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Post by thelivyjr »


Paul Plante says:

Personally, I think it is a big mistake to pass this GND crowd off as “socialists” for several reasons, the first being that “socialist” and “socialism” have no real concrete meaning today, which makes debate impossible beyond the infantile “I am for socialism” or “I am against socialism,” which is much like being for or against chastity; and secondly, these people are not “socialists” – to the contrary, as one researches them, they are in actuality committed hard-core Communists, where Communism is as it always was – a utopian form of religion wrapped around an economic system, which first takes us back in time to the 1800s in Europe, and German political economist Friedrich Engels, who was a co-founder, with Karl Marx, of scientific socialism, now known as communism.

As to scientific socialism, which is what we are being presented with here with the Green New Deal, Wikipedia tells us that it is a term coined in 1840 by Pierre-Joseph Proudhon in his What is Property? to mean a society ruled by a scientific government, i.e. one whose sovereignty rests upon reason, rather than sheer will.

That, people, is what the Green New Deal is really all about – replacing this present governmental scheme in this country with a “scientific government” headed up by people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who is on a mission to save us from ourselves, because we are too stupid to be able to do that ourselves, and Demond Drummer and Rhiana Gunn-Wright, a policy intern for former First Lady Michelle Obama who graduated magna cum laude from Yale in 2011 with majors in African American Studies and Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies, who is actually the brains behind the Green New Deal as we can clearly see from this excerpt from the AOC Town Hall Meeting on the Chris Hayes Show on MSNBC on 03/29/19, to wit:

HAYES: We’re back here in the Bronx.

I want to bring in Rhiana Gunn-Wright who is the policy director of New Consensus.

And for those of you that don’t know, Rhiana I think is like – has spent more time thinking about the Green New Deal than maybe anyone.


HAYES: But to the – one of the criticisms it’s like it’s a wish list, right.

So, I guess, Rhianna, someone who’s spent a lot of time thinking about this, like is it technically feasible?

Like, do we have what we need right now, if everyone was committed and we can spend as much money as we needed to do get the U.S. to meet these goals emission wise?


It’s technically feasible.

I think the key piece people miss out on and why the Green New Deal is focused on investment, is the work force piece.

This is going to create millions of jobs.

Right now our work force system is very broken, right.

And then we have these low unemployment numbers, but that hides is that within certain communities, black communities, Latinx communities, unemployment is still quite high.

So, there’s a lot of slack in our economy.

And so what the Green New Deal is about is making sure that we have the training that people have the health care that they need so that they can move where jobs are, right, that people have universal family care so they have child care so they can participate, that’s what sets the Green New Deal apart.

And when that’s in place and we have the full workforce of America at the ready, what we can do is unknown.

end quotes

That, people, is not “socialism,” – that is Communism, or “scientific socialism,” which takes us back to Wikipedia, as follows:

Although the term socialism has come to mean specifically a combination of political and economic science, it is also applicable to a broader area of science encompassing what is now considered sociology and the humanities.

The distinction between utopian and scientific socialism originated with Marx, who criticized the utopian characteristics of French socialism and English and Scottish political economy.

Engels later argued that utopian socialists failed to recognize why it was that socialism arose in the historical context that it did, that it arose as a response to new social contradictions of a new mode of production, i.e. capitalism.

In recognizing the nature of socialism as the resolution of this contradiction and applying a thorough scientific understanding of capitalism, Engels asserted that socialism had broken free from a primitive state and become a science.

This shift in socialism was seen as complementary to shifts in contemporary biology sparked by Charles Darwin and the understanding of evolution by natural selection — Marx and Engels saw this new understanding of biology as essential to the new understanding of socialism and vice versa.

Scientific socialists view social and political developments as being largely determined by economic conditions as opposed to ideas in contrast to utopian socialists and classical liberals and thus believe that social relations and notions of morality are context-based relative to their specific stage of economic development.

Therefore as economic systems both socialism and capitalism are not social constructs that can be established at any time based on the subjective will and desires of the population, but instead are products of social evolution.

end quotes

Social evolution, people – that is really what underpins this Green New Deal AOC and the New Consensus crowd in Barack Obama’s violent hometown of Chicago, Illinois are pushing – as AOC herself says, “in a lot of what the Green New Deal is, it’s about shifting our political, economic, and social paradigms on every issue.”

And there once again, I will pause for the moment. ... ent-138950
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Post by thelivyjr »


Paul Plante says:

When I was young, and perhaps they are still around, there were people who played a game of having other people try to guess under which half walnut shell a pea was, after the walnut shells had been shuffled all around, and that is what comes to mind as I try to make heads or tales out of what this Green New Deal actually is, besides a ruse.

And let us go back in time a bit to a CBS article entitled “Confronted on Camera: Kids Press Sen. Dianne Feinstein Over Green New Deal” on February 22, 2019, where we have as follows:

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF/AP) — A group of young activists confronted U.S. senator Dianne Feinstein in her Bay Area office on Friday, demanding she support a “Green New Deal” that other Democrats have proposed.

In a 15-minute video of the impromptu Friday meeting posted to Facebook captures the students and Feinstein are seen in a sometimes-tense discussion of the merits of the so-called Green New Deal — an ambitious plan to shift the U.S. economy from fossil fuels to renewable sources such as wind and solar power.

end quotes

Now, we know from the transcript of the Green New Deal Town Hall on MSNBC on 03/29/19 that that is not really true, but let us follow that story along a bit further to see where it takes us:

The students passionately urged the California Democrat to support the legislation.

But Feinstein, a 27-year veteran of the Senate, argued that the legislation had no chance of passing the Republican-controlled chamber.

end quotes

Except as we will see from AOC herself at the 03/29/19 MSNBC Town Hall, the Green New Deal is not legislation at all.

But let’s get back to the CBS article, as follows, first, to see how this game is being played by the GND crowd by publicly exploiting the gross ignorance of these children, which I as a grandfather find quite reprehensible, to wit:

The middle and high school kids are part of a group called “The Sunrise Movement” and after the meeting they tweeted that the senator “seems to be stuck in the past.”

end quotes

That confrontation can be seen here:

Note the little girl in that video saying that we only have twelve years left to live if we don’t pass the GND right now, pronto, which then takes us back to the MSNBC Town Hall on 03/29/19, where we have as follows with regard to this “urgency” to pass the GND, to wit:

HAYES: Good evening from the Bronx, New York, I’m Chris Hayes.

If we started in 1979, we could have cut a little bit every year or if we start in 1989 or 1999.

But we didn’t and now we’re here and what we have to do to avoid the most catastrophic effects of climate change is to cut emissions in half in 12 years.

