Seymour.
Graham, George, 21st cavalry, August ’63.
Graham, Charles, 21st cavalty, August ’63.
Green, Charles T., 156th N.Y., November 17th ’62.
Gannon, James, 20th N.Y. militia.
Haight, Sylvanus, 7th N.Y., August ’64.
Hillyard, Francis, June ’60.
Hitchcock, Alonzo, musician, 80th N.Y., October 28th ’61.
Hitchcock, Luman, 80th N.Y., October 28th ’61.
Hood, George, 80th N.Y., September 18th ’61.
Hallenbeck, Edward, 146th N.Y., August 31st ’64.
Hallenbeck, William, 120th N.Y., August ’62.
Hallenbeck, Peter, 144th N.Y., August ’63.
Hood, Adelbert, 80th N.Y., October 15th ’61.
Hungerford, Benjamin, 156th N.Y., September ’62.
Hover, Frank W., 7th heavy artillery, January 14th ’64.
Hubbard, Wallace H., 193rd N.Y., April 1st ’65.
Halleck, Israel, 2nd heavy artillery, September 26th ‘61.
Hughes, Jonathan, February ’64.
Haskins, John, 113th N.Y., August 18th ’62.
Hooks, James, 80th N.Y., September 3rd ’61.
Haight, ------, 156th N.Y.
Jones, Sutherland, 120th N.Y., August 21st ’62.
Johnson, William A., 56th N.Y., September 30th ’61.
Lorton, William, navy, August ’64.
Lorton, John.
Layman, Alexander, 120th N.Y., August 15th ’62.
Layman, Chauncey, 120th N.Y.
Moore, Owen, 146th N.Y.
Morris, James, 143rd N.Y.
Purrington, John, 43rd N.Y., August 30th ’62.
Purrington, A.W.
Peume, Amos C., 3rd N.Y., March 14th ’61.
Post, Ezra R., 120th N.Y., August 15th ’62.
Reed, James J., 156th N.Y., August 13th ’62.
Spencer, Luther, 120th N.Y., August 13th ’62.
Smith, Henry, 120th N.Y., August 4th ’62.
Smith, Nathaniel.
Stannard, Eli, 15th engineers, September 7th ’61.
Snyder, Nelson, 156th N.Y.
Shortman, John, 120th N.Y.
Sidney, William, 44th N.Y.
Simmons, Charles, 80th N.Y.
Southwick, Arnold, 80th N.Y.
Snyder, Peter.
Wingard, William, 80th N.Y., September 11th ’61.
Wingard, Abram, 91st N.Y., September ’64.
Wingard, Daniel, 156th N.Y.
White, W. Sidney, 44th N.Y., September 29th ’61.
Willis, Thomas, 80th N.Y., September ’64.
Wright, Oliver, 120th N.Y., August 21st ’62.
RECORD OF THE CIVIL WAR, continued ...
Balsen, Henry, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Barber, Francis, 47th N.Y. ’63.
Beach, Owen, 80th N.Y.
Benjamin, Frank G., Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Benjamin, Henry, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Benjamin, George W., Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Benjamin, John, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Blinker, Joseph, 45th N.Y., September ’61.
Brady, John, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Brent, William, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Brewer, Alexander, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Brewer, Pratt, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Brown, James, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Brown, Samuel, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Burgess, Addison P., Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Bunkner, Joseph, 45th N.Y., September ’61.
Burnes, Peter, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Byrne, John, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Carle, Harmon, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Cass, William, 91st N.Y.
Cline, Edwin, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Coffin, Isaac, 75th N.Y.
Dale, John, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Decker, Martin, Co. K, 80th N.Y.
Dibble, Flavius, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Dibble, Harmon B., [capt.], Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers, dis. July 2nd ’65.
Dolan, James, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Douglas, Daniel, Co. K, 20th N.Y.
Erskine, Michael [sergt.], 13th Illinois.
Farrell, Michael [lieut.], 20th N.Y., resigned May 29th ’65.
France, Nelson J., 46th N.Y., March ’64.
Flanagan, James H., 14th U.S.M., w. at Bull Run, dis. and re-enlisted.
Flanagan, John, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Francis, Levi, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Gillespie, Peter, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Goodrich, John W., Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Goodsell, Emery, Co. E, 80th N.Y.
Graham, A.S., Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Graham, Alfred, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Graham, George X., 1st artillery.
Greene, N.O. [sergt.], Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Griffin, Uriah P., Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Haines, Jacob, 4th cavalry.
Haines, James E., 4th cavalry.
Haines, Egbert, 91st N.Y.
Haines, James E., 91st N.Y.
Haines, Nelson J., 91st N.Y.
Haines, Samuel S., 91st N.Y.
Hanks, Cyrus, 120th N.Y.
Hanks, Constant, 80th N.Y.
Hall, David, 80th N.Y.
Harrington, Calvin, 47th N.Y., ’63.
Highland, Dennis, Co. K, 80th N.Y.
Highland, Thomas, Co. K, 80th N.Y.
Hummel, Albert, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Hummel, Alfred, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Ingalls, Frederick, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Jones, Asa, Co. K, 80th N.Y.
Jones, Francis, Co. K, 80th N.Y.
Keller, John C., Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Kerr, Robert E., Co. E, 15th heavy artillery.
Lackey, Peter, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Law, Melville.
Layman, Augustus H., 91st N.Y.
Layman, Edgar H., 91st N.Y.
Linsley, George W., Co. F, 102th N.Y.
Linsley, Lewis, 52nd N.Y.
Linsley, John J., Co. C, 80th N.Y.
Linsley, Nelson, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Linsley, Ogden, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
McCullough, Robert, 75th N.Y.
McGuire, Patrick, Co. E, 15th N.Y engineers.
Martin, Charles, Co. K, 80th N.Y.
Maginley, John, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Mastling, John, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Merritt, Richmond, 91st N.Y.
Miller, Abram, Co. K, 80th N.Y.
Miller, James, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Miller, John G., Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Myrn, Bernard, 13th cavalry.
Myrn, Thomas, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Ostrander, John, Co. F, 120th N.Y., d. in Libby prison.
Olwell, Francis, 154th N.Y.
Peet, George W., Co. K, 20th N.Y.
Perry, William, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Peterson, James, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Quick, James, Co. K, 80th N.Y.
Rider, Alexander, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Rigg, John, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Rion, Bartholomew, Co. K, 80th N.Y.
Rion, John, Co. K, 80th N.Y.
Rose, James, 174th N.Y.
Rose, James M., Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Ruoff, George, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Saxe, Charles, Co. K, 80th N.Y.
Schoonmaker, Eprhriam, 52nd N.Y.
Schoonmaker, Joshua, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Scribner, Peter H., Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Shantz, George, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Shantz, Jacob, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Shantz, John, Co. K, 80th N.Y.
Shevlin, Daniel, 75th Illinois, captured by Morgan.
Shields, Michael, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Showers, George, Co. K, 80th N.Y.
Showers, Lewis, Co. K, 80th N.Y.
Smith, Alonzo, 91st N.Y.
Smith, Conrad, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Stokes, Richard, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Stotts, Jacob, 45th N.Y., September ’61.
Straube, Albert [musician], Co. K, 80th N.Y.
Tetsill, Emery, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Thompson, William R., Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Tompkins, Warren, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Van Valkenburgh, F., Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Wase, Benjamin, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Wilcox, Peter, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Young, John B., Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Young, John W., 56th N.Y. engineers.
Young, William, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
RECORD OF THE CIVIL WAR, continued ...
Balsen, Henry, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Barber, Francis, 47th N.Y. ’63.
Beach, Owen, 80th N.Y.
Benjamin, Frank G., Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Benjamin, Henry, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Benjamin, George W., Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Benjamin, John, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Blinker, Joseph, 45th N.Y., September ’61.
Brady, John, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Brent, William, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Brewer, Alexander, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Brewer, Pratt, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Brown, James, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Brown, Samuel, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Burgess, Addison P., Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Bunkner, Joseph, 45th N.Y., September ’61.
Burnes, Peter, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Byrne, John, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Carle, Harmon, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Cass, William, 91st N.Y.
Cline, Edwin, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Coffin, Isaac, 75th N.Y.
Dale, John, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Decker, Martin, Co. K, 80th N.Y.
Dibble, Flavius, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Dibble, Harmon B., [capt.], Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers, dis. July 2nd ’65.
Dolan, James, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Douglas, Daniel, Co. K, 20th N.Y.
Erskine, Michael [sergt.], 13th Illinois.
Farrell, Michael [lieut.], 20th N.Y., resigned May 29th ’65.
France, Nelson J., 46th N.Y., March ’64.
Flanagan, James H., 14th U.S.M., w. at Bull Run, dis. and re-enlisted.
Flanagan, John, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Francis, Levi, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Gillespie, Peter, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Goodrich, John W., Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Goodsell, Emery, Co. E, 80th N.Y.
Graham, A.S., Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Graham, Alfred, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Graham, George X., 1st artillery.
Greene, N.O. [sergt.], Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Griffin, Uriah P., Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Haines, Jacob, 4th cavalry.
Haines, James E., 4th cavalry.
Haines, Egbert, 91st N.Y.
Haines, James E., 91st N.Y.
Haines, Nelson J., 91st N.Y.
Haines, Samuel S., 91st N.Y.
Hanks, Cyrus, 120th N.Y.
Hanks, Constant, 80th N.Y.
Hall, David, 80th N.Y.
Harrington, Calvin, 47th N.Y., ’63.
Highland, Dennis, Co. K, 80th N.Y.
Highland, Thomas, Co. K, 80th N.Y.
Hummel, Albert, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Hummel, Alfred, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Ingalls, Frederick, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Jones, Asa, Co. K, 80th N.Y.
Jones, Francis, Co. K, 80th N.Y.
Keller, John C., Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Kerr, Robert E., Co. E, 15th heavy artillery.
Lackey, Peter, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Law, Melville.
Layman, Augustus H., 91st N.Y.
Layman, Edgar H., 91st N.Y.
Linsley, George W., Co. F, 102th N.Y.
Linsley, Lewis, 52nd N.Y.
