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SARATOGA (Part 1), continued ...

III. - EARLY SETTLEMENT, continued ...

THE SCHUYLER FAMILY, continued ...

Jesse Mott was an early settler south of Dean's Corners.

Of himself he writes for his children in 1844: "I left Dutchess county March 14, 1783, sixty-one years ago."

"I was then twenty-four years of age."

"I first bought one hundred acres all new."

"I made a home the first year with a family who had got in the year before."

"I cleared some land, and in the fall I built a log cabin and caught a little wife."

"She was in the seventeenth year of her age."

"We lived together seventeen years."

"She was the mother of thirteen children, and we had collected a good property."

"When I first began I paid $250 towards my land."

"This was one-half of the purchase price."

"The debt of $250 cost me many a sleepless night after a hard day's labor."

"At that time I had no expectation of seeing the country appear as it now does."

"But my days are nearly spent, and I must leave others to manage."

"When I left Dutchess my friends thought it very doubtful whether I should make out to live, or starve, and return a beggar."

"The latter I felt to despise, and within twenty years would not have been willing to have exchanged with them."

Samuel Bushee came in from Connecticut soon after the Revolution, about 1785.

He married the daughter of Abram Marshall, and bought the farm north of Schuylerville of the Lansings, who owned it at the time the house was occupied by Burgoyne's officers.

He sold it to Samuel Marshall in 1817.

Mr. Bushee was in the American army during the Revolution, and was at Monmouth in the New Jersey campaign.

Elihu Billings settled south of Dunham's, on the Cramer Hill, about the same time - their log house being built near the brow of the hill, and Daniel Morgan, father of Daniel Morgan, Jr., afterwards a town officer for so many years, was also a resident there as early as 1790.

Obadiah Knapp and Mr. Jeffords were also early pioneers southeast of the present site of Victory village - as appears from notices in another place.

John Thorn came from Dutchess county about 1785.

He had been a soldier in the Revolutionary army.

He settled on what is still known as the Thorn place.

His first house was on the site of the present one.

He had four sons and six daughters.

Three of the latter are still living.

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SARATOGA (Part 1), continued ...

III. - EARLY SETTLEMENT, continued ...

THE SCHUYLER FAMILY, continued ...

In the west part of the town, near Saratoga lake, settlements were made in 1784 or 1785.

An interesting item of history is connected with them.

On the 7th day of August, 1781, seven men, sent from Canada, came to Albany and in the evening made an attack upon the house of General Schuyler, where he had been residing after the destruction of his buildings at Schuylerville.

Their object was to kill or capture the general, either through deadly hate at his past services against the English government, or perhaps with the design of holding the person of the general as a hostage to secure terms in the future exchange of prisoners.

There were in the house with the general at the time John Ward and John Cokely, two of his lifeguards, and also John Tubbs, an army-courier in his service.

These three men made a gallant fight with the seven assassins, who had effected an entrance into the hall.

John Tubbs, as his children now relate it, had a personal struggle with one, and having pressed him down behind an old oaken chest, with his hand on his throat, tried to draw a knife to finish him, but the knife was gone, and Tubbs was obliged to let him up.

Meanwhile General Schuyler had, from the windows above, aroused the town, and the seven men suddenly left, carrying off Tubbs and Cokely with them as prisoners, and as proof that they had actually penetrated to Schuyler's house and made an attempt to execute their appointed work.

The prisoners were kept nineteen months on an island on the St. Lawrence.

Returning home about the time peace was declared, General Schuyler presented the three men with a deed of two hundred and seventy acres of land.

The deed is now in the possession of Simon Tubbs, son of John Tubbs, and recites that "In consideration of five shillings, and that John Cokely, John Ward, and John Tubbs, did gallantly defend the said Philip Schuyler when attacked in his own house, near the city of Albany, on the 7th day of August, 1781, by a party of the enemy in the late war, sent expressly to kill or make prisoner of the said Philip Schuyler," the party of the first part hath granted and sold to the said Ward, Cokely, and Tubbs all that tract and parcel of land "In the Saratoga patent, known and distinguished as the westernmost farm of the south half of lot No. 20 in the grand division of Saratoga patent, made by John B. Bleecker, surveyor, in 1750, containing about two hundred and seventy acres of land."

The land was first divided into three parts, and the men drew for their respective portions, and soon after made their homes in this section.

John Tubbs' portion was a part of the present place of Simon Tubbs, his son; John Ward's, the farm occupied until recently by his son; and John Cokely's share is also now owned by Simon Tubbs.

Other early settlers in this section were as follows: Joseph Rogers came in during the war, or perhaps before, and settled on the Jonas Lasher place.