12 years, that’s the project we’ve been tasked with by the earth that we inhabit.

There is an urgency felt like never before in a rising generation of Americans and across the world who realize that the clock is ticking and getting close to running out.

And into the vacuum has come a bold new policy proposal that might be the most controversial thing in American politics at the moment you’ve probably heard about it.

It’s called the Green New Deal.

It envisions a carbon zero economy by the middle of the century and a transformation of the American economy and indeed society.

Some people call it a socialist monster, some people call it our only hope for survival here in the way of life that we hold dear.

The Congresswoman, the one who was born in 1989, the woman who represents this district, the youngest woman to ever represent a district the United States Congress who is the co-sponsor of that resolution has become kind of the mascot for it as well.

And tonight we’re going to talk to her about what her vision means.

Please welcome Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

end quotes

Now, note the “doom-and-gloom” urgency being put forth there by MSNBC’s Chris Hayes on 03/29/19 which then takes us to AOC, as follows:

OCASIO-CORTEZ: You know, for me it’s surreal obvious.

It can seriously be the upside down.

And I have to come back to my life in order to come back to the solutions and to the commitment to these solutions.

Because this is not – this is – in a lot of what the Green New Deal is, it’s about shifting our political, economic, and social paradigms on every issue.

Because we don’t have time to wait, we don’t have time for five years for a half-baked you know, watered-down compromise position when people are dying because their insulin is skyrocketing.

Because when people – you know they’re sending to their kids to schools that have lead in the water, it is – this is urgent.

This is urgent.

And to think that we have time is such a privileged and removed from reality (INAUDIBLE) that we cannot tolerate.

end quotes

OMG, people be scared – be very, very, very scared, because this is urgent and we don’t have time to waste, not even a nano-second, or it will be too late and we are all going to die in twelve years, so start getting your affairs in order to beat the rush.

So, what then will happen if the House and Senate were to finally get their collective heads out of their *****, which would be considered a miracle, and wake up to the horrendous reality we are faced with, literal annihilation in just twelve more years, and pass the GND this very afternoon?

And for that answer, let us go back to the one who knows the best, which is AOC herself, to wit:

OCASIO-CORTEZ: And first all of we wave a magic wand and we passed the Green New Deal resolution tomorrow, what happens?

Nothing because it’s a resolution.

What our resolution that we introduced means is that it passes the House and it passes the Senate, separately, it just means that we make it a national priority and it says that the scope of the solution must be on the scale of the problem.

And so it outlines the ways we can pursue that scope.

But in order for us to pursue this agenda, we don’t have to do it all at once.

But it outlines the ways and hows of doing it.

end quotes


WTF is all of that ****?

All this urgency to pass the GND, and when it is passed, NOTHING will happen?

Hmmmmmmm, I wonder if all these school children who are being peddled this GND bull**** are aware of that.

But probably not, because if they knew they were being shamelessly manipulated and exploited for their ignorance, their value as political pawns in this POWER GAME the GND crowd is playing would be greatly diminished.

And now we pause for station identification and a word from our sponsors, but don’t go away, because this show is far from being over, and in fact, has only just begun. ... ent-139284
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Post by thelivyjr »


Paul Plante says:

So, who or what is this group called “The Sunrise Movement?”

Where did they come from?

And most importantly, why are they using the children of America as political pawns and props to get this “Green New Deal” put in place through fear-mongering, which is the action of deliberately arousing public fear or alarm about a particular issue, as in “AOC’s GND campaign is based on fearmongering and deception,” which we can see in the following from the “Sunrise Movement” website , to wit:

Sunrise is a movement to stop climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process.

We’re building an army of young people to make climate change an urgent priority across America, end the corrupting influence of fossil fuel executives on our politics, and elect leaders who stand up for the health and wellbeing of all people.

We are ordinary young people who are scared about what the climate crisis means for the people and places we love.

We are gathering in classrooms, living rooms, and worship halls across the country.

Everyone has a role to play.

Public opinion is already with us – if we unite by the millions we can turn this into political power and reclaim our democracy.

end quotes

“We are ordinary young people who are scared….”

Think about that, people, those of you who are parents, or grandparents like myself, and then ask yourself, as I am doing, who the hell is scaring these children, and why, because I personally have trouble believing that a bunch of ten and eleven-year old children came up with that ridiculous horse**** statement above about “public opinion is already with us,” and “if we unite by the millions we can turn this into political power and reclaim our democracy.”

Reclaim our democracy?

That, people, has to be one of the most stupid sayings or soundbites I have heard in my lifetime, and here we have it coming at us from the children of America who are victims of a so-called “educational” system that uses fearmongering or scaremongering, the spreading of frightening and exaggerated rumors of an impending danger along with the tactic of purposely and needlessly arousing public fear about an issue, to make them into mindless little zombies much like the Red Guards of Chairman Mao in Communist China back when.

As Wikipedia tells us, and this is certainly no secret, which this “Sunrise Movement” crowd knows real well, along with this AOC, “fear sells,” which is why their campaign for this GND is based on fear, sometimes referred to as shockvertising, which has become increasingly popular in recent years, as we are seeing above with this “Sunrise Movement,” precisely because fear is a strong emotion and it can be manipulated, especially when dealing with vulnerable children, to steer people into making emotional rather than reasoned choices, and as we see with this GND campaign, “shockvertising” is a highly effective persuasion technique, which takes us back to the “Sunrise Movement” website, as follows:

Our air, water, and home are threatened.

For millennia, we have depended on a stable climate, which has shaped every part of our way of life.

Now, we face the frightening reality that this foundation will crumble within our lifetimes unless we take immediate and decisive action to transform our energy system.

Communities across America are already feeling severe impacts, with working-class people and people of color being hit hardest.

end quotes

And let me say right here that I am an engineer with a master’s degree in environmental engineering who was certified at the associate level in NYS as a public health engineer, so I feel at least as qualified to speak on this subject as these children or AOC, and I am also a combat veteran with a zero tolerance for bull**** and the exploitation and manipulation of children, especially in the classroom, for overt partisan political purposes, such as the ignorant, ridiculous, asinine statement that “for millennia, we have depended on a stable climate, which has shaped every part of our way of life.”

What stupid came up with that moronic statement, pray tell, given that over millennia (a period of a thousand years), the climate has hardly been stable, which is something I learned in Earth Science as a young American back in the early-1960s, which thought takes us back to the “Sunrise Movement” website as follows:

Solutions are ready to go, and they’ll make our lives better.

Wind and solar energy are now cheaper than the polluting oil, gas, and coal of yesterday.

If we stop wasting billions in taxpayer money giving handouts to oil and gas CEOs, we can halt climate change and create tens of millions of jobs by upgrading America’s outdated infrastructure.