Linsley, John J., Co. C, 80th N.Y.
Linsley, Nelson, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Linsley, Ogden, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
McCullough, Robert, 75th N.Y.
McGuire, Patrick, Co. E, 15th N.Y engineers.
Martin, Charles, Co. K, 80th N.Y.
Maginley, John, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Mastling, John, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Merritt, Richmond, 91st N.Y.
Miller, Abram, Co. K, 80th N.Y.
Miller, James, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Miller, John G., Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Myrn, Bernard, 13th cavalry.
Myrn, Thomas, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Ostrander, John, Co. F, 120th N.Y., d. in Libby prison.
Olwell, Francis, 154th N.Y.
Peet, George W., Co. K, 20th N.Y.
Perry, William, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Peterson, James, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Quick, James, Co. K, 80th N.Y.
Rider, Alexander, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Rigg, John, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Rion, Bartholomew, Co. K, 80th N.Y.
Rion, John, Co. K, 80th N.Y.
Rose, James, 174th N.Y.
Rose, James M., Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Ruoff, George, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Saxe, Charles, Co. K, 80th N.Y.
Schoonmaker, Eprhriam, 52nd N.Y.
Schoonmaker, Joshua, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Scribner, Peter H., Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Shantz, George, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Shantz, Jacob, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Shantz, John, Co. K, 80th N.Y.
Shevlin, Daniel, 75th Illinois, captured by Morgan.
Shields, Michael, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Showers, George, Co. K, 80th N.Y.
Showers, Lewis, Co. K, 80th N.Y.
Smith, Alonzo, 91st N.Y.
Smith, Conrad, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Stokes, Richard, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Stotts, Jacob, 45th N.Y., September ’61.
Straube, Albert [musician], Co. K, 80th N.Y.
Tetsill, Emery, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Thompson, William R., Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Tompkins, Warren, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Van Valkenburgh, F., Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Wase, Benjamin, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Wilcox, Peter, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Young, John B., Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
Young, John W., 56th N.Y. engineers.
Young, William, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers.
RECORD OF THE CIVIL WAR, continued ...
Bailey, Orville T., 90th N.Y., October 10th ’62.
Baldwin, Ambrose N., [captain] 80th N.Y., k. at Gettysburg, July 3rd ’63.
Barber, Romaine, 48th N.Y., September 26th ’64.
Barber, Austin, 48th N.Y., September 26th ’64.
Beach, Elbert, 2nd cavalry, August ’63.
Beach, Romaine, 80th N.Y., September 26th ’61.
Bray, George, 80th N.Y., September 1st ’64.
Brazee, William, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62, d. April 11th ’63.
Bray, Milo, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62, missing.
Bullard, David, 120th N.Y., August 19th ’62.
Carr, Monroe W., 90th N.Y., November 10th ’61.
Chase, Walter B., 102nd N.Y., August 26th ’64.
Dickerman, Putnam B., [2nd lieutenant] 120th N.Y. August 22nd ’62, dis. June 3rd ’65.
Distin, Henry, 80th N.Y., March 9th ’64.
Ebbetts, George, U.S. Fort Henry, October 2nd ’61.
Edwards, Alfred, 90th N.Y., June ’61.
Goodsell, J. Emory, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Graham, Alfred R., [corporal] 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Graham, Albert S., [corporal] 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Graham, William, 1st artillery, February 26th ’64.
Graham, George H., 1st artillery, February 26th ’64.
Hadding, Ambrose, 9th N.Y., February 3rd ’64.
Hall, John W., 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62, d. October 3rd ’64.
Hall, Elbert, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Hanson, William B., 80th N.Y., October 1st ’61.
Howard, Jonathan, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Johnson, David, 120th N.Y., January 18th ’63.
Johnson, John, 80th N.Y., March 1st ’64.
Jones, Milo, 120th N.Y., August 6th ’62.
Jones, George, 80th N.Y., June 1st ’62.
Jones, Fred, 80th N.Y., September ’61.
Jones, Mansfield, 80th N.Y., January ’63.
Jones, Eli, 80th N.Y., September 15th ’61.
Kendall, Thomas E., 80th N.Y., August ’62.
Lasher, Abraham, 4th artillery, February 15th ’64.
Lasher, Henry, 4th cavalry, August 28th ’62.
Longyear, David, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62, d. August 21st ’64.
Lord, Horatio, 80th N.Y., September 16th ’61.
Lord, Norman, 80th N.Y., March ’63.
McCoon, James, [wagoner] Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Mills, F.B., 4th cavalry, August 30th ’62.
Morse, Horian P., 90th N.Y., November 22nd ’62.
Osborn, Nelson, U.S. Fort Henry, d. in ’61.
Ostrander, John H., 120th N.Y. August 22nd ’62, d. at Libby prison.
Peck George, 90th N.Y., d. at Key West, October ’62.
Peck, Lyman [corporal] 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62, d. at Falmouth, January ’63.
Pond, Dwight L., 90th N.Y., October 28th ’61.
Pond, Dorland J., Co. F, 120th N.Y., Aug. ’62, k. in action Oct. 10th ’63.
Reynolds, Elijah, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Rice, George E., [band] 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Richmond, Merritt, 4th cavalry, September 2nd ’62.
Shaffer, William, 20th N.Y.
Traphagan, Kimber, 120th N.Y., August 18th ’64.
Truesdell, Monroe, 4th cavalry, September 2nd ’62.
West, Lester, 4th cavalry, September 2nd ’62.
Whitman, Joseph, September 10th ’64.
RECORD OF THE CIVIL WAR, continued ...
Bailey, Orville T., 90th N.Y., October 10th ’62.
Baldwin, Ambrose N., [captain] 80th N.Y., k. at Gettysburg, July 3rd ’63.
Barber, Romaine, 48th N.Y., September 26th ’64.
Barber, Austin, 48th N.Y., September 26th ’64.
Beach, Elbert, 2nd cavalry, August ’63.
Beach, Romaine, 80th N.Y., September 26th ’61.
Bray, George, 80th N.Y., September 1st ’64.
Brazee, William, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62, d. April 11th ’63.
Bray, Milo, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62, missing.
Bullard, David, 120th N.Y., August 19th ’62.
Carr, Monroe W., 90th N.Y., November 10th ’61.
Chase, Walter B., 102nd N.Y., August 26th ’64.
Dickerman, Putnam B., [2nd lieutenant] 120th N.Y. August 22nd ’62, dis. June 3rd ’65.
Distin, Henry, 80th N.Y., March 9th ’64.
Ebbetts, George, U.S. Fort Henry, October 2nd ’61.
Edwards, Alfred, 90th N.Y., June ’61.
Goodsell, J. Emory, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Graham, Alfred R., [corporal] 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Graham, Albert S., [corporal] 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Graham, William, 1st artillery, February 26th ’64.
Graham, George H., 1st artillery, February 26th ’64.
Hadding, Ambrose, 9th N.Y., February 3rd ’64.
Hall, John W., 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62, d. October 3rd ’64.
Hall, Elbert, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Hanson, William B., 80th N.Y., October 1st ’61.
Howard, Jonathan, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Johnson, David, 120th N.Y., January 18th ’63.
Johnson, John, 80th N.Y., March 1st ’64.
Jones, Milo, 120th N.Y., August 6th ’62.
Jones, George, 80th N.Y., June 1st ’62.
Jones, Fred, 80th N.Y., September ’61.
Jones, Mansfield, 80th N.Y., January ’63.
Jones, Eli, 80th N.Y., September 15th ’61.
Kendall, Thomas E., 80th N.Y., August ’62.
Lasher, Abraham, 4th artillery, February 15th ’64.
Lasher, Henry, 4th cavalry, August 28th ’62.
Longyear, David, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62, d. August 21st ’64.
Lord, Horatio, 80th N.Y., September 16th ’61.
Lord, Norman, 80th N.Y., March ’63.
McCoon, James, [wagoner] Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Mills, F.B., 4th cavalry, August 30th ’62.
Morse, Horian P., 90th N.Y., November 22nd ’62.
Osborn, Nelson, U.S. Fort Henry, d. in ’61.
Ostrander, John H., 120th N.Y. August 22nd ’62, d. at Libby prison.
Peck George, 90th N.Y., d. at Key West, October ’62.
Peck, Lyman [corporal] 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62, d. at Falmouth, January ’63.
Pond, Dwight L., 90th N.Y., October 28th ’61.
Pond, Dorland J., Co. F, 120th N.Y., Aug. ’62, k. in action Oct. 10th ’63.
Reynolds, Elijah, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Rice, George E., [band] 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Richmond, Merritt, 4th cavalry, September 2nd ’62.
Shaffer, William, 20th N.Y.
Traphagan, Kimber, 120th N.Y., August 18th ’64.
Truesdell, Monroe, 4th cavalry, September 2nd ’62.
West, Lester, 4th cavalry, September 2nd ’62.
Whitman, Joseph, September 10th ’64.
RECORD OF THE CIVIL WAR, continued ...
Allen, Wellington C., Co. G, 80th N.Y., October 24th ’62.
Angle, George, Co. G, 80th N.Y., March 9th ’64.
Angle, Hiram, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Angle, Philip, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Bailey, Benjamin, Co. G, 80th N.Y., October 11th ’64.
Baldwin, Jonathan, Co. G, 80th N.Y., January 6th ’64.
Baldwin, Riley, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Baker, Richard, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Barnum, Henry M., Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Beach, Asa, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Benjamin, Horatio, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Bonesteel, James, Co. G, 80th N.Y., August 23rd ’61.
Bonesteel, John, Co G., 80th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Bloodgood, James, Co. G, 80th N.Y., February ’64.
Bray, Oliver, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Butler, Eben, Co, G., 80th N.Y.
Butler, Edgar, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Butler, George, Co. G, 80th N.Y., March 10th ’64.
Butler, Jackson, Co. G, 80th N.Y., February 5th ’62.
Butler, L., Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Butler, Marlin, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Butler, R., Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Butler, Wellington, Co. G, 80th N.Y., March 8th ’62.
Butler, William, Co. G, 80th N.Y., April 22nd ’61.