On this farm is an old burial-ground having one stone marked "M.I., 1787," supposed to be for Martin Irish, drowned in Saratoga lake.

Daniel Wood was an early pioneer, probably here before the Revolution, as he moved off of the place which Tubbs settled in 1784.

Silas Deuel was in the same neighborhood before 1800.

Oliver Perkins lived where Thomas Sweet now lives.

Ephraim Annable lived on the Daniel Flinn place.

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SARATOGA (Part 1), continued ...

III. - EARLY SETTLEMENT, continued ...

THE SCHUYLER FAMILY, concluded ...

Johannes Viele, in the year 1789, settled on the place still owned by his descendants, east of Bryant's bridge.

His brother, Stephen Viele, about the same time also penetrated this new country, and settled on the present farm of Henry Wagman.

Another brother, Ludovicus Viele, is also spoken of as having accompanied them.

Jesse Toll, a brother-in-law, also came to Saratoga about the year 1790.

He owned at one time an entire grand division of the Saratoga patent - a tract one mile wide, six miles long.

It is understood that he built the mills at Grangerville soon after his arrival.

In the vicinity of Coveville, Walter Van Veghten and Herman Van Veghten were prominent citizens.

Walter Knickerbocker, Refine Geer, and probably some others, were also settled there.

The farm now owned by Esquire Bailey was settled very early.

The first deed is from Killian De Ridder to John Vroman, in 1783; consideration, £150.

It was sold by Vroman to John, Henry, and Samuel Green in 1797.

It may have been settled earlier than the deed indicates.

Stephen Olney was in the town at a very early date - 1770, as stated by some - and settled where Asa L. Shepherd now lives.

James Milligan and Robert Milligan were in town as early as 1785.

It is not probable that we have specially mentioned all, nor nearly all, the families that settled in Saratoga before 1800.

The town had too large a population by that date to be sure of naming all.

Many other names will be found in the history of Saratoga County in the church records, in the lists of town officers, and in other papers embodied in this history, giving a clear view of the early settlement.

The first tavern in Schuylerville was opened some time before the War of 1812, perhaps nearly as early as 1800.

It was kept by Widow Taylor, and stood on the place now owned by Nancy Telfair.

The next was built by Daniel Patterson, on the site of the present Schuylerville House.

This was about 1812, and the tavern was called Patterson's Inn.

Not more than a year later the Mansion House was built by Alpheus Bullard, as stated in another place.

This building is still standing, occupied by Mrs. R.D. Lewis.

In 1818, Oliver Cleveland built a tavern on the site of the present Goldsmith House, and named it the Schuylerville House.

This was afterwards destroyed by fire.

In still earlier times there was a tavern at Coveville, and Madam Reidesel's letters speak of a tavern kept by Smith on the way down the river, evidently just below Schuylerville.

Perhaps this was the same point where Samuel Bushee afterwards kept a tavern, now known as the Dillingham place.

The first mills in town were of course at Schuylerville, as already shown in tracing the early history.

The mills at Grangerville are also of very early date.

They were built by Jesse Toll before 1800.

At or near the same date there was a saw-mill at Victory.

The first store in town, aside from such supplies as may have been sold at Schuylerville, was probably kept by John Douglass, on the place now owned by Hiram Cramer, though it is possible there was one somewhat earlier at Coveville, kept by Herman Van Veghten.

The Hill at Cramer's was once quite a business point before the opening of the canal and the subsequent growth of Schuylerville.

Besides the store, there was an ashery, the old Baptist church, a school-house, and one or two mechanics' shops.

The first store in Schuylerville was probably kept by Abraham Van Deusen, opened soon after the War of 1812.

His dwelling-house was the north end of the present Bullard block.

George Davis was an early blacksmith.

Joseph T. Smith remembers being sent when a boy to his shop with the points of old wooden mould-board plows to be sharpened.

It was on the present farm of Obadiah Davis.

Prominent physicians in town were Dr. Bull, Dr. Bryant, Dr. Dean, Dr. Smith, Dr. Brisbin, Dr. Pierce, Dr. Copp, Dr. Dimmick, and Dr. Billings.

They have all been well known in the history of the town, and all are dead except Dr. Billings, who is still living at an advanced age in Northumberland.

The legal profession was represented in past years by Richard M. Livingston, living first at Coveville and after-wards at Schuylerville, Joseph Fullerton, and John Lewis, at Schuylerville; also E.L. Fursman, now of Troy.

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SARATOGA (Part 1), continued ...

III. - EARLY SETTLEMENT, continued ...


His father, soon after the War of the Revolution, bought about 500 acres of land, comprising the present farms of Patterson, Clothier, and others.