We could enter a new age of prosperity and health and bring forward the people this country has left behind.

But a greedy few are driving us toward catastrophe.

This brighter future is being held hostage by a handful of wealthy oil and gas executives who will stop at nothing to squeeze the last bit of money out of the earth.

They’ve gotten away with it by lying to the public and buying off politicians of both parties to stall progress and secure massive giveaways for themselves.

Their incredible wealth means their families will be fine, but the rest of us won’t.

To keep up this scheme, they pit us against each other — by political party, skin color, and where we live.

They tell us that one community has to suffer for another to thrive.

They say some children must breathe toxic air so that others can have electricity.

They say some parents must choose between a dangerous and polluting job, and no job at all.

They say climate refugees from other countries are simply not our concern.

They divide us up and exploit us each in different ways, while they get massive bonuses.

We say no more.

We are the majority.

We will win.

end quotes

And there, once again, I will take a pause, while I sit here and wonder, why is it that I and Wayne Creed of the Cape Charles Mirror appear to be the only ones in America who give a damn that our children and grandchildren are being taught what comes across to me as a message of hate, not hope. ... ent-139526
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Post by thelivyjr »


Paul Plante says:

With respect to just how slick and slippery this AOC really is, on 29 March 2019, AOC was the star attraction on MSNBC’s (Clinton Television) All In with Chris Hayes, which featured that evening a Town Hall with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, where this following exchange took place concerning the FAQ sheet AOC released at the same time she released her Green New Deal resolution, to wit:


I mean, on the concern trolling, there are people that you guys issued an FAQ.

It had some things that people thought were ridiculous and radical like anyone that was unable or unwilling to work when we guaranteed a job.

The FAQ was withdrawn and said it was preliminary, a draft.

There was a lot of fight about that.

Like you do you – do you think you guys rolled it out the right way?

Did you bring it back any on yourself?

OCASIO-CORTEZ: What I will say is that there – I definitely had a staffer that had a very bad day at work and did release a working draft early.

So I get that that’s what they`re seizing on.

But really what we need to do is have a serious conversation.

And even in in those draft versions, what they were talking about and – is really about the fact that we need to innovate on our technology you know?

Obviously like, I had a staffer you know, released a document to talk about cow flatulence but –

end quotes

“Obviously, like you know, right, it was a staffer’s fault!”

Except, AOC, that is not exactly how I remember it all going down, and to refresh our memories, let’s drop back in time to an article in THE HILL entitled “Ocasio-Cortez forced to clarify Green New Deal details after rollout” by Tal Axelrod on 9 February 2019, where we have as follows:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and her aides are rushing to clarify details of her recently-proposed Green New Deal (GND) after an FAQ sheet it released sparked an uproar.

Ocasio-Cortez’s office sent a copy of the resolution this week as well as an embargoed FAQ sheet about the initiative to various media outlets, including The Hill.

NPR published the FAQ sheet, which included provisions about eliminating air travel, guesswork surrounding cows’ flatulence and economic security for those who are “unable or unwilling to work.”

end quotes

Now, there is one of the sources of my memory, and I don’t yet see anything about a staffer that had a very bad day at work and did release a working draft early.

But let’s not be hasty, let’s see if there is any more, to wit:

The document swiftly drew the ire of conservatives who said some of the policies in the FAQ document showed the GND was not a serious proposal.

“There are multiple doctored GND resolutions and FAQs floating around.”

“There was also a draft version that got uploaded + taken down.”

“There’s also draft versions floating out there,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted Saturday, attaching the proposal she introduced in the House.

end quotes

So, okay, there is some clarification – AOC is a damn poor manager and coordinator of her congressional office’s affairs, which is really how the FAQ sheet got out there, at least if we believe that version of reality, as opposed to the version of reality being peddled by MSNBC’s Chris Hayes.

Getting back to the article in The Hill:

The confusion first ballooned Friday evening when Robert Hockett, a Cornell law professor advising Ocasio-Cortez on the Green New Deal, went on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show.

When Carlson questioned some of the claims in the FAQ sheet put out by Ocasio-Cortez’s office, Hockett said the document he was citing was “erroneous” and “doctored.”

“So as best I can tell it appears that Tucker and I were referring to separate documents last night, as apparently there were many!”

“The one that I know I and the Congresswoman were aware of was a hoax, about which the Congresswoman had tweeted.”

“The one Tucker was referring to was apparently something else,” Hockett said in a statement to The Hill.

“Since most of us who are involved in this wonderful new Green New Deal initiative were all over the news media yesterday excitedly discussing the big rollout of the day before, it was pretty much impossible for all of us to know about all of the same documents at the same time, so we did the best we could to address the ones we knew about when we could,” he added.

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What a ******-up, slip-shod lash-up she is running.

Makes you really want to put your future and that of your grandchildren in her hands, alright.

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And getting back to The Hill:

Ocasio-Cortez’s office said that while doctored FAQ documents are circulating on the Internet, the one it released was an unfinished draft that it had not intended to publish.

“There separately IS a doctored FAQ floating around.”

“And an early draft of a FAQ that was clearly unfinished and that doesn’t represent the GND resolution got published to the website by mistake (idea was to wait for launch, monitor q’s, and rewrite that FAQ before publishing),” Ocasio-Cortez’s Chief of Staff Saikat Chakrabati said.

“Mistakes happen when doing time launches like this coordinating multiple groups and collaborators.”

“It’s hard to have both a transparent and open process with many stakeholders while keeping all info locked down.”

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So it sounds like the “staffer” who had a very bad day at work and did release a working draft early was Ocasio-Cortez’s Chief of Staff Saikat Chakrabati.

But, hey, nobody really is perfect, even though Hillary Clinton claims to be.

As to the FAQ sheet itself, which I downloaded from the internet after it was released by AOC’s office, it states as follows:

Green New Deal: Fact Sheet and FAQ from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Edward Markey

By Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

February 8, 2019

This is the fact sheet and FAQ posted on the morning of February 7, 2019 (and then quickly taken down) from the official Congressional website of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her Green New Deal.

LAUNCH: Thursday, February 7, at 8:30 AM.


We will begin work immediately on Green New Deal bills to put the nuts and bolts on the plan described in this resolution (important to say so someone else can’t claim this mantle).

This is a massive transformation of our society with clear goals and a timeline.

end quotes

So as far as I can see, AOC is a real slick and polished politician, as you would expect of a Marxist, and as a consequence, she can slip and slide and dance all over the place about issues like where she lives without ever getting pinned down.

So what was she doing in Tennessee?