Clever, Isaac, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Clever, Newton, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Cole, Austin, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers, February ’63.
Cole, Edward, Co. G, 80th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Colpaugh, Daniel, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Cornish, Standish V., Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Cunningham, Barney, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Cunningham, John, Co. G, 80th N.Y., February 13th ’64.
Cunningham, William H., [captain], Co. G, 80th N.Y., dis. Oct. 10th ’64.
Daugherty, Elbert E., Co. G, 80th N.Y., December 26th ’64.
Daugherty, Henry, Co. G, 80th N.Y., September 30th ’62.
Daugherty, James, Co. G, 80th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Daugherty, John.
Decker, Danforth, Co. G, 80th N.Y., October 7th ’64.
Decker, Edward, 4th cavalry, August 29th ’61.
Decker, John, Co. G, 80th N.Y., January 24th ’64.
Decker, Martin V., Co. G, 80th N.Y., October 7th ’61.
Decker, Thomas, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Deyoe, James, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Doff, Frank, Illinois regulars, d. in Andersonville prison.
Doff, George, Illinois regulars.
Doff, Jefferson, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Doff, William Rufus, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Dougherty, William, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Downs, Albert, Co. G, 80th N.Y., September ’61.
Downes, David, Co. G, 80th N.Y., August 27th ’62.
Downes, Robert, Co. G. 80th N.Y.
Dunham, Addison, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Fairchild, Henry, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Fairchild, William, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Fiero, Conrad, Co. G, 80th N.Y., January 25th ’64.
Ford, Edwin L., Co. F, 120th N.Y., was imprisoned at Andersonville.
Ford, Francis, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Frazier, Danforth J. 80th N.Y., September 3rd ’61.
Garrison, James, January 19th ’64.
Garrison, John, 100th N.Y., October 5th ’65.
Goes, Aaron, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Grant, William, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Green, Samuel, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Green, William C., Co. G, 80th N.Y. September 19th ’64.
Ham, William, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Happy, Joseph, 134th N.Y., September 22nd ’62.
Henry, Francis, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Henry, Michael, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Higgins, John, 15th N.Y., December 15th ’63.
Houghtaling, Stephen, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Humphrey, Alexander, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Humphrey, George, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Johnson, Alfred, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Johnson, Brayton, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Keeley, James, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Kelley, John, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Lake, Richard, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Lewis, James A., Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Lewis, Thomas, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Lockwood, Lorenzo, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
McCullough, Robert, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Mayes, Orville, Co. G, 80th N.Y., February 8th ’64.
Newell, Judson, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Newkirk, Ephraim, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Parker, Henry, Co. G, 80th N.Y., January 4th ’65.
Parker, Enos, 133rd N.Y., October 1st ’64.
Parks, J.C., Co. G, 80th N.Y., October 28th ’61.
Perry, Horatio, 120th N.Y., August ’62.
Pettel, Gilbert [captain], Co. F, 120th N.Y., Aug. 22nd ’62, dis. June 3rd ’65.
Pratt, Ellsworth, 15th cavalry, February 27th ’64.
Rider, Barnet, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Rider, Briggs, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Riley, Francis, Co. G, 80th N.Y., February 13th ’64.
Rivenburgh, David, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Scutt, Abram, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 18th ’62.
Shaffer, William, Co. G, 80th N.Y., September 2nd ’62.
Thompson, James E., Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Thompson, Martin, 20th battery, September 5th ’64.
Tompkins, Orrin M., Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Traphagan, Kimber, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Van Howson, Iretus, Illinois regiment.
Van Valkenburgh, Nathan, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Van Valkenburgh, Jacob, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Van Valkenburgh, J. Monroe [lieutenant], Co. G, 80th N.Y., resigned Jan. 22nd ’63.
Van Valkenburgh, John P. [sergeant], Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Van Valkenburgh, Lauren, Co. G, 80th N.Y., September 18th ’64.
Van Valkenburgh, Nicholas, Co. G, 80th N.Y., September 1st ’62.
Van Valkenburgh, Peter B., Co. G, 80th N.Y., September 1st ’62.
Van Wagner, Peter H., Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Vermilyea, James C., Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Wheeler, Francis, Co. G, 80th N.Y., March ’64.
Wheeler, George, Co. G, 80th N.Y., April 22nd ’61.
Whitney, Amasa, 89th N.Y., February ’64.
Whitney, Jonathan, Co. G, 80th N.Y., December ’64.
Whitney, Leonard, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Winters, Daniel, 4th cavalry, August 22nd ’62.
Wright, Oliver, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
RECORD OF THE CIVIL WAR, continued ...
Allen, Wellington C., Co. G, 80th N.Y., October 24th ’62.
Angle, George, Co. G, 80th N.Y., March 9th ’64.
Angle, Hiram, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Angle, Philip, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Bailey, Benjamin, Co. G, 80th N.Y., October 11th ’64.
Baldwin, Jonathan, Co. G, 80th N.Y., January 6th ’64.
Baldwin, Riley, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Baker, Richard, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Barnum, Henry M., Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Beach, Asa, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Benjamin, Horatio, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Bonesteel, James, Co. G, 80th N.Y., August 23rd ’61.
Bonesteel, John, Co G., 80th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Bloodgood, James, Co. G, 80th N.Y., February ’64.
Bray, Oliver, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Butler, Eben, Co, G., 80th N.Y.
Butler, Edgar, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Butler, George, Co. G, 80th N.Y., March 10th ’64.
Butler, Jackson, Co. G, 80th N.Y., February 5th ’62.
Butler, L., Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Butler, Marlin, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Butler, R., Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Butler, Wellington, Co. G, 80th N.Y., March 8th ’62.
Butler, William, Co. G, 80th N.Y., April 22nd ’61.
Clever, Isaac, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Clever, Newton, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Cole, Austin, Co. E, 15th N.Y. engineers, February ’63.
Cole, Edward, Co. G, 80th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Colpaugh, Daniel, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Cornish, Standish V., Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Cunningham, Barney, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Cunningham, John, Co. G, 80th N.Y., February 13th ’64.
Cunningham, William H., [captain], Co. G, 80th N.Y., dis. Oct. 10th ’64.
Daugherty, Elbert E., Co. G, 80th N.Y., December 26th ’64.
Daugherty, Henry, Co. G, 80th N.Y., September 30th ’62.
Daugherty, James, Co. G, 80th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Daugherty, John.
Decker, Danforth, Co. G, 80th N.Y., October 7th ’64.
Decker, Edward, 4th cavalry, August 29th ’61.
Decker, John, Co. G, 80th N.Y., January 24th ’64.
Decker, Martin V., Co. G, 80th N.Y., October 7th ’61.
Decker, Thomas, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Deyoe, James, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Doff, Frank, Illinois regulars, d. in Andersonville prison.
Doff, George, Illinois regulars.
Doff, Jefferson, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Doff, William Rufus, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Dougherty, William, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Downs, Albert, Co. G, 80th N.Y., September ’61.
Downes, David, Co. G, 80th N.Y., August 27th ’62.
Downes, Robert, Co. G. 80th N.Y.
Dunham, Addison, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Fairchild, Henry, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Fairchild, William, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Fiero, Conrad, Co. G, 80th N.Y., January 25th ’64.
Ford, Edwin L., Co. F, 120th N.Y., was imprisoned at Andersonville.
Ford, Francis, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Frazier, Danforth J. 80th N.Y., September 3rd ’61.
Garrison, James, January 19th ’64.
Garrison, John, 100th N.Y., October 5th ’65.
Goes, Aaron, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Grant, William, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Green, Samuel, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Green, William C., Co. G, 80th N.Y. September 19th ’64.
Ham, William, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Happy, Joseph, 134th N.Y., September 22nd ’62.
Henry, Francis, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Henry, Michael, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Higgins, John, 15th N.Y., December 15th ’63.
Houghtaling, Stephen, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Humphrey, Alexander, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Humphrey, George, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Johnson, Alfred, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Johnson, Brayton, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Keeley, James, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Kelley, John, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Lake, Richard, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Lewis, James A., Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Lewis, Thomas, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Lockwood, Lorenzo, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
McCullough, Robert, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Mayes, Orville, Co. G, 80th N.Y., February 8th ’64.
Newell, Judson, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Newkirk, Ephraim, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Parker, Henry, Co. G, 80th N.Y., January 4th ’65.
Parker, Enos, 133rd N.Y., October 1st ’64.
Parks, J.C., Co. G, 80th N.Y., October 28th ’61.
Perry, Horatio, 120th N.Y., August ’62.
Pettel, Gilbert [captain], Co. F, 120th N.Y., Aug. 22nd ’62, dis. June 3rd ’65.
Pratt, Ellsworth, 15th cavalry, February 27th ’64.
Rider, Barnet, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Rider, Briggs, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Riley, Francis, Co. G, 80th N.Y., February 13th ’64.
Rivenburgh, David, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Scutt, Abram, Co. F, 120th N.Y., August 18th ’62.
Shaffer, William, Co. G, 80th N.Y., September 2nd ’62.
Thompson, James E., Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Thompson, Martin, 20th battery, September 5th ’64.
Tompkins, Orrin M., Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Traphagan, Kimber, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
Van Howson, Iretus, Illinois regiment.
Van Valkenburgh, Nathan, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Van Valkenburgh, Jacob, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Van Valkenburgh, J. Monroe [lieutenant], Co. G, 80th N.Y., resigned Jan. 22nd ’63.
Van Valkenburgh, John P. [sergeant], Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Van Valkenburgh, Lauren, Co. G, 80th N.Y., September 18th ’64.
Van Valkenburgh, Nicholas, Co. G, 80th N.Y., September 1st ’62.
Van Valkenburgh, Peter B., Co. G, 80th N.Y., September 1st ’62.
Van Wagner, Peter H., Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Vermilyea, James C., Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Wheeler, Francis, Co. G, 80th N.Y., March ’64.
Wheeler, George, Co. G, 80th N.Y., April 22nd ’61.
Whitney, Amasa, 89th N.Y., February ’64.
Whitney, Jonathan, Co. G, 80th N.Y., December ’64.
Whitney, Leonard, Co. G, 80th N.Y.