The family moved here in the winter of 1788-89, traveling up the Hudson river on the ice.

Two of the older sons had settled here three years before.

Albert remembers that the inauguration of Washington, as the first President of the new government, was talked about in his father's family that spring.

Albert was then eight years old, and survives now at the age of ninety-six, able to relate clearly the memorable events of that year.

He is an extraordinary instance of longevity, a venerable link connecting the present with the past, reaching beyond the long succession of Presidents, back of the very foundations of the Federal Constitution.

In his boyhood he went to school at a log school-house near what is now the Holmes place, also at another near Mr. Finch's, that he could only reach by a foot-path.

Daniel Morgan, Jr., was one of his schoolmates.

He remembers that there was on his father's farm an old log school-house, no longer used.

He recalls the name of Mr. Tucker as his earliest teacher.

He went to meeting in those days at the old Dutch church south of Fish creek.

Mr. Smith was the earliest minister of his recollection.

He married the daughter of Col. Van Veghten at Coveville, and Mr. Clements thinks fashions "swing around the circle" with considerable exactness, as he used to see a negro boy carry the train of Mrs. Smith from the carriage to the church pew.

The first burial he remembers was a child of Deacon Billings, also very early he was at the funeral of a Mrs. Cross buried in Schuylerville.

In his youth shoemakers traveled from house to house and made up shoes for the families.

Mr. St. John was the first who could make a pair of Suwarrow boots.

Mr. Clements found the leather and paid four dollars and fifty cents to have a pair made for himself.

Being reminded that that was as costly as boots are now, Mr. Clements replied, "Oh, those boots would last twenty years."

Mr. Clements, like other boys, used to go to town-meetings.

They were held at Stafford's bridge, within the present town of Saratoga Springs.

Fishing on the creek, too, was a favorite and successful sport.

The boys used to get a canoe of Mr. Cross, living where Mr. Shearer does now.

Hunting was also a good business in those times.

While working in the field one day, having his gun with him as usual, he saw a flock of ducks gathered on a log in the swamp near Mr. Patterson's.

He made three shots, bringing down ten the first time, nine the second, and eight the third, twenty-seven in all.

Sometimes having shot ducks, he thought nothing of swimming after them and bringing them out.

Mr. Clements was drafted in the War of 1812.

He hired a substitute for sixty dollars, and found the equipments for him.

His brother, Wm. Clements, went into the army, and served on Lake Champlain.

Albert Clements helped plow down the intrenchments, on the heights where the new cemetery is.

It was on the west slope of the hill, about parallel with the present road to Victory, on the west of the cemetery.

His father was hired, with two yoke of cattle, for the work, and Albert went to drive the team.

Mr. Clements states that the intrenchment still to be seen among the pines on the hill south of Victory village, was thrown up the American army while following the retreating army of Burgoyne.

From that spot the Yankee boys fired on the British army while halting for dinner, and shot the mutton from the officers' table.

Mr. Clements learned surveying and some knowledge of civil engineering from the early surveyor of Stillwater, George Palmer, with whom he worked at various times.

Mr. Clements laid out the first streets in Schuylerville, and made a plot of the village.

The chain was carried for him by Philip Schuyler, grandson of the general, and a Mr. Bedell.

The latter had a store on the site of the present jewelry-store of Joseph T. Smith.

Mr. Clements relates that he has heard Abram Marshall say he saw Burgoyne deliver his sword to General Gates, that the place was south of the Gravel hill, near the old Dutch church.

He says the British troops marched down below the Gravel hill to pass Gates' headquarters, where the sword was surrendered.

It is a tradition in the Clements family that his grandfather was of the royal family of Holland, the queen's son, that he came to America as a traveler or explorer, and returned after three years, having kept a full journal of his travels.

He afterwards led over to this country a colony of three hundred and sixty families, some of the earliest settlers of Dutchess and other river counties.

We cannot well omit from the authentic annals of Schuylerville the following dark and supernatural tale of early times, as related by Mr. Clements, but not verified by his affidavit: Some years after the war a man appeared in the place, professing to know where Burgoyne had buried his treasure.

Having disclosed his information to some extent, an early resident joined in his plans and the digging commenced, as all such diggings must, in the night.

While lustily excavating, looking for Hessian bones or British gold, and just at the point of expected success, suddenly the devil appeared within the mystic circle as he should, according to the annals of money-diggers, horns, hoofs, tail, flashing eyes, and sepulchral voice, all proved him the genuine Harry himself.

The spades fell from the nerveless grasp of the frightened men, and the time they made in getting away from that particular spot cannot be stated, as stop-watches adapted to Saratoga races were then unknown.