Probably watching the Grand Olde Opry. ... ent-138126
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Post by thelivyjr »


Paul Plante says:

And speaking of the silly little games our Democratic socialist superstar, TWITTER QUEEN and media darling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is playing here with her GND FAQ sheet, when MSNBC (Clinton T.V.) star Chris Hayes said to his idol AOC on 29 March 2019, “I mean, on the concern trolling, there are people that you guys issued an FAQ,” that was directly after this exchange, to wit:

HAYES: Yes, the infamous Stalin five-year program to get rid of hamburgers.

Were you expecting that?

OCASIO-CORTEZ: Yes, 100 percent.

end quotes

And here they are making reference to all these video clips that Chris Hayes just had played, as follows:


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What is this Green New Deal?

Answer, radical environmental socialism.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST, FOX NEWS CHANNEL: A real serious threat to our way of life.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: An absurd socialist manifesto.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It’s a green socialist manifesto.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It’s a socialist experiment.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It’s like your kids spew nonsense at you and you’re like quiet, quiet, learn something before you come back to me.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She was a bartender like two years ago.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She’s kind of adorable.

It’s sort of in the way that a five-year-old child can be adorable.

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: And she’s ranting and raving like a lunatic.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They’re trying to get rid of all the cows.

SEN. TED CRUZ (R), TEXAS: I support cows.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I’ve got 100 cows.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No more loaf, no more cheese, no more steaks.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No self-coated milkshake.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Cheeseburgers and milkshake will become a thing of the past.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We’re going to ban hamburgers.


This is what Stalin dreamt about but never achieved.


end quotes

And all of that talk about getting rid of hamburgers was PROVOKED by this section of AOC’s GND FAQ sheet that she plastered the media with, which stated as follows:

Are you saying we won’t transition off fossil fuels?

Yes, we are calling for a full transition off fossil fuels and zero greenhouse gases.

Anyone who has read the resolution sees that we spell this out through a plan that calls for eliminating greenhouse gas emissions from every sector of the economy.

Simply banning fossil fuels immediately won’t build the new economy to replace it – this is the plan to build that new economy and spells out how to do it technically.

We do this through a huge mobilization to create the renewable energy economy as fast as possible.

We set a goal to get to net-zero, rather than zero emissions, in 10 years because we aren’t sure that we’ll be able to fully get rid of farting cows and airplanes that fast, but we think we can ramp up renewable manufacturing and power production, retrofit every building in America, build the smart grid, overhaul transportation and agriculture, plant lots of trees and restore our ecosystem to get to net-zero.

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Now, people, it was AOC herself who stated, “we aren’t sure that we’ll be able to fully get rid of farting cows,” in her FAQ sheet, so if she is being mocked, she earned it and she deserved it, but as we see from what follows, she instead turns herself into a victim, with the help of MSNBC (Clinton T.V.) and Chris Hayes, to wit:

HAYES: That?

OCASIO-CORTEZ: Well, I mean –

HAYES: I mean, they’re – they took it to 11 –

OCASIO-CORTEZ: It is next level.

I didn’t expect them to make total fools of themselves.

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And there is an example of just how slick this AOC really is: she didn’t expect them to make total fools of themselves!

Imagine that!

Except they didn’t – they were instead making her out to be the fool for including that statement in her GND FAQ sheet which she, and not they, was responsible for preparing and disseminating, which takes us back to the Chris Hayes show, as follows:

OCASIO-CORTEZ: I expected – frankly, I expected a little more nuance and I expected – I expected a little more concern trolling.

HAYES: Well, you’ve gotten that too.

OCASIO-CORTEZ: Yes, but more on my party, I think.

end quotes

Now, when AOC talks about “concern trolling” to MSNBC (Clinton T.V.) superstar Chris Hayes right there, does anyone out there hearing that have a clue as to what she is on about?


Concern trolling?

WTF is “concern trolling?”

And where do hipster people like MSNBC (Clinton T.V.) superstar Chris Hayes and Democratic Socialist superstar, TWITTER QUEEN and media darling AOC come up with such hipster terms like “concern trolling” in the first place?

Do they know these terms because they are way cool, and we are not?

As to “concern trolling,” which as an older person I had never heard before, not running in social circles where people talk that way, it is defined as “the action or practice of disingenuously expressing concern about an issue in order to undermine or derail genuine discussion.”

Given that definition, that concern trolling is the action or practice of disingenuously expressing concern about an issue in order to undermine or derail genuine discussion, then with this business about “farting cows” in her GND FAQ sheet, it is obvious to me that it was AOC herself who was engaging in “concern trolling.”

In other words, by issuing the FAQ sheet with that language in it about the farting cows, and she did, she can’t deny that or blame it on a staffer, AOC wasn’t at all serious about starting any kind of positive discussion or dialogue on the subject of global warming; to the contrary, what she really was doing was playing petty partisan politics with the language of the FAQs, and with that language, as we see from the video clips played by Chris Hayes above, she was simply trying to BAIT people into making the comments that they did, as a “got’cha” moment on the MSNBC Chris Hayes show, so that she could then come back and accuse them of not being serious, which is juvenile horse**** as far as this older American is concerned.

Which means the FAQ sheet she released was never intended to inform people – to the contrary, it was purposefully intended to deceive and mislead.

Now, as to the use of the term “concern trolls” as used by AOC, a concern troll visits sites of an opposing ideology and offers advice on how they could “improve” things, either in their tactical use of rhetoric, site rules, or with more philosophical consistency, and that is exactly what AOC herself was doing when she sent that FAQ sheet to Fox’s Tucker Carlson – which point is backed up by this statement from AOC on the Chris Hayes Show, to wit:

OCASIO-CORTEZ: So this issue is not just about our climate.

First and foremost, we need to save ourselves, period.

There will be no future for the Bronx, there will be no livable future for generations coming for any part of this country in a way that is better than the lot that we have today if we don’t address this issue urgently and on the scale of the problem.

But how I access this issue is that I started looking at all of our problems.

We have runaway income inequality.

We are at one of our most inequal points economically speaking in American history.

We are dealing with the crisis of how our economy is even made up.

Our economy is increasingly financialized which means we are making profits off of interest, off of leasing your phone, off of doing all of these things, but we aren’t producing and we are an innovating in the way that we need to as an economy.

And I also is looking at our issues of social justice, social and racial justice of which we are – which we have a nexus here in the Bronx.

And what I started thinking about to myself was listen, we’re looking at all of these issues, Medicare for all, a living wage, tuition free public colleges and universities, and there’s this false idea that we need to put them all in a line and say do this or do that.

Do you care about health care or do you care about the economy or jobs.

And then I started to realize that these are not different problems.