Winters, Daniel, 4th cavalry, August 22nd ’62.
Wright, Oliver, Co. F, 120th N.Y.
RECORD OF THE CIVIL WAR, continued ...
Abrams, Epenetus.
Abrams, Theron, 15th N.Y. engineers, February 29th ’64.
Abrams, William.
Allerton, Leonard, 15th N.Y. engineers, September 15th ’64.
Austin, Gould, [sergeant] 20th N.Y. militia, April 25th ’61.
Austin, William, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Baker, Hiram W., 20th N.Y.
Baldwin, Alfred, 20th N.Y., d. in service.
Barker, Ayres G., [1st lieutenant, pro. captain] 120th N.Y., September 10th ’62, k. at Gettysburg July 2nd ’63
Barker, Goodwin C., 120th N.Y., September ’62.
Barker, Platt, 91st N.Y., September 5th ’61.
Barker, George, 156th N.Y., February 22nd ’64.
Barker, Ransom A., 91st artillery, September 1st ’64.
Bentley, George N., 18th cavalry, September 2nd ’64.
Belts, Aaron C. 91st artillery, April ’64.
Belts, Cyrastus H. 20th N.Y. militia, d. in service.
Belts, John H., 43rd N.Y., August ’61.
Burgess, Allen D.
Buske, James D., 20th N.Y. militia.
Calhoun, George B., 10th N.Y., October 6th ’62.
Calhoun, James A., 20th N.Y. militia, April ’61.
Calhoun, William D., 91st N.Y., September 1st ’61.
Campbell, Nelson, 156th N.Y., October 7th ’62.
Cass, Theodore, 139th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Cheesebro, John F., 7th N.Y., August 9th ’62.
Cheesebro, William H., 12th N.Y., August 25th ’62.
Connelly, Jerry, 20th N.Y. militia.
Coonley, Edgar, 91st N.Y., September 1st ’64.
Coonley, Theodore, 15th N.Y. engineers, September 1st ’64.
Covoat, Philo, September 1st ’64.
Craw, Lucius, 120th N.Y., August ’62.
Dayley, Charles, 156th N.Y., August 11th ’62.
Defraught, Edwin, 91st N.Y., December ’61.
Defraught, Edsall, August ’62.
Dickerson, William, 126th N.Y., September 1st ’64.
Dickerson, Albert, 26th N.Y., September ’64.
Dickson, Richard, 26th N.Y., September ’64.
Eaton, John, 80th N.Y., February ’64.
Eldridge, Theodore, 20th N.Y. militia, d. in service.
Ergensinger, John, 120th N.Y., January 6th ’62.
Eseland, David.
Eseland, Nelson, 91st N.Y., September 1st ’64.
Evans, David jr., 7th N.Y.
Evans, James, 91st N.Y., September 1st ’64.
Evans, Nathan, 18th cavalry, September 2nd ’64.
Fisher, Fritz, 156th N.Y., September 1st ’62.
Foster, John, [corporal] 80th N.Y., September 19th ’61.
Garrison, George W., 120th N.Y., March 11th ’65.
Gifford, Myron E., 6th N.Y., September 1st ’61.
Griffin, Harvey, 156th N.Y., September 5th ’62.
Grober, Nicholas, 91st N.Y., August 31st ’62.
Haight, Levi A., 20th N.Y., April 10th.
Hallock, William J., 4th heavy artillery, February ’62.
Heisingher, John L., 91st N.Y., August 31st ’64.
Hollenbeck, William, 80th N.Y., January 4th ’64.
Holliday, Allen, 91st N.Y., August 31st ’64.
Hunt, Silas, 15th N.Y. engineers, September ’64.
Irvine, Frederick, 91st N.Y., September 1st ’64.
Johnson, William, 120th N.Y., August 11th ’62.
Jones, Richard, 91st N.Y., September 6th ’64.
King, George W., 91st N.Y., August 31st ’64.
Knapp, Ambrose, 120th N.Y., August 11th ’64.
Knapp, John, 91st N.Y., August 31st ’64.
Knowles, William H.
Lake, Charles, 91st N.Y., September 1st ’64.
Lake, James, 18th cavalry, September 2nd ’64.
Lake, Philetus, [sergeant] 120th N.Y., August 19th ’62.
Lake, Roderick, 120th N.Y., August 18th ’62.
Lake, Romanus.
Long John, 91st N.Y., August 18th ’64.
Lounsbury, Hardy, 80th N.Y., March 24th ’65.
Nash, George, 91st N.Y., August 31st ’64.
Peters, James, 20th N.Y.
Roe, Nathaniel, 10th N.Y., August ’62.
Rundle, Thomas J., [captain] 156th N.Y., September 1st ’62, w. at Cedar Creek, dis. November 20th ’65.
Schofield, Erastus H., 15th N.Y. engineers, February 29th ’64.
Scriver, Alexander, 102nd N.Y., November 8th ’62.
Scriver, Hiram, 159th N.Y., October 22nd ’62.
Scipold, Lorenzo.
Sherrill, Almot, 18th N.Y., September 10th ’64.
Showwalters, Henry, 8th Penn., August ’61.
Shute, Matthew, 18th N.Y., September 17th ’64.
Simpkins, Hercule, 20th N.Y. militia, April 10th.
Simpkins, Stephen.
Smith, Jeremiah, 15th N.Y. engineers, September 1st ’64.
Smith, Lewis J., 100th U.S., February ’65.
Smith, Walter, 18th N.Y., September 10th ’64.
Snyder, Henry W., 91st N.Y., September 5th ’64.
Tallman, Jacob, 20th N.Y. militia.
Thompson, Joseph, 7th heavy artillery, August ’62.
Tompkins, Almont, 91st N.Y., August 31st ’64.
Tummel, Lewis, 61st N.Y., November ’61.
Welch, Philetus R.
Wilkins, William W., February 23rd ’64.
Wood, John H., 91st N.Y., August 3st ’64.
Wood, Nathaniel, 91st N.Y., September 5th ’64.
Wood, Levi S., 156th N.Y., September ’62.
Youngs, Andrew, 97th N.Y., October 18th ’61.
RECORD OF THE CIVIL WAR, continued ...
Abrams, Epenetus.
Abrams, Theron, 15th N.Y. engineers, February 29th ’64.
Abrams, William.
Allerton, Leonard, 15th N.Y. engineers, September 15th ’64.
Austin, Gould, [sergeant] 20th N.Y. militia, April 25th ’61.
Austin, William, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Baker, Hiram W., 20th N.Y.
Baldwin, Alfred, 20th N.Y., d. in service.
Barker, Ayres G., [1st lieutenant, pro. captain] 120th N.Y., September 10th ’62, k. at Gettysburg July 2nd ’63
Barker, Goodwin C., 120th N.Y., September ’62.
Barker, Platt, 91st N.Y., September 5th ’61.
Barker, George, 156th N.Y., February 22nd ’64.
Barker, Ransom A., 91st artillery, September 1st ’64.
Bentley, George N., 18th cavalry, September 2nd ’64.
Belts, Aaron C. 91st artillery, April ’64.
Belts, Cyrastus H. 20th N.Y. militia, d. in service.
Belts, John H., 43rd N.Y., August ’61.
Burgess, Allen D.
Buske, James D., 20th N.Y. militia.
Calhoun, George B., 10th N.Y., October 6th ’62.
Calhoun, James A., 20th N.Y. militia, April ’61.
Calhoun, William D., 91st N.Y., September 1st ’61.
Campbell, Nelson, 156th N.Y., October 7th ’62.
Cass, Theodore, 139th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Cheesebro, John F., 7th N.Y., August 9th ’62.
Cheesebro, William H., 12th N.Y., August 25th ’62.
Connelly, Jerry, 20th N.Y. militia.
Coonley, Edgar, 91st N.Y., September 1st ’64.
Coonley, Theodore, 15th N.Y. engineers, September 1st ’64.
Covoat, Philo, September 1st ’64.
Craw, Lucius, 120th N.Y., August ’62.
Dayley, Charles, 156th N.Y., August 11th ’62.
Defraught, Edwin, 91st N.Y., December ’61.
Defraught, Edsall, August ’62.
Dickerson, William, 126th N.Y., September 1st ’64.
Dickerson, Albert, 26th N.Y., September ’64.
Dickson, Richard, 26th N.Y., September ’64.
Eaton, John, 80th N.Y., February ’64.
Eldridge, Theodore, 20th N.Y. militia, d. in service.
Ergensinger, John, 120th N.Y., January 6th ’62.
Eseland, David.
Eseland, Nelson, 91st N.Y., September 1st ’64.
Evans, David jr., 7th N.Y.
Evans, James, 91st N.Y., September 1st ’64.
Evans, Nathan, 18th cavalry, September 2nd ’64.
Fisher, Fritz, 156th N.Y., September 1st ’62.
Foster, John, [corporal] 80th N.Y., September 19th ’61.
Garrison, George W., 120th N.Y., March 11th ’65.
Gifford, Myron E., 6th N.Y., September 1st ’61.
Griffin, Harvey, 156th N.Y., September 5th ’62.
Grober, Nicholas, 91st N.Y., August 31st ’62.
Haight, Levi A., 20th N.Y., April 10th.
Hallock, William J., 4th heavy artillery, February ’62.
Heisingher, John L., 91st N.Y., August 31st ’64.
Hollenbeck, William, 80th N.Y., January 4th ’64.
Holliday, Allen, 91st N.Y., August 31st ’64.
Hunt, Silas, 15th N.Y. engineers, September ’64.
Irvine, Frederick, 91st N.Y., September 1st ’64.
Johnson, William, 120th N.Y., August 11th ’62.
Jones, Richard, 91st N.Y., September 6th ’64.
King, George W., 91st N.Y., August 31st ’64.
Knapp, Ambrose, 120th N.Y., August 11th ’64.
Knapp, John, 91st N.Y., August 31st ’64.
Knowles, William H.
Lake, Charles, 91st N.Y., September 1st ’64.
Lake, James, 18th cavalry, September 2nd ’64.
Lake, Philetus, [sergeant] 120th N.Y., August 19th ’62.