The next day the stranger from abroad said that it was necessary to secure some one of great courage and piety.

Physical force and religious fervor must be united in the same man.

So another citizen, one of the heroic old captors of the traitor Lovelace, it is said, was secured, as possessing the two qualifications required, and once more the digging began.

The dark shades of night gathered low along the valley of the Hudson.

It was a night when battle-fields are filled with the ghosts of long ago, and the battalions of the dead in phantom array sweep in airy lines along the hill-sides that once echoed to the thunder of their cannon.

No voice was uttered as the digging went on.

In solemn silence each shoveled as for his life.

And now, with a fearful howl, the devil again sprang upon them, flinging shovels and iron bars in a style unusually reckless, even for the old Prince of Poker.

Dodging these gentle weapons all the men fled, except the one secured for this special occasion.

Standing his ground he managed in the confusion to tread on the devil's tail.

It immediately came off, the hoofs and horns, the whole fearful suit fell away, and an ordinary mortal was seen running for the woods at the top of his speed.

And so ended that search for the buried sovereigns.

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SARATOGA (Part 1), continued ...

III. - EARLY SETTLEMENT, continued ...


Mrs. Bullard was born in the town of Greenfield, in 1787, the daughter of Mrs. Fitch, of Connecticut ancestry.

With her father's family she came into Saratoga in 1799.

They settled near Saratoga lake, on what is since known as the Edward Fitch farm.

In childhood she went to meeting, horseback, at the old church south of Schuylerville.

Remembers Rev. Mr. Duryea as the minister at that time.

The country was nearly all woods.

Wild animals were plenty.

From her home by the lake, it was quite an undertaking to go through the woods alone, horseback, to Saratoga Springs, for trade, or to the river at Fort Miller Bridge.

She also went to mill, horseback, at Grangerville, when a girl at home.

In 1812 she was married to Alpheus Bullard, who had come from Augusta, Maine, the year before.

They first kept house in the government barracks at Schuylerville, and soon afterwards they built the Mansion house.

It stood on Broad street, on the site of John Cox's place.

The buildings in the village at that time (1812) were the Schuyler house, the mills, the old Dutch church, a blacksmith-shop of Mr. Daggett on the street above the mill, a log house where Captain Welch's house now stands, occupied by Stephen Welch.

Beyond Stephen Welch a Mr. Peacock lived, also Mr. Van Tassel, then the old parsonage, still standing, and finally the Bushee house, of military fame.

This was about all there was of Schuylerville when Mrs. Bullard settled there.

Mr. Patterson soon after built a house where the present Schuylerville Hotel stands.

Mrs. Bullard relates many incidents of early times.

The old log school-house in the Fitch neighborhood has long since passed away, but she remembers that one spelling-book had to answer for several families, that Pike's Arithmetic was in use, and the English Reader.

She has six children living, twenty-three grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren.

She has lived to a good old age - lived to see the forests melt away, the wilderness of early times give way to the cultivated farms and pleasant homesteads of the present day.

She has seen prophecy change to history, the desert blossom as the rose, and the wilderness become a fruitful field.

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SARATOGA (Part 1), continued ...

III. - EARLY SETTLEMENT, concluded ...


She was born in Wilton in 1797; came with her father, John Latimer, to the present site of Victory village in 1800.

Mr. Latimer had charge of the mills at that place.

Mr. Marshall, Mr. Jordan, and Mr. Bree were their neighbors.

She first went to school at Grangerville about 1805.

The teacher's name was Stephens.

Birch, Dennison, and Spaulding were other early teachers.

The school-house was a frame one.

Remembers Sherman Collins as an early physician.

Her father was a teamster in the American army, and she supposes he was present at the surrender of Burgoyne.

She says her father often went with her to the elm-tree, spoken of by others, on Broad street, told her that there was where Burgoyne surrendered, and she says there was a spring at that place then, now lost or changed in its course by the buildings and the working on the road.

Other personal reminiscences of Simon Tubbs and George Strover might be given in this form, but the valuable material for which we are indebted to them and others is already entered in the general account of the town.

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SARATOGA (Part 1), continued ...


The present town of Saratoga retains the old name applied in early times to a large tract of country on both sides of the Hudson.

It is explained by some authorities as signifying "swift water," and originally designated the rapids on the Hudson river above Schuylerville; while "still-water" naturally applied to the deep, steady, and quiet stream for some miles below.

For a full explanation of this name, however, see chapter v. of this work.

The town was organized by act of the Legislature, March 7, 1788, as one of the towns of Albany county.

It had had a district organization from 1772, but the records are not supposed to be in existence.