These are all part of the same problem.

And this is – in the past when we’ve confronted this type of stagnation and this type of systemic threat as a country – first of all we’ve been here before.

We’ve been here before with the Great Depression.

We’ve been here before with World War Two even the Cold War.

And the answer has been an ambitious and directed mobilization of the American economy to direct and solve our problem, our biggest problem.

And historically speaking, we have mobilized our entire economy around war.

But I thought to myself it doesn’t have to be that way especially when our greatest existential threat is climate change.

And so to get us out of this situation, to revamp our economy to create dignified jobs for working Americans, to guarantee health care and elevate our educational opportunities and attainment, we will have to mobilize our entire economy around saving ourselves and taking care of this planet.

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So, as I understand all of that, like, first and foremost, we need to save ourselves, period, right, and all of us except AOC are too stupid to realize that or to make it happen, and so, we must turn to her and depend on her alone to get us out of this situation, and to revamp our economy to create dignified jobs for working Americans, and to guarantee health care and elevate our educational opportunities and attainment by mobilizing our entire economy around saving ourselves and taking care of this planet.

Getting back to AOC as a “concern troll,” if a troll like AOC provokes a negative response, as she clearly did if we are to believe the video clips Chris Hayes played, as we saw with the Chris Hayes Show, that can now be used to AOC’s advantage, just as we are seeing here, with the troll AOC now claiming that her victims that she set up with the FAQ sheet are unreasonable and closed-minded, thus doing damage to their reputation.

So there is the MIND GAME (actions or statements intended to undermine or mislead someone else, often to gain advantage for oneself, as in “AOC is playing mind games with us”) our heroine AOC is playing on us with her GND, which is not a serious proposal at all, as it is turning out here, which means we, the American people, now cannot believe a single word this AOC says, about anything!

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Post by thelivyjr »


Paul Plante says:

Simply stated, the so-called Green New Deal is a “stalking horse,” which is a false pretext concealing someone’s real intentions, and the real intentions have to do with the age-old existential struggle between those who “have” and those who want what the others have, which in the end is POWER.

Those of us who are older and go back to that period of time in this country right after WWII are very familiar with this struggle, which was the cause of the Russian Revolution and the subsequent “Red Scares” in this country that we as children lived with through the fifties and into the sixties, with the proxy wars first in Korea and then VEET NAM in LBJ’s HOLY CRUSADE to rid the world of “Godless Commie-nism.

To get some further background and clarification, the very best source would be from straight out of the mouth of Democratic Socialist superstar, TWITTER QUEEN and media darling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez herself, and thanks to Al Gore and the internet he created for us, and bequeathed to us, because he loves us so, we can do that quite easily by going to the transcript of the MSNBC (Clinton T.V.) Town Hall with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on 03/29/19, where we have as follows:

OCASIO-CORTEZ: You know, for me it’s surreal obvious.

Because this is not – this is – in a lot of what the Green New Deal is, it’s about shifting our political, economic, and social paradigms on every issue.

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So there we have AOC’s “vision” for our collective future as a people and as a nation – where a paradigm is a typical example or pattern of something, EVERYTHING we now know about life in America in the political, economic, and social sense has to be scrapped, or “shifted” as AOC, the self-proclaimed “SAVIOR” and “NEW MESSIAH” for America, terms it!

And that takes us back to the MSNBC transcript as follows for yet more background which is important to really understanding where AOC and the Democratic Socialists intend to take this nation and us along with it, with this so-called Green New Deal to wit:

MSNBC HOST CHRIS HAYES: And Demond Drummer who is at the – it’s called the New Consensus.

You’re the co-founder and executive director.

And if folks don’t know what that is, it’s kind of a think tank that has been – it’s the – it’s the birthplace of the Green New Deal in many respects.

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So, there we have some background which was not visible before, like the 90% of an iceberg you can’t see because it is below the waterline.

Who is Demond Drummer, and exactly what is this New Consensus, MSNBC star Chris Hayes obviously is familiar with, even if the rest of us haven’t heard of it?

For some further background on that, let’s first go back to the MSNBC transcript where we have this exchange between Chris Hayes and Demond Drummer, to wit:

HAYES: But the flipside is – and I want you to respond this Demond, is it – does it make more sense – the urgency of this crisis we got to solve right, to also tack on say universal health care which is a big difficult fight in and of itself.

Like, doesn’t that make it harder to actually attack the crisis that we’re talking about?

DRUMMER: Actually, it makes it easier to attack the crisis.


DRUMMER: Because if we’re talking about making investments to create millions of high-paying jobs, policies like universal health care, policies like universal family care, make it easier for people to join in on that mobilization.

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Carrot and stick, people – they are going to give us a nice, juicy carrot in the form of all this free stuff, as was the case in Pinocchio, if anyone remembers that tale, to keep our minds off the fact that we are really being turned into donkeys.

And there I will pause for the moment, to let this sink in as necessary background. ... ent-138742
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Post by thelivyjr »


Paul Plante says:

Now, think about it, people, and this is according to the propaganda put out by this New Consensus crowd who are behind this Green New Deal, at least according to Chris Hayes of MSNBC on 03/29/19, a truly beautiful world is possible, one without poverty or pollution, and with prosperity and dignity for everyone.

According to them, humanity has everything it needs to build that world in a single generation: billions of creative, hard working people, technology that already can allow us to make a comfortable living safely and sustainably, and unlimited energy from the sun that we can now harness to power that technology.

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Now, think about what he is saying there when he talks about “billions of creative, hard working people” in the light of the fact that the population of the US was only 327.2 million in 2018.

Clearly, they are talking about taking over the world, and not just the USA.

Getting back to the New Consensus propaganda:

The obstacles to getting there are political, not technical.

Entrenched, backward-looking political elites fight to keep the world as it is.

An equally-powerful blocker is their reigning consensus — called neoliberalism or “the Washington Consensus” — that drives their thinking on economics, government, technology, labor and business.

Over a period when multiple existential threats to life as we know it have emerged into plain view, the Washington Consensus has deliberately sought to paralyze societies to prevent them from acting collectively.

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And those thoughts take me back in time to the 1950s, when Communism was all the rage in this country, at least among intellectuals and Democrats, because at that time, in their estimation, anyway, the Soviet Union was striving, just the way this New Consensus crowd is now striving, to achieve harmony among all people of all countries.

For those too young to have lived through those times, the original ideology of the Soviet Union, like the ideology of the Democratic Socialists in this country like AOC, was primarily based on the works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

In its essence, Marx’s theory stated that economic and political systems went through an inevitable revolution based upon class struggle, by which the current capitalist system would be destroyed or abolished before achieving international cooperation and peace in a “Workers’ Paradise,” creating a system directed by what Marx called “Pure Communism.”