Lake, Roderick, 120th N.Y., August 18th ’62.
Lake, Romanus.
Long John, 91st N.Y., August 18th ’64.
Lounsbury, Hardy, 80th N.Y., March 24th ’65.
Nash, George, 91st N.Y., August 31st ’64.
Peters, James, 20th N.Y.
Roe, Nathaniel, 10th N.Y., August ’62.
Rundle, Thomas J., [captain] 156th N.Y., September 1st ’62, w. at Cedar Creek, dis. November 20th ’65.
Schofield, Erastus H., 15th N.Y. engineers, February 29th ’64.
Scriver, Alexander, 102nd N.Y., November 8th ’62.
Scriver, Hiram, 159th N.Y., October 22nd ’62.
Scipold, Lorenzo.
Sherrill, Almot, 18th N.Y., September 10th ’64.
Showwalters, Henry, 8th Penn., August ’61.
Shute, Matthew, 18th N.Y., September 17th ’64.
Simpkins, Hercule, 20th N.Y. militia, April 10th.
Simpkins, Stephen.
Smith, Jeremiah, 15th N.Y. engineers, September 1st ’64.
Smith, Lewis J., 100th U.S., February ’65.
Smith, Walter, 18th N.Y., September 10th ’64.
Snyder, Henry W., 91st N.Y., September 5th ’64.
Tallman, Jacob, 20th N.Y. militia.
Thompson, Joseph, 7th heavy artillery, August ’62.
Tompkins, Almont, 91st N.Y., August 31st ’64.
Tummel, Lewis, 61st N.Y., November ’61.
Welch, Philetus R.
Wilkins, William W., February 23rd ’64.
Wood, John H., 91st N.Y., August 3st ’64.
Wood, Nathaniel, 91st N.Y., September 5th ’64.
Wood, Levi S., 156th N.Y., September ’62.
Youngs, Andrew, 97th N.Y., October 18th ’61.
RECORD OF THE CIVIL WAR, continued ...
Bagley, Horatio.
Bagley, Stephen J.
Baxter, Samuel, 16th N.Y., May 2nd ’61.
Besley, Jacob, Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Bronk, Joseph, Co. K, 80th N.Y., October 13th ’61 dis. January 4th ’64.
Church, Francis, 2nd cavalry, December 12th ’63.
Colvin, Henry, 54th N.Y., August 1st ’61.
Cure, Charles, 9th heavy artillery, September 19th ’64.
Duble, Charles, Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Everson, George.
Flansburg, Peter, 61st Mass., September 3rd.
Foreman, Orlando, 22nd N.Y., September 8th ’61.
Gan, Isaac, 91st N.Y., September 9th ’64.
Gedney, Edwin, 79th N.Y., February 17th ’65.
Hartwell, Dwight, Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62, k. at Gettysburg.
Hilton, Robert, Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62, k. at Gettysburg.
Hinman, Addison J., 18th cavalry, September 3rd ’64.
Houghtaling, Orrin D., 17th cavalry, October 3rd.
Houghtaling, William, 7th heavy artillery, October 25th.
Ladd, George, 2nd cavalry, July 2nd.
Langan, John, Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 9th ’62, k. at Gettysburg.
Losee, George, 7th N.Y., August 12th ’62.
Mansfield, James, 7th heavy artillery, August 4th.
Mansfield, John, 100th N.Y., October 8th.
Mansfield, Silas, 44th N.Y., October 1st ’61.
Marshall, John H., 2nd cavalry, January 5th ’62.
Marshall, Tunis, 61st N.Y., September 12th ’62.
Mead, Stephen, Co. D., 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Mead, Frederick, 44th N.Y., September 25th ’61.
Mead, Henry, 44th N.Y., September 25th ’61.
Mead, Frederick, 122nd N.Y., February 9th ’64.
Post, Abram, 156th N.Y., October 10th ’62.
Powell, John jr., February 1st ’64.
Powell, George.
Ray, William E., landsman, Grand Gulf, Sept. 5th ’64, dis. Sept. 4th ’65.
Roberts, Hurley, Co. I, 44th N.Y., August 8th ’62, dis. August 22nd ’64.
Roberts, Storm, Co. B, 61st Mass., September 3rd ’64, dis. June 4th ’65.
Roberts, James H., recruiting ship, March 9th ’64.
Shanley, John F., 16th cavalry, May 23rd ’63.
Smith, Abram, Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62, dis. June 5th ’65.
Smith, Moses M., 2nd cavalry, August 15th ’61.
Smith, Joseph, 120th N.Y., August 9th ’62.
Smith, Eugene.
Sowles, Newton, Co. B, 91st N.Y., September 20th ’64, dis. June 10th ’65.
Stephens, William P., 15th N.Y. engineers, September 5th ’61.
Sweet, Ward W., 28th Conn., August 18th ’62.
Teal, Robert, 91st N.Y., August 30th.
Van Slyke, Samuel, 80th N.Y., August 16th ’64.
Warner, James, 7th heavy artillery, October 25th.
Wolfe, Philip, Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 2nd ’62.
Wolfe, T.P., 120th N.Y. August 2nd ’62.
Wright, John F., Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 9th ’62, dis. June 5th ’65.
RECORD OF THE CIVIL WAR, continued ...
Bagley, Horatio.
Bagley, Stephen J.
Baxter, Samuel, 16th N.Y., May 2nd ’61.
Besley, Jacob, Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Bronk, Joseph, Co. K, 80th N.Y., October 13th ’61 dis. January 4th ’64.
Church, Francis, 2nd cavalry, December 12th ’63.
Colvin, Henry, 54th N.Y., August 1st ’61.
Cure, Charles, 9th heavy artillery, September 19th ’64.
Duble, Charles, Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Everson, George.
Flansburg, Peter, 61st Mass., September 3rd.
Foreman, Orlando, 22nd N.Y., September 8th ’61.
Gan, Isaac, 91st N.Y., September 9th ’64.
Gedney, Edwin, 79th N.Y., February 17th ’65.
Hartwell, Dwight, Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62, k. at Gettysburg.
Hilton, Robert, Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62, k. at Gettysburg.
Hinman, Addison J., 18th cavalry, September 3rd ’64.
Houghtaling, Orrin D., 17th cavalry, October 3rd.
Houghtaling, William, 7th heavy artillery, October 25th.
Ladd, George, 2nd cavalry, July 2nd.
Langan, John, Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 9th ’62, k. at Gettysburg.
Losee, George, 7th N.Y., August 12th ’62.
Mansfield, James, 7th heavy artillery, August 4th.
Mansfield, John, 100th N.Y., October 8th.
Mansfield, Silas, 44th N.Y., October 1st ’61.
Marshall, John H., 2nd cavalry, January 5th ’62.
Marshall, Tunis, 61st N.Y., September 12th ’62.
Mead, Stephen, Co. D., 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Mead, Frederick, 44th N.Y., September 25th ’61.
Mead, Henry, 44th N.Y., September 25th ’61.
Mead, Frederick, 122nd N.Y., February 9th ’64.
Post, Abram, 156th N.Y., October 10th ’62.
Powell, John jr., February 1st ’64.
Powell, George.
Ray, William E., landsman, Grand Gulf, Sept. 5th ’64, dis. Sept. 4th ’65.
Roberts, Hurley, Co. I, 44th N.Y., August 8th ’62, dis. August 22nd ’64.
Roberts, Storm, Co. B, 61st Mass., September 3rd ’64, dis. June 4th ’65.
Roberts, James H., recruiting ship, March 9th ’64.
Shanley, John F., 16th cavalry, May 23rd ’63.
Smith, Abram, Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 22nd ’62, dis. June 5th ’65.
Smith, Moses M., 2nd cavalry, August 15th ’61.
Smith, Joseph, 120th N.Y., August 9th ’62.
Smith, Eugene.
Sowles, Newton, Co. B, 91st N.Y., September 20th ’64, dis. June 10th ’65.
Stephens, William P., 15th N.Y. engineers, September 5th ’61.
Sweet, Ward W., 28th Conn., August 18th ’62.
Teal, Robert, 91st N.Y., August 30th.
Van Slyke, Samuel, 80th N.Y., August 16th ’64.
Warner, James, 7th heavy artillery, October 25th.
Wolfe, Philip, Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 2nd ’62.
Wolfe, T.P., 120th N.Y. August 2nd ’62.
Wright, John F., Co. D, 120th N.Y., August 9th ’62, dis. June 5th ’65.
RECORD OF THE CIVIL WAR, continued ...
Alberty, Gideon, 120th N.Y., August 31st ’62, dis. Oct. ’63.
Alberty, William, 91st N.Y., August 31st ’64, dis. May 17th ’65.
Bacon, Leander,1st U.S. cavalry, September 10th ’64, dis. May 26th ’65.
Ballard, John E., 120th N.Y., August 2nd ’62, dis. June 2nd ’65.
Barnum, Stewart, 15th heavy artillery, Jan. 11th ’64, dis. Aug. 22nd ’65.
Becker, Barant S., [2nd lieutenant] 5th heavy artillery, March 7th ’62, dis. August 1st ’65.
Becker, Leander C., 18th cavalry, October 1st ’63.
Bligh, Gilbert, 120th N.Y., August 5th ’62, dis. July 7th ’65.
Brandow, George N., [corporal] 4th heavy artillery, February, d. at Fort DeKalb.
Brandow, Hannibal, 4th heavy artillery, Sept. 1st ’64, dis. June 10th ’65.
Brandow, Storm A., 4th heavy artillery, January 7th ’64, d. at Salisbury December ’64.
Brandow, William, March 25th ’64, dis. September 26th ’65.
Carr, John, 120th N.Y., August 6th ’62, dis. November 21st ’64.
Carr, William, 80th N.Y., October 1st ’61, dis. July 28th ’62.
Chamberlin, Chauncey, 5th heavy artillery, February 27th ’62, d.
Chamberlin, D.B., 5th heavy artillery, Feb. 11th ’62, dis. Feb. 16th ‘64.
Chatfield, F.H., 51st N.Y., October 17th ’61, dis. March 5th ’64.
Christian, Edwin, 80th N.Y., January 15th ’63.