From an old book of audits at Albany, it appears Cornelius Van Veghten was supervisor of the district in 1780 and 1781.

There is no record of a town-meeting of 1788, and that of 1789 is partially lost from the first page of the venerable old town-book - the upper part of the leaf being torn away.

In 1789 it appears that Sidney Berry, William Scott, and Hezekiah Dunham were road commissioners; Elihu Billings, Asaph Putnam, and William Thomas, constables; Nelson Winner and Hezekiah Willis, poundmasters.

There were twenty road districts.

The following names of overseers appear upon the fragment of the leaf: Benjamin Jenkins, No. 1; Jonathan Pettit, No. 2; James McCreedy, No. 3; Jubal Tyler and S. Chapman, No. 4; Joseph Rogers, No. 5; William Binner, No. 6; Grover Buel, No. 7; Michael Inman, No. 8; Philip G. Viele, No. 9; Edward Wheeler, No. 10; Thomas Rodgers, No. 11.

Marks for cattle are recorded in 1789 by Grover Buell, Thomas Thompson, John Craig, Sidney Berry, John Berry, Asaph Putnam, Silas Duell, Oliver Perkins.

The town-meeting of 1790 was held at the house of Archibald McNiel April 6, and the following town officers chosen: Sidney Berry, town clerk; John B. Schuyler, supervisor; Jesse Toll, Solomon Wheeler, William Scott, John Graham, Hezekiah Dunham, assessors; Darius Hand and Elihu Billings, collectors; James Brisbin, Archibald McNiel, and William Scott, road commissioners; Daniel Morgan, Solomon Wheeler, overseers of the poor; Asaph Putnam, Daniel Hand, Elihu Billings, Malcolm Crowfoot, constables; Nelson Winner and John Bitely, fence-viewers.

The pathmasters were: No. 1, Jesse Toll and Thomas Bennett; No. 2, Thomas Clemons and Abram Low; No. 3, Moses Low; No. 4, Gilbert Low and Aaron Hill; No. 5, Benjamin Irish; No. 6, Hugh McAdam; No. 7, Grover Buel; No. 8, Benjamin Guile; No. 9, William Harris; No. 10, John Berry; No. 11, John Vandewerker; No. 12, Joseph Smith; No. 13, John Lang; No. 14, Joseph Egglestone; No. 15, Joseph Duel; No. 16, Reuben Stiles; No. 17, Ebenezer Fitch; No. 18, Henderson Crawford; No. 19, John Green; No. 20, Benjamin Risley.

Other names appearing among estray notices and cattle-mark records are John Clements, Joseph Clements, Cornelius Clements, James Reynolds, Benjamin Clements, David Carr, Benjamin Phillips, Jonathan Carr, Michael Washburn, Aaron Martin, Daniel Prendle, Isaac Vandewerker, John McDowell, Tobias Clements, John M. Berry - his entry dated at Snoek Kill Falls - Richmond Carr, George Lewis, Ebenezer Marks, Nehemiah Dunbar, Joseph Knapp, Israel Phillips, Eli Mead, Ithamas Clothier, Solomon Phillips, Dr. Phillips, John Davis, John Brisbin, John Serill, Jonathan Newberry, Stafford Carr, Samuel Perry, Isaac Perry, Samuel Adkins.

These names are from 1790 to 1795.

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SARATOGA (Part 1), continued ...

IV. - ORGANIZATION, continued ...

Town-meeting of 1791 was held at the house of Archibald McNiel.

Officers chosen: John B. Schuyler, supervisor; Archibald McNiel, town clerk; Archibald McNiel, Hezekiah Durham, John Lang, Solomon Wheeler, Jesse Toll, Thomas Thompson, Adam Comstock, assessors; John Mahawney, John B. Schuyler, Ebenezer King, commissioners of highways; James Brisbin, Peter Waldron, overseers of the poor; Elihu Billings, William Angle, Malcolm Crowfoot, Asaph Putnam, Samuel Finch, constables and collectors.

Next town-meeting to be held at Mr. Slocum's.

Ebenezer King, Grover Buell, Daniel Weeks, John Bitely, fence-viewers.

The pathmasters were: No. 1, Aaron Snow, Jonathan Griffin; No. 2, John Calvert and Jesse Billings; No. 3, John Thorn; No. 4, John Grippin; No. 5, Silas Duel; No. 6, Darius Hand; No. 7, Grover Buel; No. 8, Joseph Palmer; No. 9, Nicholas Vandenberg; No. 10, Sidney Berry; No. 11, Thomas Rogers; No. 12, Joseph Smith; No. 13, Josiah Perry; No. 14, Daniel Hickok; No. 15, Solomon Phillips; No. 16, Thomas Titus; No. 17, John Taylor; No. 18, Joel Reynolds; No. 19, Thomas Barber; No. 20, Benjamin Risley; No. 21, James Benjamin; No. 22, Abraham Ludlow; No. 23, Matthew Ketchum.