Ah, how powerful a lure that “Communist Worker’s Paradise” was to people in this country when I was young, and now, here it is back again in the form of this Green New Deal of Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Getting back to the Soviet Union, Marx favoured abolishment of the bourgeois state and to establish a new state, however not a copy of the old.

A state is not supposed to exist forever and defend development of new class structures.

The aim was to create a system with an internal logic and direction based upon spreading the class-struggle worldwide simply because the working class and working population just as the capitalist mode of production is international.

All these years later, that remains the aim of Democratic Socialists like AOC, as we shall see as this topic develops and more players are brought from out of the shadows and into the light of day.

Going back in time to the roots of the movement AOC is the head of today in this country, Engels at first agreed with the aim to abolish the bourgeois state – but later in London 6 of March 1895 in the introduction to Marx’ book ‘Class struggle in France 1848–1850’ he dismissed the idea of revolution.

Engels instead favoured to reach socialism through elections in the capitalist parliaments and not in socialist revolution confronting the capitalist state.

So, we can see that AOC and her movement are as much based on the political views of Engels as anything, which takes us back to the New Consensus propaganda as follows:

Finally a new consensus is rising.

It is driven by a new generation of thinkers and leaders who recognize that governments and other public institutions have played a critical role every time a national economy has renewed and reinvented itself — not only by setting rules, but also by setting goals; not only by building infrastructure, but also by investing in new industries; not only by protecting rights, but also by materially correcting historic injustices.

New consensus thinkers are exploring how government and other public institutions can lead the transition to a green economy, close wealth and income gaps between groups, spearhead innovation and research, kick-start new high wage industries, and more.

We are a global, distributed network of academics, creators, activists, leaders and entrepreneurs working to make the new consensus the standard operating system for national economies around the world.

end quotes

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Post by thelivyjr »


Paul Plante says:

When your political platform relies on scaring children and outright lying to people, as is the case here with this Sunrise Movement and the AOC GND crowd, you are really quite pathetic, and your methods are reprehensible, plain and simple, which brings us back to the question of who the hell are these people, and where did they come from, which takes us a Facebook page for something called “Justice Democrats,” where we have this linkage or connection as to who is behind this nefarious campaign to scare the children of America as a means of gaining political power in this country, to wit:

Justice Democrats

February 21, 2017

Meet our newest nominee, Demond Drummer.

Hailing from Illinois’s 1st District, he’s spent his life organizing, mobilizing and investing in his community.

From volunteering with Obama to founding CoderSpace, a coding organization for kids, Demond has the wealth of experience, passion, and knowledge necessary to represent the constituents of his district in the halls of Congress.

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So, okay, the Justice Democrats and not surprisingly, the Marxist “community organizer” himself, Hussein Obama.

So, who are these “Justice Democrats,” then?

According to their website, we have as follows:

It’s #OurTime.

Join us.

The Democratic Party needs to fight back.

But the corporate wing of the party keeps getting in the way.

In the era of Donald Trump and his billionaire cabinet, we will fight for an America that belongs to all its people.

We are unafraid of taking on out-of-touch incumbents in primary challenges because we don’t need to just elect more Democrats, we need to elect better Democrats.

It’s time to usher in a new generation of diverse working-class Democrats who have a bold vision to transform our economy and democracy.

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Ah, yes, as it always has been, what we really need to save us from ourselves are visionaries, and dreamers, and people who just know so much more about life than the rest of us, like the Messiah AOC, which takes us back to the Justice Democrats site as follows:

We need a Democratic Party that fights for its voters, not just its corporate donors.

That’s why we helped elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to Congress.

We need leadership in the Democratic Party that will represent and fight for our communities.

A Party for Voters, Not Donors!

We recruited and helped Alexandria pull off one of the biggest upsets in American history.

But the top of the Democratic Party is still disproportionately wealthier, whiter, and more male than the base.

Now it’s time for more leaders in the Democratic Party who don’t just represent corporate donors, but the voters of the Democratic Party: women, people of color, young people, and working-class people of all backgrounds to help build our progressive movement.

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So, there is another connection in this web of trickery and deceit that ties Demond Drummer in Chicago to AOC in NYC – the so-called Justice Democrats, who “recruited” AOC, which takes us back to MSNBC’s Town Hall with AOC and Chris Hayes on 03/29/19, as follows:

OCASIO-CORTEZ: And here’s a really big difference, the Koch Brothers founded the Tea Party and every day people funded my campaign.


HAYES: We’re back here in the Bronx with Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who represents this district here.

You ran a primary that was successful, a campaign that was successful, by saying, look, the status quo was broken in some fundamental way.

And then you came to Washington as the youngest woman ever to represent a district in congress saying we have got to change how things are.

And then there is also the fact that, like, you’re doing a new thing and learning how to do it like any freshman rep.

How do you balance those two, particularly in the context of this big new policy problem, like, here’s a civilizational challenge, let’s mobilize like the New Deal, how do you balance those paradigms?

OCASIO-CORTEZ: Well, I think is great about it is I actually think that coming in as a freshman member does give us an advantage when it comes to approaching new policies, because we aren’t weighed down by how things have historically been done, and because we have an office that does not accept any corporate PAC money, is not funded by any corporations…


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But like about everything coming from out of her mouth, that statement about AOC not taking corporate money is not true, according to her own campaign fundraising filings, where according to the VOTE SMART tally of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Campaign Finances for the 2018 cycle, Justice Democrats were in there with $7,712.00 for her political kitty, with a Total Raised of $2,084,837.75, along with Columbia University @ $10,867.00, Selendy & Gay, a law firm insightful enough to take the long view, and nimble enough to take on everything in their path @ $9,000.00, Apple Inc @ $6,675.00, City University of New York @ $6,487.00, Segal Ventures @ $5,900.00, University of California @ $5,868.00, Skadden, Arps et al @ $5,579.00, the Communications Workers of America @ $5,537.00, and the Service Employees International Union @ $5,510.00.

And that brings us to a WASHINGTON EXAMINER article entitled “AOC’s chief of staff ran $1M slush fund by diverting campaign cash to his own companies” by Alana Goodman on March 04, 2019, to wit:

Two political action committees founded by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s top aide funneled over $1 million in political donations into two of his own private companies, according to a complaint filed with the Federal Election Commission on Monday.

The cash transfers from the PACs — overseen by Saikat Chakrabarti, the freshman socialist Democrat’s chief of staff — run counter to her pledges to increase transparency and reduce the influence of “dark money” in politics.