Christian, Jesse, 15th heavy artillery, January 14th ’64, dis. June 6th ’65.
Churchill, Elizar P., 4th heavy artillery, Jan. 4th ’64, dis. Sept. 4th ’65.
Clark, James E., 4th heavy artillery, January ’62, d. at Fort DeKalb, July 25th ’62.
Connine, Jacob, 33rd N.Y., August ’63.
Cotton, Gordon, 5th heavy artillery, Feb. 27th ’62, dis. March 25th ’64.
Cotton, Wallis, 5th heavy artillery, February 27th ’62, d. at Baltimore May 4th ’64.
Currie, William H., 120th N.Y., August 15th ’62, dis. June 2nd ’65.
Decker, Jacob, 144th N.Y., September 6th ’64.
Decker, Lorenzo, 5th heavy artillery, January 23rd ’64, dis. July 19th ’65.
Deyoe, Albert, 177th N.Y., Nov. 15th ’62, d. at Vicksburg Aug. 22nd ’63.
Deyoe, Martin, 90th N.Y., September 13th ’61, dis. March 1st ’62.
Disbrow, Loren, 2nd N.Y., August 21st ’61.
Doyle, James, 20th N.Y., April 18th ’61, dis. August 22nd ’61.
Doyle, John, 18th cavalry, September 7th ’64, dis. June 2nd ’65.
Dutcher, Henry, 120th N.Y., Aug. 18th ’63, d. at Ashland Dec. 17th ’63.
Dutcher, H. Milton, 15th heavy artillery, Feb. 5th ’64, dis. Sept. 1st ’65.
Dutcher, Newton, 33rd N.Y., August ’63, d. at Chattanooga.
Foster, John, 15th heavy artillery, July ’63.
Frayer, Danforth J., 177th N.Y., November 19th ’62, dis. July 4th ’65.
Frayer, Dwight E., 177th N.Y., November 8th ’62, dis. August 27th ’65.
Frayer, Frederick, 177th N.Y., November 19th ’62, d. July 4th ’63.
Frayer, Leander, 5th heavy artillery, February 11th ’62, d.
Frayer, Martin, 5th heavy artillery, February 11th ’62.
Frayer, William W., 177th N.Y., November 19th ’62, dis. Oct. 5th ’65.
Gaffner, James, 5th heavy artillery, February 27th ’62, dis. July 19th ’65.
Gaffner, John, 22nd N.Y., dis. February 27th ’64.
German, Abel, 92nd N.Y., August ’62.
German, James, 92nd Illinois cavalry, August 19th ’62, dis. Jan 2nd ’65.
Gray, Jonathan F., 15th heavy artillery, June 25th ’64.
Grinnell, Augustus H., 5th heavy artillery, August 12th ’62, dis. April 14th ’63.
Groat, Zadock P., 120th N.Y., August 18th ’62, k. at Petersburgh March 25th ’65.
Harding, John E., 20th N.Y., August 27th ’61.
Hartwell, Melvin, [sergeant] 2nd N.Y., April 18th ’61, dis. Sept. 30th ’65.
Hellicus, Albert, 20th U.S. colored cavalry, August 25th ’64, dis. April 17th ’65.
Hellicus, Alexander, 20th U.S. colored cavalry, January 12th ’64, dis. August 28th ’65.
Hellicus, George, 20th U.S. colored cavalry, January 8th ’64, dis. August 28th ’65.
Hellicus, Isaac, [corporal] 20th U.S.colored cavalry, January 4th ’64, dis. October ’65.
Hill, Clark, 120th N.Y., June ’61, k. at Petersburg, March 21st ’65.
Hill, Fenton, 120th N.Y., August 1st ’62, dis. June 2nd ’65.
Hoagland, Charles, 4th heavy artillery, March 24th ’64, dis. Sept. 26th ’65.
Hoagland, James, 4th heavy artillery, January 7th ’64, d. at City Point, August 20th ’64.
Hoagland, Thomas, 1st Michigan cavalry.
Hoagland, Zadoc P., 146th N.Y., Sept. ’63, k. at Petersburg, June 2nd ’64.
Hogaboom, Adelbert, 15th heavy artillery, Feb. 5th ’64, d. July 21st ’65.
Hogaboom, Chauncey, 80th N.Y., September 11th ’61, d. Dec. 1st ’62.
Howks, George, 71st N.Y., May 14th ’61, dis. April 17th ’64.
Jordan, James, 20th N.Y., April 21st ’61, dis. August 22nd ’61.
Jordan, Moses, 20th N.Y., April 21st ’61, d. June 2nd ’65.
Kane, Barney, 144th N.Y.
Lafferty, Charles, 18th cavalry, September 17th ’64, dis. Jan. 7th ’65.
Lafferty, William, 15th heavy artillery, Jan. 14th ’64, dis. August 22nd ’65.
Lewis, George, 15th heavy artillery, January 19th ’64, dis. in ’65.
Lewis, James, 80th N.Y., September ’61, k. in battle of Bull Run.
Lewis, Joseph, 80th N.Y., September ’61, d. at Falmouth, May 19th ’62.
Lewis, Thomas, 80th N.Y., Sept. ’61, taken prisoner, fate unknown.
Lown, David, 91st N.Y., September 1st ’64, dis. June 7th ’65.
McArdell, James [capt], 20th N.Y., April 21st ’61, dis. August 22nd ’61.
Maginnis, Edwin, 15th heavy artillery, January 24th ’64, missing.
Maginnis, Richard, 15th heavy artillery, Jan. 14th ’64, dis. June 21st ’66.
Maginnis, William [sergt.], 15th N.Y., Sept. 25th ’61, dis. Aug. 19th ’65.
Manzor, David, 80th N.Y., January 15th ’63, d.
Maze, Abner, 51st N.Y., September 4th ’62.
Merwin, Martin, 51st N.Y, December 16th ’61.
Mondore, Alonzo, 80th N.Y., January 12th ’64, dis. June 10th ’65.
Mondore, Charles, 1st U.S. cavalry, Sept. 10th ’64, dis. Sept. 30th ’65.
Mondore, Lewis, 144th N.Y., d. in service.
Mondore, Madison, 51st N.Y., August 19th ’61, dis. August 11th ’65.
Mondore, Nelson [capt], 80th N.Y., January 3rd ’64, d. March ’65.
Newcomb, Sylvester, 51st N.Y., August 19th ’62.
Orr, John, 5th heavy artillery, February 16th ’62.
Proper, Harrison, 80th N.Y., August 9th ’62, dis. June 13th ’65.
Proper, Hiram, 51st N.Y., September 16th ’64, dis. June ’65.
Proper, Horace, 15th heavy artillery, January 15th ’64, dis. May 30 ’65.
Person, Hiram, 101st N.Y., January 15th ’62, dis. June 27th ’65.
Rightmyer, Jacob, 51st N.Y., September 20th ’65 [sic], dis. January 28th ’65.
Rockafeller, Andrew [sergt.], 4th heavy artillery, January 15th ’62, dis. September 26th ’65.
Rockafeller, Martin, 4th heavy artillery, Jan. 17th ’64, dis. Sept. 26th ‘65.
Schermerhorn, Francis, 22nd N.Y., October ’62.
Schermerhorn, Paul A., 120th N.Y, August 10th ’62, dis. June 2nd ’65.
Shoemaker, Martin, 15th heavy artillery, Jan. 4th ’64, dis. May 30th ’65.
Shoemaker, Smith, 15th heavy artillery, July ’63.
Shoemaker, Thomas, 101st N.Y., January 15th ’62, d.
Shouts, Derwain, 51st N.Y., August 17th ’61.
Sloat, Sylvanus, 51st N.Y., August 15th ’62, dis. October 18th ’64.
Snyder, Jacob, 4th heavy artillery, January 15th ’64, dis. Feb. 3rd ’65.
Snyder, John H., 4th heavy artillery, January 19th ’64, dis. Sept. 21st ’65.
Spencer, George W., 80th N.Y, February 21st ’65, dis. May 8th ’65.
St. John, Thomas, 51st N.Y., Jan. 8th ’64, d. at Annapolis, Mar 26th ’65.
Stocking, Zelotus [sergt.], 5th heavy artillery, February 10th ’62, dis. July 19th ’65.
Story, John, 18th cavalry, September 7th ’64.
Story, Zera B., 101st N.Y., February 16th ’62.
Van Loan, Wyckoff, 5th heavy artillery, Aug. 12th ’62, dis. July 29th ’65.
Weed, Franklin, 18th cavalry, September 7th ’61, dis. July 2nd ’65.
White, Charles J. [drum major], 5th heavy artillery, December 1st ’61, dis. February ’64.
Whitman, Francis B., 4th heavy artillery, Jan. 19th ’64, dis. Sept. 29th ’65.
Whitman, Lawrence, 2nd Mass. Cavalry, July 18th ’64, dis. July 15th ’65.
Whitman, W.S., 22nd N.Y., October 3rd ’64, dis. July 15th ’65.
Wiltsie, George, 120th N.Y., October 6th ’62, dis. August 23rd ’65.
RECORD OF THE CIVIL WAR, continued ...
Alberty, Gideon, 120th N.Y., August 31st ’62, dis. Oct. ’63.
Alberty, William, 91st N.Y., August 31st ’64, dis. May 17th ’65.
Bacon, Leander,1st U.S. cavalry, September 10th ’64, dis. May 26th ’65.
Ballard, John E., 120th N.Y., August 2nd ’62, dis. June 2nd ’65.
Barnum, Stewart, 15th heavy artillery, Jan. 11th ’64, dis. Aug. 22nd ’65.
Becker, Barant S., [2nd lieutenant] 5th heavy artillery, March 7th ’62, dis. August 1st ’65.
Becker, Leander C., 18th cavalry, October 1st ’63.
Bligh, Gilbert, 120th N.Y., August 5th ’62, dis. July 7th ’65.
Brandow, George N., [corporal] 4th heavy artillery, February, d. at Fort DeKalb.
Brandow, Hannibal, 4th heavy artillery, Sept. 1st ’64, dis. June 10th ’65.
Brandow, Storm A., 4th heavy artillery, January 7th ’64, d. at Salisbury December ’64.