£2 voted for each wolf killed in town, and they calculated for six by voting the sum of £12.

Hogs to be yoked; and any person driving cattle into this town to feed, to be fined £10, provided the cattle amount to £5.

Among the town officers and records of 1792 the following new names appear: Daniel Boardman, Amos Stafford, Samuel Chalmers, Ezra Abbott: Abraham Marshall, Jacob Deyoe, John Miers, Ebenezer Dakin, Martin Vandewerker, Elijah Reynolds, Thomas Barnum, Joseph Herrington, Stephen King, Ralph Cox, James Johnson, Isaac Brewster, John Blood, Dan. Conkrite, Jotham Holmes, David Mosier, Daniel Ketcham, Samuel Bailey, Jesse Irish, Thomas D. Chandler, Israel Stiles, Joseph Wright.

In 1793 we find others, William Force, Thomas Burnham, Giles Fitch, David Kau, Jesse Mott, Samuel Chapman, Thomas Williams, Asa Newell, Thomas Gurdon, William Force, Preston Denton, John Ward, Captain Gile, William Harris, Samuel Scovil, Daniel Parks, Joseph Herton, Stephen King, Ezra Abbot, Abijah Peck, Wolcott Adsit, Walter E. Patchen, John Deming, Richard Somes, Isaac Ostrom, Nathaniel Saxton, David Chapman, Charles Kyle, Andrew McCutcheon, George Allen, Preserved Gardner, Kilson Winney.

In 1793 Adam Comstock, Sidney Berry, Jesse Toll, Daniel Bull, and Jonathan Laurence, were appointed a committee to settle with town officers for moneys from 1789 to 1792, and "to settle with Easttown and Stillwater concerning the poor in the division of the town."

Other names at this time (1793-94), Jacob Deyoe, Joshua Macomber, Joseph Cole, Thomas Salisbury, Samuel Boyan, James Brigley, Aaron Hill, Justus Knapp, Henry Knapp, Richard Bullock, Asaph Brown, Benjamin Tripp, William Orton, Daniel Boardman.

Town-meeting of 1794 - Other new names appear: Robert Getty, Ebenezer Darkney, John Davison, James O. Bail, Jonah Fish, Nathan Shearfield, Abijah Lee, Jacob Miller, Asel Norghton, Parks Putnam, Cleman Blaikley, Jotham Beams, Robert Grey, David Mather, John Scribner, Joel Parks, Benjamin French, Reuben Clark, Elisha Shearman, Ithamar Clothier, Dalton Crampton, Caleb Burch, Peter Johnson.

Town-meeting of 1795 - Other names are Joseph Palmer, Thomas Thompson, Warren Cady, Isaac B. Payne, John Beamas, Eber Lewis, Silas Howland, Stephen Olney, Christopher Abeel, Thomas Smith, Cornelius Isman, David Shepherd, Nathan Sheffield, William Barker, Peter Dumont, John Aldridge, Richard Burt, John Hamilton, Cummin Salisbury, Gideon Putnam, Gad Merrils, William Kingsford, John Filkins, Gabriel Veil, William Brosbry, Jeremiah Cady, David Adams, Ebenezer Newell, Reuben Cross, Sylvanus Madison.

The next town-meeting was voted to meet at Giles Slocum's.

Jacob Hicks was appointed as a proper person to take the census.

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SARATOGA (Part 1), continued ...

IV. - ORGANIZATION, continued ...

Among cattle-mark records, 1795, we find Enoch Phillips, David Ackerman, Augustus Green, Matthew Van Amburgh, Jonathan Foster, William Smith, Christopher Perkins.

Town-meeting of 1796, we find the names of Thomas Jeffords, Ebenezer Cheever, Tunis Swart, John Tubbs, Walsingham Collins, David Linsey, Ebenezer Burley, Richard Holmes, Zebulon Aulger, John Weed, Cornelius McLean, William Steel, Gershom Saxton, Samuel Page, William King, Robert Washburn, Charles Riley, Joseph Harrington, Stephen King, sixteen pounds bounty for each wolf killed voted.

Other names, Hubbard Pendleton, Thomas Maginnis, Jacob Dennis, Jonathan Pendell, Nellie Swart, Jared Reynolds, Thomas Jordan, Ebenezer Curton, Ebenezer Wallin.