Chakrabarti’s companies appear to have been set up for the sole purpose of obscuring how the political donations were used.

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Those who read the Cape Charles Mirror, of course, will recall that the Mirror ran a story on this only just recently, which takes us back to that relevant story, as follows:

Campaign finance attorneys described the arrangement as “really weird” and an indication “there’s something amiss.”

They said there was no way of telling where the political donations went — meaning they could have been pocketed or used by the company to pay for off-the-books campaign operations.

Chakrabarti, 33, is a Harvard graduate and technology entrepreneur who became an organizer for Bernie Sanders during the socialist’s 2016 presidential campaign.

He founded a PAC called Brand New Congress in 2016 and another called Justice Democrats in 2017, with the stated goal of helping elect progressive candidates to Congress.

One of those candidates was Ocasio-Cortez, who, last November, age 29, became the youngest woman ever elected to Congress.

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Ah, yes, people – connections, as we continue to work our way through through this maze and web of deceit which surrounds our AOC like a noxious, toxic cloud, which takes us back to the Washington Examiner, as follows:

Another PAC co-founded by Chakrabarti that year, Justice Democrats, transferred an additional $605,000 to Brand New Congress LLC in 2017.

Brand New Congress LLC does not appear to be registered in any state, according to state government records available online.

It is unclear where or when it was incorporated.

Adav Noti, the senior director of the Campaign Legal Center and a former FEC lawyer, said the arrangement was highly unusual and seemed intended to obscure the destination of the funds.

“None of that makes any sense,” said Noti.

“I can’t even begin to disentangle that.”

“They’re either confused or they’re trying to conceal something.”

Noti said it would be simpler to set up a consulting company and work directly with campaigns to provide services for a fee rather than creating a federal PAC and sending the money to a company controlled by the same person.

“It does seem like there’s something amiss.”

“I can only think of really two likely possibilities for this sort of pattern of disbursements,” said Noti.

“One is the scam PAC possibility — they’re really just paying themselves and they’re concealing it by using the LLC.”

“The other is that there’s actually another recipient, that the money is going to the LLC and then being disbursed in some other way that they want to conceal.”

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Post by thelivyjr »


Paul Plante says:

So, what are we really looking at here, people, with the “Green New Deal?”

How about fundraising based on false pretenses, which makes this “Green New Deal” one of the slickest SCAMS to come down the pike in a long, long time, made possible by Al Gore’s invention of the internet as a potent and powerful fund-raising tool, as we are seeing in the case of this “Green New Deal,” which is being used to raise internet funds on several different but inter-connected websites, such as the Sunrise Movement and the Justice Democrats, to wit:


A Platform Democrats Can Fight For

Opinion polls in the United States demonstrate that these policy positions are overwhelmingly popular.

Indeed, throughout the industrialized world these ideas are considered moderate.

This is a movement about freedom and justice.

And it’s a movement of, by, and for working people.

If the Democrats refuse to embrace this platform, they’ll continue to lose, either to Republicans or to us.

Transform Our Economy

We need a bold economic vision that will both reclaim lost capital and put money back in the pockets of hard-working Americans, and create millions of new jobs for those who have been left out of the workforce.


Scientists are sounding the alarm on climate change.

Communities are fighting back.

It’s time to drastically and immediately move away from fossil fuels, develop the technologies of the future, and create prosperity for all of us — not just those on top.

The Green New Deal is a mass mobilization to dramatically expand existing renewable power sources and deploy new production capacity with the goal of meeting 100% of national power demand through renewable sources.

The Green New Deal will also provide all members of our society, across all regions and all communities, the opportunity, training and education to be a full and equal participant in the transition, including through a job guarantee program to assure a living wage job to every person who wants one and ensure a ‘just transition’ for all workers, low-income communities, communities of color, indigenous communities, rural and urban communities and the front-line communities most affected by climate change, pollution and other environmental harm including by ensuring that local implementation of the transition is led from the community level and by prioritizing solutions that end the harms faced by front-line communities from climate change and environmental pollution.







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And up at the top of the page is that box that says “DONATE.”

Except what you are donating for, as AOC herself informed us on the MSNBC Town Hall with Chris Hayes on 03/29/19, is nothing at all, to wit:

OCASIO-CORTEZ: And first all of we wave a magic wand and we passed the Green New Deal resolution tomorrow, what happens?

Nothing because it’s a resolution.

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So why aren’t the people being asked to donate on these various websites touting and promoting the “Green New Deal” as the cure for everything that ails this country being told the truth that if the “Green New Deal” were to be passed this afternoon, nothing is going to happen and nothing is going to change?

And where is all that donation money going to?

And for what cause then? ... ent-140073
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Post by thelivyjr »


Paul Plante says:

And having been caught out trying to lie to the American people and pull the wool over our eyes with her Green New Deal, Democratic Socialist Superstar, media darling and TWITTER QUEEN Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is showing off some fancy footwork here as she tries to dance all around the subject of the Green New Deal, which is a SCAM, as we can see in the Yahoo! News article “Ocasio-Cortez admits bungling the Green New Deal rollout” by Dylan Stableford on 16 April 2019, as follows:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., says the biggest mistake she’s made in her first four months as a freshman congresswoman was how the rollout of the so-called Green New Deal — her ambitious environmental plan to combat climate change — was handled.

“It was done in a way that it was easy to hijack the narrative around it,” Ocasio-Cortez said in an interview with the Yahoo News podcast “Skullduggery” on Sunday.

“It was too fast.”

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Actually, the biggest mistake she really made was in thinking we all are stupid, because those who are her followers and acolytes are, so that she could lie to us with impunity.

Getting back to that story:

Ocasio-Cortez called the resolution itself “very solid,” but conceded that competing documents — including an erroneous FAQ — were rolled out prematurely and “muddied” the messaging surrounding it.

That allowed opponents to mischaracterize what’s in the plan.

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And as we have seen, that is all just more horse**** from AOC, as we see in a article entitled “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s rocky rollout of the Green New Deal, explained – A fact sheet from AOC’s office about the Green New Deal was wrong. It also highlighted the underlying tensions in the Democratic Party.” by Tara Golshan and Ella Nilsen on Feb 11, 2019, to wit:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) barely got to take a victory lap on her Green New Deal resolution last week before a fight broke out over an accompanying set of talking points.

The conflict was rooted in what looks like a mistake on the part of Ocasio-Cortez’s office, which released a fact sheet inconsistent with the actual legislative text of the Green New Deal resolution.

In areas where the Green New Deal was purposefully vague to attract a broader base of Democratic support — such as renewable energy sources — Ocasio-Cortez’s fact sheet offered more specific and prescriptive priorities.