Brandow, William, March 25th ’64, dis. September 26th ’65.
Carr, John, 120th N.Y., August 6th ’62, dis. November 21st ’64.
Carr, William, 80th N.Y., October 1st ’61, dis. July 28th ’62.
Chamberlin, Chauncey, 5th heavy artillery, February 27th ’62, d.
Chamberlin, D.B., 5th heavy artillery, Feb. 11th ’62, dis. Feb. 16th ‘64.
Chatfield, F.H., 51st N.Y., October 17th ’61, dis. March 5th ’64.
Christian, Edwin, 80th N.Y., January 15th ’63.
Christian, Jesse, 15th heavy artillery, January 14th ’64, dis. June 6th ’65.
Churchill, Elizar P., 4th heavy artillery, Jan. 4th ’64, dis. Sept. 4th ’65.
Clark, James E., 4th heavy artillery, January ’62, d. at Fort DeKalb, July 25th ’62.
Connine, Jacob, 33rd N.Y., August ’63.
Cotton, Gordon, 5th heavy artillery, Feb. 27th ’62, dis. March 25th ’64.
Cotton, Wallis, 5th heavy artillery, February 27th ’62, d. at Baltimore May 4th ’64.
Currie, William H., 120th N.Y., August 15th ’62, dis. June 2nd ’65.
Decker, Jacob, 144th N.Y., September 6th ’64.
Decker, Lorenzo, 5th heavy artillery, January 23rd ’64, dis. July 19th ’65.
Deyoe, Albert, 177th N.Y., Nov. 15th ’62, d. at Vicksburg Aug. 22nd ’63.
Deyoe, Martin, 90th N.Y., September 13th ’61, dis. March 1st ’62.
Disbrow, Loren, 2nd N.Y., August 21st ’61.
Doyle, James, 20th N.Y., April 18th ’61, dis. August 22nd ’61.
Doyle, John, 18th cavalry, September 7th ’64, dis. June 2nd ’65.
Dutcher, Henry, 120th N.Y., Aug. 18th ’63, d. at Ashland Dec. 17th ’63.
Dutcher, H. Milton, 15th heavy artillery, Feb. 5th ’64, dis. Sept. 1st ’65.
Dutcher, Newton, 33rd N.Y., August ’63, d. at Chattanooga.
Foster, John, 15th heavy artillery, July ’63.
Frayer, Danforth J., 177th N.Y., November 19th ’62, dis. July 4th ’65.
Frayer, Dwight E., 177th N.Y., November 8th ’62, dis. August 27th ’65.
Frayer, Frederick, 177th N.Y., November 19th ’62, d. July 4th ’63.
Frayer, Leander, 5th heavy artillery, February 11th ’62, d.
Frayer, Martin, 5th heavy artillery, February 11th ’62.
Frayer, William W., 177th N.Y., November 19th ’62, dis. Oct. 5th ’65.
Gaffner, James, 5th heavy artillery, February 27th ’62, dis. July 19th ’65.
Gaffner, John, 22nd N.Y., dis. February 27th ’64.
German, Abel, 92nd N.Y., August ’62.
German, James, 92nd Illinois cavalry, August 19th ’62, dis. Jan 2nd ’65.
Gray, Jonathan F., 15th heavy artillery, June 25th ’64.
Grinnell, Augustus H., 5th heavy artillery, August 12th ’62, dis. April 14th ’63.
Groat, Zadock P., 120th N.Y., August 18th ’62, k. at Petersburgh March 25th ’65.
Harding, John E., 20th N.Y., August 27th ’61.
Hartwell, Melvin, [sergeant] 2nd N.Y., April 18th ’61, dis. Sept. 30th ’65.
Hellicus, Albert, 20th U.S. colored cavalry, August 25th ’64, dis. April 17th ’65.
Hellicus, Alexander, 20th U.S. colored cavalry, January 12th ’64, dis. August 28th ’65.
Hellicus, George, 20th U.S. colored cavalry, January 8th ’64, dis. August 28th ’65.
Hellicus, Isaac, [corporal] 20th U.S.colored cavalry, January 4th ’64, dis. October ’65.
Hill, Clark, 120th N.Y., June ’61, k. at Petersburg, March 21st ’65.
Hill, Fenton, 120th N.Y., August 1st ’62, dis. June 2nd ’65.
Hoagland, Charles, 4th heavy artillery, March 24th ’64, dis. Sept. 26th ’65.
Hoagland, James, 4th heavy artillery, January 7th ’64, d. at City Point, August 20th ’64.
Hoagland, Thomas, 1st Michigan cavalry.
Hoagland, Zadoc P., 146th N.Y., Sept. ’63, k. at Petersburg, June 2nd ’64.
Hogaboom, Adelbert, 15th heavy artillery, Feb. 5th ’64, d. July 21st ’65.
Hogaboom, Chauncey, 80th N.Y., September 11th ’61, d. Dec. 1st ’62.
Howks, George, 71st N.Y., May 14th ’61, dis. April 17th ’64.
Jordan, James, 20th N.Y., April 21st ’61, dis. August 22nd ’61.
Jordan, Moses, 20th N.Y., April 21st ’61, d. June 2nd ’65.
Kane, Barney, 144th N.Y.
Lafferty, Charles, 18th cavalry, September 17th ’64, dis. Jan. 7th ’65.
Lafferty, William, 15th heavy artillery, Jan. 14th ’64, dis. August 22nd ’65.
Lewis, George, 15th heavy artillery, January 19th ’64, dis. in ’65.
Lewis, James, 80th N.Y., September ’61, k. in battle of Bull Run.
Lewis, Joseph, 80th N.Y., September ’61, d. at Falmouth, May 19th ’62.
Lewis, Thomas, 80th N.Y., Sept. ’61, taken prisoner, fate unknown.
Lown, David, 91st N.Y., September 1st ’64, dis. June 7th ’65.
McArdell, James [capt], 20th N.Y., April 21st ’61, dis. August 22nd ’61.
Maginnis, Edwin, 15th heavy artillery, January 24th ’64, missing.
Maginnis, Richard, 15th heavy artillery, Jan. 14th ’64, dis. June 21st ’66.
Maginnis, William [sergt.], 15th N.Y., Sept. 25th ’61, dis. Aug. 19th ’65.
Manzor, David, 80th N.Y., January 15th ’63, d.
Maze, Abner, 51st N.Y., September 4th ’62.
Merwin, Martin, 51st N.Y, December 16th ’61.
Mondore, Alonzo, 80th N.Y., January 12th ’64, dis. June 10th ’65.
Mondore, Charles, 1st U.S. cavalry, Sept. 10th ’64, dis. Sept. 30th ’65.
Mondore, Lewis, 144th N.Y., d. in service.
Mondore, Madison, 51st N.Y., August 19th ’61, dis. August 11th ’65.
Mondore, Nelson [capt], 80th N.Y., January 3rd ’64, d. March ’65.
Newcomb, Sylvester, 51st N.Y., August 19th ’62.
Orr, John, 5th heavy artillery, February 16th ’62.
Proper, Harrison, 80th N.Y., August 9th ’62, dis. June 13th ’65.
Proper, Hiram, 51st N.Y., September 16th ’64, dis. June ’65.
Proper, Horace, 15th heavy artillery, January 15th ’64, dis. May 30 ’65.
Person, Hiram, 101st N.Y., January 15th ’62, dis. June 27th ’65.
Rightmyer, Jacob, 51st N.Y., September 20th ’65 [sic], dis. January 28th ’65.
Rockafeller, Andrew [sergt.], 4th heavy artillery, January 15th ’62, dis. September 26th ’65.
Rockafeller, Martin, 4th heavy artillery, Jan. 17th ’64, dis. Sept. 26th ‘65.
Schermerhorn, Francis, 22nd N.Y., October ’62.
Schermerhorn, Paul A., 120th N.Y, August 10th ’62, dis. June 2nd ’65.
Shoemaker, Martin, 15th heavy artillery, Jan. 4th ’64, dis. May 30th ’65.
Shoemaker, Smith, 15th heavy artillery, July ’63.
Shoemaker, Thomas, 101st N.Y., January 15th ’62, d.
Shouts, Derwain, 51st N.Y., August 17th ’61.
Sloat, Sylvanus, 51st N.Y., August 15th ’62, dis. October 18th ’64.
Snyder, Jacob, 4th heavy artillery, January 15th ’64, dis. Feb. 3rd ’65.
Snyder, John H., 4th heavy artillery, January 19th ’64, dis. Sept. 21st ’65.
Spencer, George W., 80th N.Y, February 21st ’65, dis. May 8th ’65.
St. John, Thomas, 51st N.Y., Jan. 8th ’64, d. at Annapolis, Mar 26th ’65.
Stocking, Zelotus [sergt.], 5th heavy artillery, February 10th ’62, dis. July 19th ’65.
Story, John, 18th cavalry, September 7th ’64.
Story, Zera B., 101st N.Y., February 16th ’62.
Van Loan, Wyckoff, 5th heavy artillery, Aug. 12th ’62, dis. July 29th ’65.
Weed, Franklin, 18th cavalry, September 7th ’61, dis. July 2nd ’65.
White, Charles J. [drum major], 5th heavy artillery, December 1st ’61, dis. February ’64.
Whitman, Francis B., 4th heavy artillery, Jan. 19th ’64, dis. Sept. 29th ’65.
Whitman, Lawrence, 2nd Mass. Cavalry, July 18th ’64, dis. July 15th ’65.
Whitman, W.S., 22nd N.Y., October 3rd ’64, dis. July 15th ’65.
Wiltsie, George, 120th N.Y., October 6th ’62, dis. August 23rd ’65.
RECORD OF THE CIVIL WAR, concluded ...
Barlow, Joseph, 80th N.Y., September 12th ’61.
Bartholomew, Hiram, March 4th ’65.
Blodgett, John, 120th N.Y., August 13th ’62.
Briggs, Amos, 80th N.Y., September 12th ’61.
Calkins, M.B., 80th N.Y., April 4th ’62.
Clark, Orlando, 80th N.Y., September ’64.
Clark, W.P., 1st artillery, February 24th ’64.