Town-meeting of 1797 - New names: Ames Hawley, William Dudley, Gamaliel Vail.

As this is the last year that the town of Saratoga included so large a territory, we add the pathmasters in full, though some of the names may have already been mentioned: No. 1, Jacob Toll; No. 2, Thomas Bennett; No. 3, John Dillingham; No. 4, John Brisbin and David Reynolds; No. 5, Ebenezer Smith; No. 6, Samuel Bushee; No. 7, Jethro Bennett; No. 8, Jacob Ferguson and Zopher Scidmore; No. 9, Jesse Mott; No. 10, Lemuel Shepherd; No. 11, John Fish; No. 12, Robert Parks; No. 13, Grover Buel and John Shadow; No. 14, Daniel Lindsey; No. 15, George McCutcheon; No. 16, Asaph Putnam; No. 17, John M. Berry; No. 18, George R. Lewis and James Beard; No. 19, Richard Searing; No. 20, Elijah Powers; No. 21, Parks Putnam; No. 22, Peter Johnson; No. 23, Seth Perry; No. 24, Enoch Kellogg and Richard Holmes; No. 25, William Waterbury; No. 26, Ebenezer Andrews; No. 27, Nathaniel Wallis and Abraham Havens; No. 28, Caleb Fish; No. 29, John Scribner; No. 30, Benjamin Tripp; No. 31, Isaac Vandewerker; No. 32, Edy Baker; No. 33, Thomas Ostrander; No. 34, Benjamin French; No. 35, Andrew McCutcheon; No. 36, Caleb Burrows; No. 37, Henry Shaft and John Whitford; No. 38, Malachi Cox; No. 39, Stafford Carr; No. 40, Levi Lamphir; No. 41, George Cramer; No. 42, Robert Ellis; No. 43, William Thomas; No. 44, William King; No. 45, Robert Washman; No. 46, William Toll; No. 47, Giles Slocum; No. 48, John Perry; No. 49, Joseph Smith; No. 50, Jacob Halley; No. 51, Charles Granger; No. 52, Ira Stafford.

The names thus given show a very large number of the actual residents, from 1788 to 1798, upon the territory now comprised in the towns of Saratoga, Saratoga Springs, Northumberland, Moreau, and Wilton.

Here are found the Parks from Baker's Falls, the Perrys from Wilton, the Putnams from Saratoga Springs, and names from all the intervening territory between them and the line of the Hudson.

The town officers of Saratoga were not in possession of these records, and they were only discovered by accident, just as the manuscripts were being revised for the press.

Neither time nor space remained to state the homesteads of the additional families here discovered.

Our volume is already so complete in early family history, and the location of as many others now given can be determined by the numbering of the road districts and the general knowledge of citizens at the present time; we have hastily transcribed these most interesting pages, and leave them without further note or comment.

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Post by thelivyjr »





SARATOGA (Part 1), continued ...

IV. - ORGANIZATION, continued ...

The following document is really a fragment of district records preceding town organization, and covering what is now Saratoga, Saratoga Springs, Stillwater, Milton, Northumberland, Moreau, Wilton, and part of Greenfield:


Road No. 1. - Begins by the house of Widow Fuller; thence westerly to a maple stump marked No. J.C.; thence a west course between the farms of Robert Ripley and William Ross, and between the farms of the Widow Gamble and William Manson, where he now lives; thence to a large oak-tree marked J.C.; thence southwest to the place where John W. Dole now lives; thence in the most convenient place near where the road now goes to the place where Peter Johnson lives; thence in the most convenient place to the house where Reuben Perry now lives; thence northwesterly over the mountain in the most convenient place near where the path now goes to the place where Joseph Egleston lives; thence northerly in the most convenient place near where the path now goes to the North river, at the place commonly called Jessup's Landing; thence northerly along the west bank of the river to the place where Mills now lives; also, from a large white-pine tree, marked H, standing on the highway aforesaid, about a quarter of a mile from Reuben Perry's aforesaid; thence running south along the east line of Reuben Perry's farm to a white-pine tree marked H, near a small creek, or brook; thence southerly in the most convenient place to a division line between Treebout's and Lefferts' lands, continuing said line to the south side of a stony hill near John Stiles'; thence westerly in the most convenient place to Goodwin's mill; also, easterly from the aforesaid hill till it intersects the north line of John Stiles' farm; thence continuing said line to the northeast corner of Stiles' farm; thence easterly in the most convenient place until it intersects the road leading from the Widow Fuller's to Reuben Perry's; the above-mentioned road to be three rods wide, and where lines of lots are mentioned they are to be the centre of the road.