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Note that language right there – “In areas where the Green New Deal was purposefully vague to attract a broader base of Democratic support,” where “vague” means “of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning,” or “thinking or communicating in an unfocused or imprecise way,” as in “AOC has been very vague about her GND.”

Which is to say AOC has been playing a shell game (a deceptive and evasive action or ploy, especially a political one) here, and because everyone was not as stupid as she thought we would be, she got caught, and now, she is doing the fancy shuffle and backslide as a result, spinning more horse**** in an attempt to cover over the previous horse**** she was spewing, which takes us back to the VOX article as follows:.

One of the talking points included language promising economic security for even those “unwilling to work” — something that caught the ears of conservatives who claim entitlement programs stifle work productivity (there’s not much evidence to this effect).

The actual text states more broadly that the Green New Deal would “create millions of good, high-wage jobs and ensure prosperity and economic security for all people of the United States,” without mentioning anyone’s job status.

The confusion opened up the Green New Deal to attacks from prominent conservative lawmakers and pundits like Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and others, who used the talking points as fodder to call the proposal idiotic and impractical.

It also left both Ocasio-Cortez’s advisers and supporting Democrats flatfooted on live television, forcing them to answer for text they either didn’t know existed or couldn’t support.

Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA), one of the co-sponsors of the Green New Deal, told reporters, “Um … I’m familiar with the fact sheet.”

“But again, it’s separate from the resolution, all right?”

“The resolution is really what the document is that I was speaking to today, as was Sen. Wyden and Sen. Merkley and all of the House members that were here.”

“That’s the key document.”

“That’s what you should focus on.”

“Focus on the resolution.”

His comments were an indication that some of the more moderate Democrats who have signed on to the Green New Deal may have been caught off guard by the language in Ocasio-Cortez’s talking points.

Ocasio-Cortez’s office tried to smooth over the controversy by claiming the fact sheet was both an unfinished and old draft.

They also raised concerns about “doctored” documents about the Green New Deal being circulated by Republicans.

Rather than slowing attacks, these claims have only fed the conservative outrage.

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You do have to hand it to AOC in one regard, when it comes to spinning out volumes of pure horse**** by the bucketful, AOC is right in there with the best of them, and that is a fact, which takes us back to the VOX article as follows:.

But at its core, it is still a compromise between left-wing activists and more mainstream Democrats, who are eager to work with the rising stars in the Democratic Party.

This flub with Ocasio-Cortez’s talking points puts that partnership off to a rocky start.

The Green New Deal was never going to gain conservative support; it is, at its core, a progressive mission statement for tackling the big problems around climate change and expanding the social safety net.

For this reason, the actual resolution’s legislative text has come under criticism in its own right.

But the fact sheet opened up the Green New Deal to ridicule that could have been warded off.

It said things like the carbon emission goals were set at net zero in 10 years instead of at zero “because we aren’t sure that we’ll be able to fully get rid of farting cows and airplanes that fast” — a point that has since been mocked relentlessly.

The talking points also alarmed entitlement-wary Republicans with the suggestion that people “unwilling to work” could get benefits.

The attacks escalated when Robert Hockett, a Cornell University professor, and outside adviser to Ocasio-Cortez, went on Tucker Carlson’s show to defend the Green New Deal, appearing wholly unaware of the fact sheet released by her office.

Carlson asked Hockett: “Why would we ever pay people who are ‘unwilling to work’?”

Hockett responded: “Uh, we never would, right?”

“And AOC has never said anything like that, right?” going on to say the document Carlson was pulling from was “doctored,” and being circulated by Republicans — only to realize later it was real and from Ocasio-Cortez’s office.

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And let us again stop right there and focus in on these words: “only to realize later it was real and from Ocasio-Cortez’s office.”

So what mind game was AOC playing with the American people during the Yahoo News podcast “Skullduggery” on Sunday when she was blathering about “an erroneous FAQ?”

Getting back to VOX:

Hockett’s comments started a second conservative media cycle about an Ocasio-Cortez surrogate supposedly lying on live television.

The backlash prompted Ocasio-Cortez’s office to remove the “frequently asked questions” page from the representative’s website, and amend the fact sheet.

Ocasio Cortez’s staff doesn’t have a clear explanation for what happened

There hasn’t been a lot of clarity on exactly how this fact sheet got sent out to numerous media organizations at the same time as the final Green New Deal resolution.

Ocasio-Cortez’s office has said there is a fact sheet that was intentionally doctored, and also that an unfinished draft got sent out and posted on their website before it was ready for prime time.

“There are multiple doctored GND resolutions and FAQs floating around,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted this weekend.

“There was also a draft version that got uploaded + taken down.”

“There’s also draft versions floating out there.”

But for the most part, Ocasio-Cortez’s office has backed away from Hockett’s assertion that the fact sheet was doctored and sent out by Republicans, saying that it was a mistake.

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And mixed in with the horse**** is a load of pure, unadulterated pig**** as well, which again takes us back to VOX, as follows:

In a string of Saturday tweets, Chakrabarti provided more clarity about the rollout of the Green New Deal and what went wrong with the fact sheet release.

“We did this in collaboration with a bunch of groups and offices over the course of the last month,” Chakrabarti tweeted on Saturday.

“As part of that process, there were multiple iterations, brainstorming docs, FAQs, etc. that we shared.”

“Some of these early drafts got leaked.”

Per Chakrabarti’s account, this fact sheet got “leaked” before it was ready; a statement that doesn’t quite match up with the accounts of multiple news organizations who say Ocasio-Cortez’s office sent them the fact sheet along with the final resolution.

Additional confusion came when Chakrabarti and Ocasio-Cortez both alluded to a separate “doctored” fact sheet.

The Congress member’s staff hasn’t provided a lot of information around who wrote the talking points — and how much input outside groups had on the document that was released.

Her office has not responded to a list of questions from Vox as of publication time.

“There separately IS a doctored FAQ floating around,” Chakrabarti tweeted.

“And an early draft of a FAQ that was clearly unfinished and that doesn’t represent the GND resolution go published to the website by mistake (idea was to wait for launch, monitor questions and rewrite that FAQ before publishing).”

But one thing is clear; the rollout has put Green New Deal supporters including 2020 candidates in an uncomfortable position, having to answer questions about whether they’d support things that were never supposed to see the light of day.

No matter the circumstances, a messy rollout could complicate support for the resolution in Congress.

What’s in the actual Green New Deal represents a compromise with mainstream Democrats

The appeal of the Green New Deal is in part how vague it is.

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Except as Democratic Socialist Superstar AOC has learned, here in America, where not everybody is stupid, vague simply does not cut it. ... ent-141136
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