Cole, Charles.
Cornell, Isaac, 120th N.Y., August 12th ’62.
Cornell, L.B., 120th N.Y., August 12th ’62.
Crandell, John, 120th N.Y., August 12th ’62.
Delamater, William, 44th N.Y., October 3rd ’61.
Derby, Henry, 15th heavy artillery, July 11th ’64.
Disten, George, 80th N.Y., August 27, ’61.
Ferris, Edward, 50th N.Y., September ‘61
Fisher, E.W., 44th N.Y., August 3rd ’61.
Fuller, William, 80th N.Y., September 4th ’61.
Garvey, J.H., 4th cavalry, August 22nd ’62.
Greenwood, Daniel, 80th N.Y., September 23rd ’61.
Halden, David, 80th N.Y., September ’65.
Hadden, Lewis, 4th heavy artillery, January 16th ’64.
Hapeman, Robert, 120th N.Y., August 12th ’62.
Hapeman, William, 80th N.Y., September 23rd ’61.
Hayes, A.S., 80th N.Y., September 18th ’61.
Hoagland, Martin.
Halcomb, Sterling, 99th N.Y., August 22nd ’61.
Holmes, Asa, 80th N.Y., September 18th ’61.
Holmes, Charles, 120th N.Y., August 12th ’62.
Hopkins, William, 120th N.Y., August 12th ’62.
Hough, Lewis, 15th N.Y. engineers, September 17th ’64.
Hough, Romano, 4th cavalry, September 8th ’61.
Howard, Daniel, 80th N.Y., September 16th ’64.
Howard, Wesley, 57th N.Y., October 11th ’61.
Hughson, George, 80th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Hughson, John, 80th N.Y., September 4th ’62.
Jenne, John F., 120th N.Y., August 12th ’62.
Jerome, John, 120th N.Y., August 4th ’62.
Jones, Egbert, 4th cavalry, August 22nd ’62.
Johnson, Andrew, 121st N.Y., March 29th ’65.
Judd, Dennis, 80th N.Y., September 18th ’61.
Judd, Ezekiel, 120th N.Y., August 12th ’62.
Judd, Henry, 80th N.Y., September 18th ’61.
Judd, Jehial, 80th N.Y., September 18th ’61.
Judson, William H., 80th N.Y., August ‘61.
Kane, Barnard, 47th N.Y., September ’63.
Like, George W., 80th N.Y., September 18th ’61.
Mansfield, George, 57th N.Y., September ’61.
Maynard, Francis, 120th N.Y., January ’64.
Maynard, Hiland, 120th N.Y., August 14th ’62.
Marshall, John, 120th N.Y., September 18th ’61.
Marshall, Joseph, 120th N.Y., August 14th ’62.
McQueen, Dwight, 1st light artillery, February ’64.
Miller, Abram.
Miller, Harlow.
Miller, Zeba, 80th N.Y., September 9th ’64.
Newberry, James, 4th heavy artillery, January 25th ’64.
Parker, George, 80th N.Y., August 16th ’64.
Payne, Charles, 120th N.Y., August 14th ’62.
Payne, Edwin, 57th N.Y., September ’61.
Payne, Oscar, 1st artillery, September 22nd ’64.
Peterson, Charles, 57th N.Y., October ’61.
Phelps, Edward, 131st N.Y., March ’65.
Pierce, John H., 80th N.Y., September 18th ’61.
Preston, D.S., 120th N.Y., August 16th ’62.
Price, George W., 6th heavy artillery, January ’64.
Reynolds, Hiram T., 143rd N.Y., September 14th ’62.
Reynolds, Ira S., 120th N.Y., August 12th ’62.
Rice, James, 16th heavy artillery, September ’64.
Sanford, C.R., 80th N.Y., September ’64.
Sherman, Edgar, 15th heavy artillery, January 12th ’64.
Sherman, Jerome, 15th heavy artillery, January 12th ’64.
Slaler, Smith, 120th N.Y., August 14th ’62.
Smith, J., 80th N.Y., September 16th ’62.
Sparling, William J., 21st N.Y., March 31st ’65.
Southard, Nelson, 80th N.Y., September 16th ’61.
Southard, Theodore, 80th N.Y., September 18th ’64.
Sutton, Ashel, 4th cavalry, August 16th ’62.
Tibbals, George H., 120th N.Y., August 10th ’62.
Van Aiken, Giles, 120th N.Y., August 10th ’62.
Warriner, Talmage, 80th N.Y., September 4th ’61.
West, A.E., 30th N.Y., April ’62.
White, Henry, 80th N.Y., September 8th ’64.
Wiltsey, George, 120th N.Y., August 13th ’62.
Woolhiser, C.F., 4th heavy artillery, January ’65.
Woolhiser, Charles, 120th N.Y., August 1st ’62.
Woolhiser, Sylvester, 99th N.Y., September 22nd ’61.
RECORD OF THE CIVIL WAR, concluded ...
Barlow, Joseph, 80th N.Y., September 12th ’61.
Bartholomew, Hiram, March 4th ’65.
Blodgett, John, 120th N.Y., August 13th ’62.
Briggs, Amos, 80th N.Y., September 12th ’61.
Calkins, M.B., 80th N.Y., April 4th ’62.
Clark, Orlando, 80th N.Y., September ’64.
Clark, W.P., 1st artillery, February 24th ’64.
Cole, Charles.
Cornell, Isaac, 120th N.Y., August 12th ’62.
Cornell, L.B., 120th N.Y., August 12th ’62.
Crandell, John, 120th N.Y., August 12th ’62.
Delamater, William, 44th N.Y., October 3rd ’61.
Derby, Henry, 15th heavy artillery, July 11th ’64.
Disten, George, 80th N.Y., August 27, ’61.
Ferris, Edward, 50th N.Y., September ‘61
Fisher, E.W., 44th N.Y., August 3rd ’61.
Fuller, William, 80th N.Y., September 4th ’61.
Garvey, J.H., 4th cavalry, August 22nd ’62.
Greenwood, Daniel, 80th N.Y., September 23rd ’61.
Halden, David, 80th N.Y., September ’65.
Hadden, Lewis, 4th heavy artillery, January 16th ’64.
Hapeman, Robert, 120th N.Y., August 12th ’62.
Hapeman, William, 80th N.Y., September 23rd ’61.
Hayes, A.S., 80th N.Y., September 18th ’61.
Hoagland, Martin.
Halcomb, Sterling, 99th N.Y., August 22nd ’61.
Holmes, Asa, 80th N.Y., September 18th ’61.
Holmes, Charles, 120th N.Y., August 12th ’62.
Hopkins, William, 120th N.Y., August 12th ’62.
Hough, Lewis, 15th N.Y. engineers, September 17th ’64.
Hough, Romano, 4th cavalry, September 8th ’61.
Howard, Daniel, 80th N.Y., September 16th ’64.
Howard, Wesley, 57th N.Y., October 11th ’61.
Hughson, George, 80th N.Y., August 22nd ’62.
Hughson, John, 80th N.Y., September 4th ’62.
Jenne, John F., 120th N.Y., August 12th ’62.
Jerome, John, 120th N.Y., August 4th ’62.
Jones, Egbert, 4th cavalry, August 22nd ’62.
Johnson, Andrew, 121st N.Y., March 29th ’65.
Judd, Dennis, 80th N.Y., September 18th ’61.
Judd, Ezekiel, 120th N.Y., August 12th ’62.
Judd, Henry, 80th N.Y., September 18th ’61.
Judd, Jehial, 80th N.Y., September 18th ’61.
Judson, William H., 80th N.Y., August ‘61.
Kane, Barnard, 47th N.Y., September ’63.
Like, George W., 80th N.Y., September 18th ’61.
Mansfield, George, 57th N.Y., September ’61.
Maynard, Francis, 120th N.Y., January ’64.
Maynard, Hiland, 120th N.Y., August 14th ’62.
Marshall, John, 120th N.Y., September 18th ’61.
Marshall, Joseph, 120th N.Y., August 14th ’62.
McQueen, Dwight, 1st light artillery, February ’64.
Miller, Abram.
Miller, Harlow.
Miller, Zeba, 80th N.Y., September 9th ’64.
Newberry, James, 4th heavy artillery, January 25th ’64.
Parker, George, 80th N.Y., August 16th ’64.
Payne, Charles, 120th N.Y., August 14th ’62.
Payne, Edwin, 57th N.Y., September ’61.
Payne, Oscar, 1st artillery, September 22nd ’64.
Peterson, Charles, 57th N.Y., October ’61.
Phelps, Edward, 131st N.Y., March ’65.
Pierce, John H., 80th N.Y., September 18th ’61.
Preston, D.S., 120th N.Y., August 16th ’62.
Price, George W., 6th heavy artillery, January ’64.
Reynolds, Hiram T., 143rd N.Y., September 14th ’62.
Reynolds, Ira S., 120th N.Y., August 12th ’62.
Rice, James, 16th heavy artillery, September ’64.
Sanford, C.R., 80th N.Y., September ’64.
Sherman, Edgar, 15th heavy artillery, January 12th ’64.
Sherman, Jerome, 15th heavy artillery, January 12th ’64.
Slaler, Smith, 120th N.Y., August 14th ’62.
Smith, J., 80th N.Y., September 16th ’62.
Sparling, William J., 21st N.Y., March 31st ’65.
Southard, Nelson, 80th N.Y., September 16th ’61.
Southard, Theodore, 80th N.Y., September 18th ’64.
Sutton, Ashel, 4th cavalry, August 16th ’62.
Tibbals, George H., 120th N.Y., August 10th ’62.
Van Aiken, Giles, 120th N.Y., August 10th ’62.
Warriner, Talmage, 80th N.Y., September 4th ’61.
West, A.E., 30th N.Y., April ’62.
White, Henry, 80th N.Y., September 8th ’64.
Wiltsey, George, 120th N.Y., August 13th ’62.
Woolhiser, C.F., 4th heavy artillery, January ’65.
Woolhiser, Charles, 120th N.Y., August 1st ’62.
Woolhiser, Sylvester, 99th N.Y., September 22nd ’61.