Road No. 2. - Begins on the south side the bridge by Colonel Van Veghten's mill; thence westerly in the most convenient place near where the path now goes to where the path parts, the one to go to John Davis, Jr.'s, and the others to Jesse Billings'; thence northwesterly in the most convenient place until it passes a bridge and causeway about a quarter of a mile southeasterly from Jesse Billings' to an oak-tree on the west side of the old path marked H; thence bearing away to the left in the most convenient place to a white-oak tree marked H; thence continuing much the same direction up the hill to a pitch pine tree marked H; thence by a straight line to the east side of a gate now used by Jesse Billings west of his barn (the above-mentioned trees are to bound the right-hand side of the road); thence northerly to a white-oak tree on the side of the hill marked H; thence northerly in the most convenient place near where the path now goes to the line between lots Nos. 26 and 25; thence westerly along said line about three-quarters of a mile to a tree marked H; thence northerly to James Brisbin's house; thence westerly near where the path now goes to Stephen ------; thence northwesterly in the most convenient place near where the path now goes until it intersects a line between lots Nos. 25 and 26; thence northwesterly in the most convenient place across lot No. 26 on to lot No. 27; thence westerly on said lot until it comes near where the Hemlock creek intersects the line between lots Nos. 26 and 27; thence crossing said line and creek on to Lot No. 26; thence westerly on said lot to the most convenient place near ----- -----; thence southerly in the most convenient place to W. Velie's; thence in the most convenient place to Michael Mead's; from thence in the most convenient place to the place where Jonathan Fish now lives; thence in the most convenient direction to the house of John Irish; thence southwesterly up the hill, leaving the house of John Irish on the right hand; thence continuing in much the same direction in the most convenient place to the northeast corner of Zopher Scidmore's field, where he has corn this summer; thence quartering across the said field by consent of the said Scidmore in the most convenient direction to Abner Scidmore's house; thence southwesterly up the hill in Abner Scidmore's field by his consent until it intersects what is commonly called the old six-mile line -------- Saratoga patent; thence southerly in the most convenient place near said line to the easternmost corner of Samuel Conklin's house; thence nearly in the same direction until it intersects the road that leads by James Ackerman's to Saratoga lake from near the corner of Christopher Sheffield's field; thence southerly as near straight as the nature of the ground will admit to Francis Wait's; thence southerly in the most convenient place near where the path now goes until it intersects the path that goes by Samuel Cooper's; thence easterly along said path a little east of Samuel Cooper's house; thence southerly across the field of said Cooper to the house of Mordecai Sayles; thence southerly by Philip Rogers'; thence southerly in the most convenient place near where the path now goes to Alexander McCreas' old place.

Road No. 3. - Begins at the great road near General Schuyler's grist-mill; thence westerly round the field of General Schuyler in the most convenient place near where the path now goes round the breastworks; thence southerly in the most convenient place near where the path now goes across the Fish creek at the old bridge by Joseph Plumer's; thence westerly to the school-house; thence in the most convenient place to Elihu Webster's; thence southerly to Captain Dunham's; thence southerly in the most convenient place until it intersects road No. 2 between Captain Dunham's and Jesse Billings', on the line between lots Nos. 24 and 25.

Road No. 4. - Begins on the north side of the road that leads by James Ackerman's towards Saratoga lake opposite James Ackerman's house; thence northerly as straight as the nature of the ground will admit to Shubael Tyler's; thence northerly on the side of the hill by the house of Wm. Wicks, until it leads on the ridge north of Wicks'; thence northerly on said ridge until it comes into the old road leading from John Vroman's; thence bearing a little easterly near where the old path now goes until it intersects the line between lots Nos. 24 and 25; thence easterly in the most convenient place near said line until it comes to the line near William Potter's and James Young's farm; thence northerly along said line as near as the nature of the ground will admit until it intersects road No. 2.

Road No. 5. - Begins at a red-oak tree marked H on road No. 2, near to Wm. Viele's; thence running southwesterly as near straight as the nature of the ground will admit to a large oak-tree marked H, a little over the first hollow; thence nearly the same course to a white-oak tree marked H; thence westerly straight to a white-oak tree marked H, near to Jonathan Lawrence's; thence southerly in the most convenient place near where the path now goes to Pardon Fish's; thence in the same direction, near the foot of the hill, in the most convenient place, and through the field of John Grippen, by his consent; thence across the farm now in possession of Samuel Chapman, considerably west of his house, in the most convenient plane, to the bars on the north side the farm of William Gifford; thence southerly in a straight course to the top of the hill by the old house; thence west to the lake side, a little north of the house where William Gifford now lives; thence southerly along the bank of the lake in the most convenient place to the south side of Augustus Green's improvement.

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